#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "lua.h"
#include "fcintl.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "mem.h"
#include "rand.h"
#include "shared.h"
#include "support.h"
#include "cm.h"
#include "achievements.h"
#include "actiontools.h"
#include "borders.h"
#include "calendar.h"
#include "citizens.h"
#include "city.h"
#include "counters.h"
#include "culture.h"
#include "events.h"
#include "disaster.h"
#include "game.h"
#include "government.h"
#include "map.h"
#include "player.h"
#include "research.h"
#include "road.h"
#include "server_settings.h"
#include "specialist.h"
#include "tech.h"
#include "traderoutes.h"
#include "unit.h"
#include "unitlist.h"
#include "luascript_types.h"
#include "citizenshand.h"
#include "citytools.h"
#include "cityturn.h"
#include "maphand.h"
#include "notify.h"
#include "plrhand.h"
#include "sanitycheck.h"
#include "spacerace.h"
#include "srv_log.h"
#include "srv_main.h"
#include "techtools.h"
#include "unittools.h"
#include "unithand.h"
#include "advbuilding.h"
#include "advdata.h"
#include "script_server.h"
#include "speclist.h"
Go to the source code of this file.
Data Structures | |
struct | cityimpr |
Variables | |
static struct city_list * | city_refresh_queue = NULL |
static struct unit_list * | uk_rem_gold = NULL |
#define cityimpr_list_iterate | ( | cityimprlist, | |
pcityimpr | |||
) | TYPED_LIST_ITERATE(struct cityimpr, cityimprlist, pcityimpr) |
Definition at line 127 of file cityturn.c.
#define cityimpr_list_iterate_end LIST_ITERATE_END |
Definition at line 129 of file cityturn.c.
Definition at line 123 of file cityturn.c.
Definition at line 124 of file cityturn.c.
Rearrange workers according to a cm_result struct. The caller must make sure that the result is valid.
Definition at line 281 of file cityturn.c.
Referenced by auto_arrange_workers(), and dai_manage_taxes().
Disaster has hit a city. Apply its effects.
Definition at line 4294 of file cityturn.c.
Referenced by check_disasters().
Call sync_cities() to send the affected cities to the clients.
Definition at line 366 of file cityturn.c.
Referenced by adv_best_government(), api_edit_create_building(), building_lost(), city_build_building(), city_map_update_tile_direct(), city_reduce_size(), city_refresh_after_city_size_increase(), city_refresh_for_player(), city_refresh_queue_processing(), city_tc_effect_refresh(), city_thaw_workers(), create_city(), dai_adjust_policies(), dai_gov_value(), dai_government_change(), dai_manage_cities(), do_city_migration(), handle_city_make_specialist(), handle_city_make_worker(), handle_web_cma_set(), package_city(), remove_obsolete_buildings_city(), resolve_city_emergency(), send_player_cities(), sg_load_player_city(), sg_load_player_city(), tile_change_side_effects(), transfer_city(), update_city_activity(), and vision_clear_sight().
static |
Follow the list of replacement buildings until we hit something that we can build. Returns NULL if we can't upgrade at all (including if the original building is unbuildable).
Definition at line 2453 of file cityturn.c.
Referenced by upgrade_building_prod(), and worklist_change_build_target().
Check for citizens who want to migrate between the cities that overlap. Migrants go to the city with higher score, if the growth of the target city is not blocked due to a missing improvement.
The following setting are used:
'game.server.mgr_turninterval' controls the number of turns between migration checks for one city (counted from the founding). If this setting is zero, or it is the first turn (T1), migration does no occur.
'game.server.mgr_distance' is the maximal distance for migration.
'game.server.mgr_nationchance' gives the chance for migration within one nation.
'game.server.mgr_worldchance' gives the chance for migration between all nations.
Returns TRUE iff there has been INTERNATIONAL migration.
Definition at line 4240 of file cityturn.c.
Referenced by end_turn().
Check for migration for each city of one player.
