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packhand.c File Reference
#include <string.h>
#include "bitvector.h"
#include "capability.h"
#include "fcintl.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "mem.h"
#include "rand.h"
#include "string_vector.h"
#include "support.h"
#include "achievements.h"
#include "actions.h"
#include "capstr.h"
#include "citizens.h"
#include "counters.h"
#include "events.h"
#include "extras.h"
#include "game.h"
#include "government.h"
#include "idex.h"
#include "map.h"
#include "name_translation.h"
#include "movement.h"
#include "multipliers.h"
#include "nation.h"
#include "packets.h"
#include "player.h"
#include "research.h"
#include "rgbcolor.h"
#include "road.h"
#include "spaceship.h"
#include "specialist.h"
#include "style.h"
#include "traderoutes.h"
#include "unit.h"
#include "unitlist.h"
#include "worklist.h"
#include "chatline_g.h"
#include "citydlg_g.h"
#include "cityrep_g.h"
#include "connectdlg_g.h"
#include "dialogs_g.h"
#include "editgui_g.h"
#include "gui_main_g.h"
#include "inteldlg_g.h"
#include "mapctrl_g.h"
#include "mapview_g.h"
#include "menu_g.h"
#include "messagewin_g.h"
#include "pages_g.h"
#include "plrdlg_g.h"
#include "ratesdlg_g.h"
#include "repodlgs_g.h"
#include "spaceshipdlg_g.h"
#include "voteinfo_bar_g.h"
#include "wldlg_g.h"
#include "agents.h"
#include "attribute.h"
#include "audio.h"
#include "client_main.h"
#include "climap.h"
#include "climisc.h"
#include "clitreaty.h"
#include "connectdlg_common.h"
#include "control.h"
#include "editor.h"
#include "goto.h"
#include "helpdata.h"
#include "mapview_common.h"
#include "music.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "overview_common.h"
#include "tilespec.h"
#include "update_queue.h"
#include "voteinfo.h"
#include "script_client.h"
#include "packhand.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


#define VALIDATE(_count, _maximum, _string)
#define VALIDATE(_count, _maximum, _string)


static void city_packet_common (struct city *pcity, struct tile *pcenter, struct player *powner, struct tile_list *worked_tiles, bool is_new, bool popup, bool investigate)
static bool handle_unit_packet_common (struct unit *packet_unit)
void packhand_free (void)
static void packhand_init (void)
static struct unitunpackage_unit (const struct packet_unit_info *packet)
static struct unitunpackage_short_unit (const struct packet_unit_short_info *packet)
void handle_server_join_reply (bool you_can_join, const char *message, const char *capability, const char *challenge_file, int conn_id)
void handle_city_remove (int city_id)
void handle_unit_remove (int unit_id)
void handle_nuke_tile_info (int tile)
void handle_team_name_info (int team_id, const char *team_name)
void handle_unit_combat_info (const struct packet_unit_combat_info *packet)
static bool update_improvement_from_packet (struct city *pcity, struct impr_type *pimprove, bool have_impr)
void handle_city_info (const struct packet_city_info *packet)
void handle_city_nationalities (const struct packet_city_nationalities *packet)
void handle_city_rally_point (const struct packet_city_rally_point *packet)
void handle_trade_route_info (const struct packet_trade_route_info *packet)
void handle_city_short_info (const struct packet_city_short_info *packet)
void handle_worker_task (const struct packet_worker_task *packet)
void handle_new_year (int year, int fragments, int turn)
void handle_end_phase (void)
void handle_start_phase (int phase)
void handle_begin_turn (void)
void handle_end_turn (void)
void play_sound_for_event (enum event_type type)
void handle_chat_msg (const struct packet_chat_msg *packet)
void handle_early_chat_msg (const struct packet_early_chat_msg *packet)
void handle_connect_msg (const char *message)
void handle_server_info (const char *version_label, int major_version, int minor_version, int patch_version, int emerg_version)
void handle_page_msg (const char *caption, const char *headline, enum event_type event, int len, int parts)
void handle_page_msg_part (const char *lines)
void handle_unit_info (const struct packet_unit_info *packet)
static void action_decision_handle (struct unit *punit)
void handle_investigate_started (const struct packet_investigate_started *packet)
void handle_investigate_finished (const struct packet_investigate_finished *packet)
void handle_unit_short_info (const struct packet_unit_short_info *packet)
void handle_set_topology (int topology_id, int wrap_id)
void handle_map_info (const struct packet_map_info *packet)
void handle_game_info (const struct packet_game_info *pinfo)
void handle_calendar_info (const struct packet_calendar_info *pcalendar)
void handle_timeout_info (float seconds_to_phasedone, float last_turn_change_time)
void set_government_choice (struct government *government)
void start_revolution (void)
void handle_player_remove (int playerno)
void handle_player_info (const struct packet_player_info *pinfo)
void handle_research_info (const struct packet_research_info *packet)
void handle_unknown_research (int id)
void handle_player_diplstate (const struct packet_player_diplstate *packet)
void handle_conn_info (const struct packet_conn_info *pinfo)
void handle_conn_ping_info (int connections, const int *conn_id, const float *ping_time)
void handle_achievement_info (int id, bool gained, bool first)
static bool spaceship_autoplace (struct player *pplayer, struct player_spaceship *ship)
void handle_spaceship_info (const struct packet_spaceship_info *p)
static intcontinent_adjacency_count (Continent_id cont1, Continent_id cont2)
static void update_continent_cache (const struct tile *ptile, Continent_id old_cont, Continent_id new_cont)
void handle_tile_info (const struct packet_tile_info *packet)
void handle_scenario_info (const struct packet_scenario_info *packet)
void handle_scenario_description (const char *description)
void handle_ruleset_control (const struct packet_ruleset_control *packet)
void handle_ruleset_summary (const struct packet_ruleset_summary *packet)
void handle_ruleset_description_part (const struct packet_ruleset_description_part *packet)
void handle_rulesets_ready (void)
void handle_ruleset_unit_class (const struct packet_ruleset_unit_class *p)
void handle_ruleset_unit (const struct packet_ruleset_unit *p)
void handle_ruleset_unit_bonus (const struct packet_ruleset_unit_bonus *p)
void handle_ruleset_unit_flag (const struct packet_ruleset_unit_flag *p)
void handle_ruleset_unit_class_flag (const struct packet_ruleset_unit_class_flag *p)
static int unpack_tech_req (const enum tech_req r_num, const struct requirement_vector *reqs, struct advance *a, int i)
void handle_ruleset_tech (const struct packet_ruleset_tech *p)
void handle_ruleset_tech_class (const struct packet_ruleset_tech_class *p)
void handle_ruleset_tech_flag (const struct packet_ruleset_tech_flag *p)
void handle_ruleset_building (const struct packet_ruleset_building *p)
void handle_ruleset_impr_flag (const struct packet_ruleset_impr_flag *p)
void handle_ruleset_multiplier (const struct packet_ruleset_multiplier *p)
void handle_ruleset_government (const struct packet_ruleset_government *p)
void handle_ruleset_government_ruler_title (const struct packet_ruleset_government_ruler_title *packet)
void handle_ruleset_terrain (const struct packet_ruleset_terrain *p)
void handle_ruleset_terrain_flag (const struct packet_ruleset_terrain_flag *p)
void handle_ruleset_resource (const struct packet_ruleset_resource *p)
void handle_ruleset_extra (const struct packet_ruleset_extra *p)
void handle_ruleset_extra_flag (const struct packet_ruleset_extra_flag *p)
void handle_ruleset_base (const struct packet_ruleset_base *p)
void handle_ruleset_road (const struct packet_ruleset_road *p)
void handle_ruleset_goods (const struct packet_ruleset_goods *p)
void handle_ruleset_action (const struct packet_ruleset_action *p)
void handle_ruleset_action_enabler (const struct packet_ruleset_action_enabler *p)
void handle_ruleset_action_auto (const struct packet_ruleset_action_auto *p)
void handle_ruleset_disaster (const struct packet_ruleset_disaster *p)
void handle_ruleset_achievement (const struct packet_ruleset_achievement *p)
void handle_ruleset_trade (const struct packet_ruleset_trade *p)
void handle_ruleset_terrain_control (const struct packet_ruleset_terrain_control *p)
void handle_ruleset_nation_sets (const struct packet_ruleset_nation_sets *packet)
void handle_ruleset_nation_groups (const struct packet_ruleset_nation_groups *packet)
void handle_ruleset_nation (const struct packet_ruleset_nation *packet)
void handle_nation_availability (int ncount, const bool *is_pickable, bool nationset_change)
void handle_ruleset_style (const struct packet_ruleset_style *p)
void handle_ruleset_clause (const struct packet_ruleset_clause *p)
void handle_ruleset_city (const struct packet_ruleset_city *packet)
void handle_ruleset_music (const struct packet_ruleset_music *packet)
void handle_ruleset_game (const struct packet_ruleset_game *packet)
void handle_ruleset_specialist (const struct packet_ruleset_specialist *p)
void handle_city_name_suggestion_info (int unit_id, const char *name)
void handle_unit_action_answer (int actor_id, int target_id, int cost, action_id action_type, int request_kind)
static action_id auto_attack_act (const struct act_prob *act_probs)
static void action_decision_maybe_auto (struct unit *actor_unit, const struct act_prob *act_probs, struct unit *target_unit, struct city *target_city, struct tile *target_tile)
void handle_unit_actions (const struct packet_unit_actions *packet)
void handle_city_sabotage_list (int actor_id, int city_id, bv_imprs improvements, action_id act_id, int request_kind)
void handle_endgame_report (const struct packet_endgame_report *packet)
void handle_endgame_player (const struct packet_endgame_player *packet)
void handle_player_attribute_chunk (const struct packet_player_attribute_chunk *packet)
void handle_processing_started (void)
void handle_processing_finished (void)
void notify_about_incoming_packet (struct connection *pc, int packet_type, int size)
void notify_about_outgoing_packet (struct connection *pc, int packet_type, int size, int request_id)
void handle_freeze_client (void)
void handle_thaw_client (void)
void handle_conn_ping (void)
void handle_server_shutdown (void)
void handle_ruleset_effect (const struct packet_ruleset_effect *packet)
void handle_edit_object_created (int tag, int id)
void handle_edit_startpos (const struct packet_edit_startpos *packet)
void handle_edit_startpos_full (const struct packet_edit_startpos_full *packet)
void handle_edit_fogofwar_state (bool enabled)
void handle_vote_remove (int vote_no)
void handle_vote_update (int vote_no, int yes, int no, int abstain, int num_voters)
void handle_vote_new (const struct packet_vote_new *packet)
void handle_vote_resolve (int vote_no, bool passed)
void handle_play_music (const char *tag)
void handle_popup_image (const char *tag)
void handle_diplomacy_init_meeting (int counterpart, int initiated_from)
void handle_diplomacy_accept_treaty (int counterpart, bool I_accepted, bool other_accepted)
void handle_diplomacy_cancel_meeting (int counterpart, int initiated_from)
void handle_diplomacy_create_clause (int counterpart, int giver, enum clause_type type, int value)
void handle_diplomacy_remove_clause (int counterpart, int giver, enum clause_type type, int value)
void handle_ruleset_counter (const struct packet_ruleset_counter *packet)
void handle_city_update_counters (const struct packet_city_update_counters *packet)
void handle_sync_serial_reply (int serial)


struct { 
   struct city_list *   cities 
   struct player *   placeholder 
struct { 
   int   len 
   enum event_type   event 
   char *   caption 
   char *   headline 
   char *   lines 
   int   parts 
page_msg_report = { .parts = 0 } 
const char forced_tileset_name []
static int last_turn = 0
const action_id auto_attack_actions []
const action_id auto_attack_blockers []

Macro Definition Documentation



Definition at line 142 of file packhand.c.



Definition at line 140 of file packhand.c.

◆ VALIDATE [1/2]

#define VALIDATE (   _count,
if ( > _maximum) { \
log_error("handle_game_info(): Too many " _string "; using %d of %d", \
_maximum,; \ = _maximum; \
Definition aiguard.c:37
struct civ_game game
Definition game.c:61
struct packet_game_info info
Definition game.h:89

◆ VALIDATE [2/2]

#define VALIDATE (   _count,
if (game.control._count > _maximum) { \
log_error("handle_ruleset_control(): Too many " _string \
"; using %d of %d", _maximum, game.control._count); \
game.control._count = _maximum; \
struct packet_ruleset_control control
Definition game.h:83

Function Documentation

◆ action_decision_handle()

static void action_decision_handle ( struct unit punit)

Request that the player makes a decision for the specified unit unless it may be an automatic decision. In that case check if one of the auto actions are enabled.

Definition at line 1670 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by handle_unit_packet_common().

◆ action_decision_maybe_auto()

static void action_decision_maybe_auto ( struct unit actor_unit,
const struct act_prob act_probs,
struct unit target_unit,
struct city target_city,
struct tile target_tile 

Do an auto action or request that the player makes a decision for the specified unit.

Definition at line 5120 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by handle_unit_actions().

◆ auto_attack_act()

static action_id auto_attack_act ( const struct act_prob act_probs)

Returns a possibly legal attack action iff it is the only interesting action that currently is legal.

Definition at line 5090 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by action_decision_maybe_auto().

◆ city_packet_common()

static void city_packet_common ( struct city pcity,
struct tile pcenter,
struct player powner,
struct tile_list worked_tiles,
bool  is_new,
bool  popup,
bool  investigate 

A helper function for handling city-info and city-short-info packets. Naturally, both require many of the same operations to be done on the data.

Definition at line 1029 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by handle_city_info(), and handle_city_short_info().

◆ continent_adjacency_count()

static int * continent_adjacency_count ( Continent_id  cont1,
Continent_id  cont2 

Returns the location of the adjacency count between the two given continents or oceans, where ID 0 stands for unknown tiles.

Definition at line 3133 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by update_continent_cache().

◆ handle_achievement_info()

void handle_achievement_info ( int  id,
bool  gained,
bool  first 

Received package about gaining an achievement.

Definition at line 3031 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_begin_turn()

void handle_begin_turn ( void  )

Called when begin-turn packet is received. Server has finished processing turn change.

Definition at line 1484 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_calendar_info()

void handle_calendar_info ( const struct packet_calendar_info pcalendar)

Packet calendar_info handler.

Definition at line 2360 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_chat_msg()

void handle_chat_msg ( const struct packet_chat_msg packet)

Handle a message packet. This includes all messages - both in-game messages and chats from other players.

Definition at line 1538 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_city_info()

void handle_city_info ( const struct packet_city_info packet)

A city-info packet contains all information about a city. If we receive this packet then we know everything about the city internals.

Definition at line 658 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_city_name_suggestion_info()

void handle_city_name_suggestion_info ( int  unit_id,
const char name 

Handle reply to our city name request.

Definition at line 4916 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_city_nationalities()

void handle_city_nationalities ( const struct packet_city_nationalities packet)

Handle city nationalities packet.

Definition at line 995 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_city_rally_point()

void handle_city_rally_point ( const struct packet_city_rally_point packet)

Handle city rally point packet.

Definition at line 1015 of file packhand.c.

◆ handle_city_remove()

void handle_city_remove ( int  city_id)

Handles a remove-city packet, used by the server to tell us any time a city is no longer there.

Definition at line 476 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_city_sabotage_list()

void handle_city_sabotage_list ( int  actor_id,
int  city_id,
bv_imprs  improvements,
action_id  act_id,
int  request_kind 

Handle list of potenttial buildings to sabotage.

Definition at line 5258 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_city_short_info()

void handle_city_short_info ( const struct packet_city_short_info packet)

A city-short-info packet is sent to tell us about any cities we can't see the internals of. Most of the time this includes any cities owned by someone else.

Definition at line 1166 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_city_update_counters()

void handle_city_update_counters ( const struct packet_city_update_counters packet)

Handle updating city's counters, when server request

Definition at line 5710 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_conn_info()

void handle_conn_info ( const struct packet_conn_info pinfo)

Remove, add, or update dummy connection struct representing some connection to the server, with info from packet_conn_info. Updates player and game connection lists. Calls players_dialog_update() in case info for that has changed.

Definition at line 2902 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_conn_ping()

void handle_conn_ping ( void  )

Reply to 'ping' packet with 'pong'

Definition at line 5446 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_conn_ping_info()

void handle_conn_ping_info ( int  connections,
const int conn_id,
const float ping_time 

Handles a conn_ping_info packet from the server. This packet contains ping times for each connection.

Definition at line 3008 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_connect_msg()

void handle_connect_msg ( const char message)

Handle a connect message packet. Server sends connect message to client immediately when client connects.

Definition at line 1572 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_diplomacy_accept_treaty()

void handle_diplomacy_accept_treaty ( int  counterpart,
bool  I_accepted,
bool  other_accepted 

Server tells us that either party has accepted treaty

Definition at line 5651 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_diplomacy_cancel_meeting()

void handle_diplomacy_cancel_meeting ( int  counterpart,
int  initiated_from 

Meeting has been cancelled.

Definition at line 5660 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_diplomacy_create_clause()

void handle_diplomacy_create_clause ( int  counterpart,
int  giver,
enum clause_type  type,
int  value 

Add clause to the meeting

Definition at line 5668 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_diplomacy_init_meeting()

void handle_diplomacy_init_meeting ( int  counterpart,
int  initiated_from 

Open meeting

Definition at line 5643 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_diplomacy_remove_clause()

void handle_diplomacy_remove_clause ( int  counterpart,
int  giver,
enum clause_type  type,
int  value 

Remove clause from meeting.

Definition at line 5677 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_early_chat_msg()

void handle_early_chat_msg ( const struct packet_early_chat_msg packet)

Handle an early message packet. Thease have format like other chat messages but server sends them only about events related to establishing the connection and other setup in the early phase. They are a separate packet just so that client knows thse to be already relevant when it's only setting itself up - other chat messages might be just something sent to all clients, and we might want to still consider ourselves "not connected" (not receivers of those messages) until we are fully in the game.

Definition at line 1558 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_edit_fogofwar_state()

void handle_edit_fogofwar_state ( bool  enabled)

Handle edit mode fog-of-war state

Definition at line 5550 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_edit_object_created()

void handle_edit_object_created ( int  tag,
int  id 

Handle a notification from the server that an object was successfully created. The 'tag' was previously sent to the server when the client requested the creation. The 'id' is the identifier of the newly created object.

Definition at line 5473 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_edit_startpos()

void handle_edit_startpos ( const struct packet_edit_startpos packet)

Handle start position creation/removal.

Definition at line 5481 of file packhand.c.

◆ handle_edit_startpos_full()

void handle_edit_startpos_full ( const struct packet_edit_startpos_full packet)

Handle start position internal information.

Definition at line 5519 of file packhand.c.

◆ handle_end_phase()

void handle_end_phase ( void  )

Called by the network code when an end-phase packet is received. This signifies the end of our phase (it's not sent for other player's phases).

Definition at line 1414 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_end_turn()

void handle_end_turn ( void  )

Called when end-turn packet is received. Server starts processing turn change.

Definition at line 1498 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_endgame_player()

void handle_endgame_player ( const struct packet_endgame_player packet)

Pass endgame report about single player.

Definition at line 5328 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_endgame_report()

void handle_endgame_report ( const struct packet_endgame_report packet)

Pass the header information about things be displayed in a gui-specific endgame dialog.

Definition at line 5319 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_freeze_client()

void handle_freeze_client ( void  )

We have received PACKET_FREEZE_CLIENT.

Definition at line 5425 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_game_info()

void handle_game_info ( const struct packet_game_info pinfo)

Packet game_info handler.

Definition at line 2284 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_investigate_finished()

void handle_investigate_finished ( const struct packet_investigate_finished packet)

Receive an investigate_finished packet

Definition at line 2162 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_investigate_started()

void handle_investigate_started ( const struct packet_investigate_started packet)

Receive an investigate_started packet

Can't rely on generic packet_processing_started, as that works for the requesting connection only, and not for observers.

Definition at line 2138 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_map_info()

void handle_map_info ( const struct packet_map_info packet)

Receive information about the map size and topology from the server. We initialize some global variables at the same time.

Definition at line 2242 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_nation_availability()

void handle_nation_availability ( int  ncount,
const bool is_pickable,
bool  nationset_change 

Handle nation availability info. This can change during pregame so is separate from ruleset_nation.

Definition at line 4764 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_new_year()

void handle_new_year ( int  year,
int  fragments,
int  turn 

Handle turn and year advancement.

Definition at line 1365 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_nuke_tile_info()

void handle_nuke_tile_info ( int  tile)

The tile (x,y) has been nuked!

Definition at line 553 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_page_msg()

void handle_page_msg ( const char caption,
const char headline,
enum event_type  event,
int  len,
int  parts 

Page_msg header handler.

Definition at line 1597 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_page_msg_part()

void handle_page_msg_part ( const char lines)

Page_msg part handler.

Definition at line 1628 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet(), and handle_page_msg().

◆ handle_play_music()

void handle_play_music ( const char tag)

Play suitable music

Definition at line 5627 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_player_attribute_chunk()

void handle_player_attribute_chunk ( const struct packet_player_attribute_chunk packet)

Packet player_attribute_chunk handler.

Definition at line 5344 of file packhand.c.

◆ handle_player_diplstate()

void handle_player_diplstate ( const struct packet_player_diplstate packet)

Packet player_diplstate handler.

Definition at line 2801 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_player_info()

void handle_player_info ( const struct packet_player_info pinfo)

Handle information about a player. If the packet refers to a player slot that is not currently used, then this function will set that slot to used and update the total player count.

Definition at line 2454 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_player_remove()

void handle_player_remove ( int  playerno)

Handle a notification that the player slot identified by 'playerno' has become unused. If the slot is already unused, then just ignore. Otherwise update the total player count and the GUI.

Definition at line 2409 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_popup_image()

void handle_popup_image ( const char tag)

Popup image

Definition at line 5635 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_processing_finished()

void handle_processing_finished ( void  )

Handle request to stop processing packet.

Definition at line 5381 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_processing_started()

void handle_processing_started ( void  )

Handle request to start processing packet.

Definition at line 5363 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_research_info()

void handle_research_info ( const struct packet_research_info packet)

Receive a research info packet.

Definition at line 2687 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_ruleset_achievement()

void handle_ruleset_achievement ( const struct packet_ruleset_achievement p)

Handle a packet about a particular achievement type.

Definition at line 4588 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_ruleset_action()

void handle_ruleset_action ( const struct packet_ruleset_action p)

Handle a packet about a particular action.

Definition at line 4491 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_ruleset_action_auto()

void handle_ruleset_action_auto ( const struct packet_ruleset_action_auto p)

Handle a packet about a particular action auto performer rule.

Definition at line 4551 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_ruleset_action_enabler()

void handle_ruleset_action_enabler ( const struct packet_ruleset_action_enabler p)

Handle a packet about a particular action enabler.

Definition at line 4525 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_ruleset_base()

void handle_ruleset_base ( const struct packet_ruleset_base p)

Handle a packet about a particular base type.

Definition at line 4420 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_ruleset_building()

void handle_ruleset_building ( const struct packet_ruleset_building p)

Packet ruleset_building handler.

Definition at line 4011 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_ruleset_city()

void handle_ruleset_city ( const struct packet_ruleset_city packet)

Handle city style packet.

Definition at line 4810 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_ruleset_clause()

void handle_ruleset_clause ( const struct packet_ruleset_clause p)

Handle a packet about a particular clause.

Definition at line 4794 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_ruleset_control()

void handle_ruleset_control ( const struct packet_ruleset_control packet)

Take arrival of ruleset control packet to indicate that current allocated governments should be free'd, and new memory allocated for new size. The same for nations.

Definition at line 3533 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_ruleset_counter()

void handle_ruleset_counter ( const struct packet_ruleset_counter packet)

Handle each counter's ruleset packet sent from server instance to this client.

Definition at line 5687 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_ruleset_description_part()

void handle_ruleset_description_part ( const struct packet_ruleset_description_part packet)

Next part of ruleset description.

Definition at line 3647 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_ruleset_disaster()

void handle_ruleset_disaster ( const struct packet_ruleset_disaster p)

Handle a packet about a particular disaster type.

Definition at line 4570 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_ruleset_effect()

void handle_ruleset_effect ( const struct packet_ruleset_effect packet)

Add effect data to ruleset cache.

Definition at line 5462 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_ruleset_extra()

void handle_ruleset_extra ( const struct packet_ruleset_extra p)

Handle a packet about a particular extra type.

Definition at line 4269 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_ruleset_extra_flag()

void handle_ruleset_extra_flag ( const struct packet_ruleset_extra_flag p)

Packet ruleset_extra_flag handler.

Definition at line 4394 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_ruleset_game()

void handle_ruleset_game ( const struct packet_ruleset_game packet)

Packet ruleset_game handler.

Definition at line 4851 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_ruleset_goods()

void handle_ruleset_goods ( const struct packet_ruleset_goods p)

Handle a packet about a particular goods type.

Definition at line 4468 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_ruleset_government()

void handle_ruleset_government ( const struct packet_ruleset_government p)

Packet ruleset_government handler.

Definition at line 4103 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_ruleset_government_ruler_title()

void handle_ruleset_government_ruler_title ( const struct packet_ruleset_government_ruler_title packet)

Packet ruleset_government_ruler_title handler.

Definition at line 4127 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_ruleset_impr_flag()

void handle_ruleset_impr_flag ( const struct packet_ruleset_impr_flag p)

Packet ruleset_impr_flag handler.

Definition at line 4055 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_ruleset_multiplier()

void handle_ruleset_multiplier ( const struct packet_ruleset_multiplier p)

Packet ruleset_multiplier handler.

Definition at line 4081 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_ruleset_music()

void handle_ruleset_music ( const struct packet_ruleset_music packet)

Handle music style packet.

Definition at line 4832 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_ruleset_nation()

void handle_ruleset_nation ( const struct packet_ruleset_nation packet)

Handle initial ruleset nation info.

Definition at line 4674 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_ruleset_nation_groups()

void handle_ruleset_nation_groups ( const struct packet_ruleset_nation_groups packet)

Handle the list of nation groups, sent as part of the ruleset.

Definition at line 4652 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_ruleset_nation_sets()

void handle_ruleset_nation_sets ( const struct packet_ruleset_nation_sets packet)

Handle the list of nation sets, sent as part of the ruleset.

Definition at line 4631 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_ruleset_resource()

void handle_ruleset_resource ( const struct packet_ruleset_resource p)

Handle a packet about a particular terrain resource.

Definition at line 4250 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_ruleset_road()

void handle_ruleset_road ( const struct packet_ruleset_road p)

Handle a packet about a particular road type.

Definition at line 4441 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_ruleset_specialist()

void handle_ruleset_specialist ( const struct packet_ruleset_specialist p)

Handle info about a single specialist.

Definition at line 4896 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_ruleset_style()

void handle_ruleset_style ( const struct packet_ruleset_style p)

Handle a packet about a particular style.

Definition at line 4782 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_ruleset_summary()

void handle_ruleset_summary ( const struct packet_ruleset_summary packet)

Ruleset summary.

Definition at line 3629 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_ruleset_tech()

void handle_ruleset_tech ( const struct packet_ruleset_tech p)

Packet ruleset_tech handler.

Definition at line 3904 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_ruleset_tech_class()

void handle_ruleset_tech_class ( const struct packet_ruleset_tech_class p)

Packet ruleset_tech_class handler.

Definition at line 3973 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_ruleset_tech_flag()

void handle_ruleset_tech_flag ( const struct packet_ruleset_tech_flag p)

Packet ruleset_tech_flag handler.

Definition at line 3986 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_ruleset_terrain()

void handle_ruleset_terrain ( const struct packet_ruleset_terrain p)

Packet ruleset_terrain handler.

Definition at line 4142 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_ruleset_terrain_control()

void handle_ruleset_terrain_control ( const struct packet_ruleset_terrain_control p)

Handle the terrain control ruleset packet sent by the server.

Definition at line 4618 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_ruleset_terrain_flag()

void handle_ruleset_terrain_flag ( const struct packet_ruleset_terrain_flag p)

Packet ruleset_terrain_flag handler.

Definition at line 4225 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_ruleset_trade()

void handle_ruleset_trade ( const struct packet_ruleset_trade p)

Handle a packet about a particular trade route type.

Definition at line 4604 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_ruleset_unit()

void handle_ruleset_unit ( const struct packet_ruleset_unit p)

Packet ruleset_unit handler.

Definition at line 3729 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_ruleset_unit_bonus()

void handle_ruleset_unit_bonus ( const struct packet_ruleset_unit_bonus p)

Packet ruleset_unit_bonus handler.

Definition at line 3800 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_ruleset_unit_class()

void handle_ruleset_unit_class ( const struct packet_ruleset_unit_class p)

Packet ruleset_unit_class handler.

Definition at line 3711 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_ruleset_unit_class_flag()

void handle_ruleset_unit_class_flag ( const struct packet_ruleset_unit_class_flag p)

Packet ruleset_unit_class_flag handler.

Definition at line 3845 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_ruleset_unit_flag()

void handle_ruleset_unit_flag ( const struct packet_ruleset_unit_flag p)

Packet ruleset_unit_flag handler.

Definition at line 3820 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_rulesets_ready()

void handle_rulesets_ready ( void  )

Received packet indicating that all rulesets have now been received.

Definition at line 3657 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_scenario_description()

void handle_scenario_description ( const char description)

Received packet containing description of current scenario

Definition at line 3521 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_scenario_info()

void handle_scenario_info ( const struct packet_scenario_info packet)

Received packet containing info about current scenario

Definition at line 3500 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_server_info()

void handle_server_info ( const char version_label,
int  major_version,
int  minor_version,
int  patch_version,
int  emerg_version 

Handle server info packet. Server sends info packet as soon as it knows client to be compatible.

Definition at line 1581 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_server_join_reply()

void handle_server_join_reply ( bool  you_can_join,
const char message,
const char capability,
const char challenge_file,
int  conn_id 

After we send a join packet to the server we receive a reply. This function handles the reply.

Definition at line 408 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_server_shutdown()

void handle_server_shutdown ( void  )

Handle server shutdown.

Definition at line 5454 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_set_topology()

void handle_set_topology ( int  topology_id,
int  wrap_id 

Server requested topology change.

Definition at line 2219 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_spaceship_info()

void handle_spaceship_info ( const struct packet_spaceship_info p)

Packet spaceship_info handler.

Definition at line 3087 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_start_phase()

void handle_start_phase ( int  phase)

Called by the network code when an start-phase packet is received. This may be the start of our phase or someone else's phase.

Definition at line 1425 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_sync_serial_reply()

void handle_sync_serial_reply ( int  serial)

Handle servers's reply to request to sync via packet serial number

Definition at line 5740 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_team_name_info()

void handle_team_name_info ( int  team_id,
const char team_name 

The name of team 'team_id'

Definition at line 561 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_thaw_client()

void handle_thaw_client ( void  )

We have received PACKET_THAW_CLIENT

Definition at line 5435 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_tile_info()

void handle_tile_info ( const struct packet_tile_info packet)

Packet tile_info handler.

Definition at line 3241 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_timeout_info()

void handle_timeout_info ( float  seconds_to_phasedone,
float  last_turn_change_time 

Sets the remaining turn time.

Definition at line 2368 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_trade_route_info()

void handle_trade_route_info ( const struct packet_trade_route_info packet)

A trade route-info packet contains information about one end of a trade route

Definition at line 1131 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_unit_action_answer()

void handle_unit_action_answer ( int  actor_id,
int  target_id,
int  cost,
action_id  action_type,
int  request_kind 

Handle the requested follow up question about an action

The action can be a valid action or the special value ACTION_NONE. ACTION_NONE indicates that performing the action is impossible.

Definition at line 4952 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_unit_actions()

void handle_unit_actions ( const struct packet_unit_actions packet)

Handle reply to possible actions.

Note that a reply to a foreground request (a reply where request_kind is REQEST_PLAYER_INITIATED) must result in its clean up.

Definition at line 5188 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_unit_combat_info()

void handle_unit_combat_info ( const struct packet_unit_combat_info packet)

A combat packet. The server tells us the attacker and defender as well as both of their hitpoints after the combat is over (in most combat, one unit always dies and their HP drops to zero). If make_winner_veteran is set then the surviving unit becomes veteran.

Definition at line 576 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_unit_info()

void handle_unit_info ( const struct packet_unit_info packet)

Packet unit_info.

Definition at line 1654 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_unit_packet_common()

static bool handle_unit_packet_common ( struct unit packet_unit)

Called to do basic handling for a unit_info or short_unit_info packet.

Both owned and foreign units are handled; you may need to check unit owner, or if unit equals focus unit, depending on what you are doing.

Note: Normally the server informs client about a new "activity" here. For owned units, the new activity can be a result of:

  • The player issued a command (a request) with the client.
  • The server side AI did something.
  • An enemy encounter caused a sentry to idle. (See "Wakeup Focus").

Depending on what caused the change, different actions may be taken. Therefore, this function is a bit of a jungle, and it is advisable to read thoroughly before changing.

Definition at line 1708 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by handle_unit_info(), and handle_unit_short_info().

◆ handle_unit_remove()

void handle_unit_remove ( int  unit_id)

Handle a remove-unit packet, sent by the server to tell us any time a unit is no longer there.

Definition at line 499 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet(), and handle_unit_packet_common().

◆ handle_unit_short_info()

void handle_unit_short_info ( const struct packet_unit_short_info packet)

Receive a short_unit info packet.

Definition at line 2169 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_unknown_research()

void handle_unknown_research ( int  id)

Received a packet indicating we don't know the research details any more.

Definition at line 2771 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_vote_new()

void handle_vote_new ( const struct packet_vote_new packet)

Create a new vote and add it to the queue. Refresh the GUI.

Definition at line 5591 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_vote_remove()

void handle_vote_remove ( int  vote_no)

A vote no longer exists. Remove from queue and update gui.

Definition at line 5560 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_vote_resolve()

void handle_vote_resolve ( int  vote_no,
bool  passed 

Update the vote's status and refresh the GUI.

Definition at line 5608 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_vote_update()

void handle_vote_update ( int  vote_no,
int  yes,
int  no,
int  abstain,
int  num_voters 

Find and update the corresponding vote and refresh the GUI.

Definition at line 5569 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_handle_packet().

◆ handle_worker_task()

void handle_worker_task ( const struct packet_worker_task packet)

Handle worker task assigned to the city

Definition at line 1308 of file packhand.c.

◆ notify_about_incoming_packet()

void notify_about_incoming_packet ( struct connection pc,
int  packet_type,
int  size 

Notify interested parties about incoming packet.

Definition at line 5401 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by make_connection().

◆ notify_about_outgoing_packet()

void notify_about_outgoing_packet ( struct connection pc,
int  packet_type,
int  size,
int  request_id 

Notify interested parties about outgoing packet.

Definition at line 5411 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by make_connection().

◆ packhand_free()

void packhand_free ( void  )

Called below, and by client/client_main.c client_game_free()

Definition at line 218 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by client_game_free(), client_game_reset(), and packhand_init().

◆ packhand_init()

static void packhand_init ( void  )

Called only by handle_map_info() below.

Definition at line 239 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by handle_map_info().

◆ play_sound_for_event()

void play_sound_for_event ( enum event_type  type)

Plays sound associated with event

Definition at line 1525 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by handle_event(), and handle_page_msg_part().

◆ set_government_choice()

void set_government_choice ( struct government government)

Sets the target government. This will automatically start a revolution if the target government differs from the current one.

Definition at line 2385 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by government_dlg_callback(), revolution_response(), and revolution_response().

◆ spaceship_autoplace()

static bool spaceship_autoplace ( struct player pplayer,
struct player_spaceship ship 

Ideally the client should let the player choose which type of modules and components to build, and (possibly) where to extend structurals. The protocol now makes this possible, but the client is not yet that good (would require GUI improvements) so currently the client choices stuff automatically if there is anything unplaced.

This function makes a choice (sends spaceship_action) and returns 1 if we placed something, else 0.

Do things one at a time; the server will send us an updated spaceship_info packet, and we'll be back here to do anything which is left.

Definition at line 3068 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by handle_spaceship_info().

◆ start_revolution()

void start_revolution ( void  )

Begin a revolution by telling the server to start it. This also clears the current government choice.

Definition at line 2398 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by revolution_response(), and revolution_response().

◆ unpack_tech_req()

static int unpack_tech_req ( const enum tech_req  r_num,
const struct requirement_vector reqs,
struct advance a,
int  i 

Unpack a traditional tech req from a standard requirement vector.

Returns the position in the requirement vector after unpacking. It will increase if a tech req was extracted.

Definition at line 3875 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by handle_ruleset_tech().

◆ unpackage_short_unit()

static struct unit * unpackage_short_unit ( const struct packet_unit_short_info packet)

Unpackage a short_unit_info packet. This extracts a limited amount of information about the unit, and is sent for units we shouldn't know everything about (like our enemies' units).

Information for the client must also be processed in handle_unit_packet_common()! Especially notice that unit structure filled here is just temporary one. Values must be copied to real unit in handle_unit_packet_common().

Definition at line 363 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by handle_unit_short_info().

◆ unpackage_unit()

static struct unit * unpackage_unit ( const struct packet_unit_info packet)

Unpackage the unit information into a newly allocated unit structure.

Information for the client must also be processed in handle_unit_packet_common()! Especially notice that unit structure filled here is just temporary one. Values must be copied to real unit in handle_unit_packet_common().

Definition at line 264 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by handle_unit_info().

◆ update_continent_cache()

static void update_continent_cache ( const struct tile ptile,
Continent_id  old_cont,
Continent_id  new_cont 

Incrementally update continent information (sizes and adjacency) for the given tile switching from one continent to another.

ptile is only used to iterate adjacent tiles, i.e. only its index must be accurate; everything else may be mid-change.

Definition at line 3153 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by handle_tile_info().

◆ update_improvement_from_packet()

static bool update_improvement_from_packet ( struct city pcity,
struct impr_type pimprove,
bool  have_impr 

Updates a city's list of improvements from packet data. "have_impr" specifies whether the improvement should be added (TRUE) or removed (FALSE). Returns TRUE if the improvement has been actually added or removed.

Definition at line 636 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by handle_city_info(), handle_city_sabotage_list(), and handle_city_short_info().

Variable Documentation

◆ auto_attack_actions

const action_id auto_attack_actions[]

◆ auto_attack_blockers

const action_id auto_attack_blockers[]

Definition at line 162 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by auto_attack_act().

◆ caption

char* caption

Definition at line 129 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by handle_page_msg().

◆ cities

struct city_list* cities

◆ event

Definition at line 128 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by handle_page_msg().

◆ forced_tileset_name

const char forced_tileset_name[]

Definition at line 141 of file client_main.c.

Referenced by client_main(), default_tileset_select(), and handle_set_topology().

◆ headline

char* headline

Definition at line 130 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by handle_page_msg().

◆ [struct]

struct { ... } invisible
Initial value:
= {
.cities = NULL,
.placeholder = NULL

Referenced by handle_city_info(), handle_city_short_info(), handle_tile_info(), packhand_free(), and packhand_init().

◆ last_turn

int last_turn = 0

Definition at line 137 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by handle_new_year().

◆ len

int len

Definition at line 127 of file packhand.c.

Referenced by activated_topic(), add_connection_data(), add_new_worklist_callback(), allowtake_callback(), astr_add_line(), base_fc_utf8_strlcpy_rep(), base_fc_utf8_strlcpy_trunc(), boot_help_texts(), capitalized_string(), cat_snprintf(), cat_utf8_snprintf_rep(), cat_utf8_snprintf_trunc(), chain2text(), check_include(), check_strlen(), citizens_callback(), citizens_callback(), client_handle_packet(), cma_get_parameter(), compat_load_020600(), connection_send_data(), convert_utf8_str_to_const_surface_width(), create_city_virtual(), create_md5sum(), create_new_line_utf8strs(), create_races_dialog(), del_chain(), edit_field(), edit_worklist_callback(), effectivestrlenquote(), end_of_strn(), expand_dir(), extract_sequence_text(), fc_chomp(), fc_gethostname(), fc_strcspn(), fc_strrep(), fc_strrep_resize(), fc_utf8_strlcat_rep(), fc_utf8_strlcat_trunc(), fc_utf8_strlen(), fc_vsnprintf(), featured_text_apply_tag(), featured_text_to_plain_text(), fileinfolist(), fileinfolist_infix(), form_chat_name(), fz_fgets(), fz_fprintf(), fz_from_file(), get_conv(), get_conv(), get_infrastructure_text(), get_internal_string_length(), get_option_malloc(), get_tokens(), handle_page_msg(), handle_ruleset_choices(), handle_ruleset_nation(), handle_ruleset_summary(), help_command_callback(), help_update_tech(), html_special_chars(), init_datum_string(), init_nls(), is_on_allowed_list(), is_valid_demography(), load_city_name_list(), load_ruleset_game(), loud_strlcpy(), luascript_report(), mapimg_define_arg(), match_prefix_full(), md5_buffer(), message_dlg::message_dlg(), musicspec_load(), packet_check(), page_conn_etype(), player_name_check(), popup_races_dialog(), popup_worklist_editor(), qtg_get_gui_specific_themes_directories(), receive_packet_page_msg_100(), redraw_edit(), refresh_worklist_count_label(), remove_clause_widget_from_list(), remove_packet_from_buffer(), remove_trailing_spaces(), save_script_lua(), script_server_load_file(), secfile_entry_by_path(), secfile_section_prefix_present(), secfile_sections_by_name_prefix(), send_packet_data(), server_sniff_all_input(), setting_bitwise_to_str(), setting_match_prefix_base(), sg_load_player_city(), sg_load_player_unit(), sg_load_player_unit(), sg_save_player_cities(), sg_save_player_units(), startunits_callback(), strvec_to_str(), text2chain(), text_tag_replace_text(), text_tag_start_sequence(), text_tag_stop_sequence(), tileset_read_toplevel(), update_clauses_list(), update_info_label(), and version_message().

◆ lines

char* lines

◆ [struct]

struct { ... } page_msg_report

◆ parts

int parts

◆ placeholder

struct player* placeholder

Definition at line 120 of file packhand.c.