For each city of the player do: check each tile within GAME_MAX_MGR_DISTANCE for a city if a city is found check the distance compare the migration score
Definition at line 4452 of file cityturn.c.
Referenced by check_city_migrations().
Check for any disasters hitting any city, and apply those disasters.
Definition at line 4415 of file cityturn.c.
Referenced by end_turn().
Add some Pollution if we have waste
Definition at line 3438 of file cityturn.c.
Referenced by update_city_activity().
Assuming we just finished building something, find something new to build. The policy is: use the worklist if we can; if not, try not changing; if we must change, get desparate and use the AI advisor.
Definition at line 2408 of file cityturn.c.
Referenced by city_build_building(), city_build_unit(), and research_tech_lost().
Balance the gold of one city by randomly selling some buildings.
Definition at line 3317 of file cityturn.c.
Referenced by update_city_activity().
Balance the gold of one city by randomly selling some units which need gold upkeep.
NB: This function adds the gold upkeep of disbanded units back to the player's gold. Hence it assumes that this gold was previously taken from the player (i.e. in update_city_activity()).
Definition at line 3364 of file cityturn.c.
Referenced by update_city_activity().
Returns FALSE when the city is removed, TRUE otherwise.
Definition at line 2626 of file cityturn.c.
Referenced by city_build_stuff().
Returns FALSE when the city is removed, TRUE otherwise.
Definition at line 3002 of file cityturn.c.
Referenced by update_city_activity().
Build city units. Several units can be built in one turn if the effect City_Build_Slots is used (on certain conditions). If the unit consumes population, builds it with a dominant nationality of the citizens (that is always foreign if a foreign nation equals in number of consumed citizens to city owner). Otherwise, the unit will be native. Returns FALSE when the city is removed, TRUE otherwise.
Definition at line 2846 of file cityturn.c.
Referenced by city_build_stuff().
bool city_change_size | ( | struct city * | pcity, |
citizens | size, | ||
struct player * | nationality, | ||
const char * | reason | ||
) |
Change the city size. Return TRUE iff the city is still alive afterwards.
Definition at line 1031 of file cityturn.c.
Referenced by api_edit_change_city_size(), city_build(), handle_edit_city(), and handle_edit_city_create().
Send updated (by server) counter information of a given city.
Definition at line 4620 of file cityturn.c.
Referenced by api_counter_increase(), api_counter_zero(), end_turn(), send_all_info(), and send_city_info().
static |
Helper function to create one unit in a city. Doesn't make any announcements. This might destroy the city due to scripts (but not otherwise; in particular, pop_cost is the caller's problem). If the unit has positive pop_cost and red is not NULL, sets up an array of nationalities to be spent on the unit (must have enough size) Returns the new unit (if it survived scripts).
Definition at line 2785 of file cityturn.c.
Referenced by city_build_unit(), and disband_city().
Disband units if we don't have enough shields to support them.
pplayer | city owner |
pcity | city to check |
Definition at line 2545 of file cityturn.c.
Referenced by city_build_stuff().
Returns TRUE iff the city's food stock was emptied. Should empty the food stock unless it already is empty.
Definition at line 4272 of file cityturn.c.
Referenced by apply_disaster(), and spy_poison().
Notices about cities that should be sent to all players.
Definition at line 490 of file cityturn.c.
Referenced by send_city_turn_notifications().
Return the percentage of food that is kept in this city after city grows.
Normally this value is 0% but this can be increased by EFT_GROWTH_FOOD effects.
Definition at line 878 of file cityturn.c.
Referenced by city_increase_size(), and city_reset_foodbox().
Check if city suffers from a plague. Return TRUE if it does, FALSE if not.
Definition at line 3786 of file cityturn.c.
Referenced by update_city_activity().
Returns the cost to incite a city. This depends on the size of the city, the number of happy, unhappy and angry citizens, whether it is celebrating, how close it is to a capital, how many units it has and upkeeps, presence of courthouse, its buildings and wonders, and who originally built it.
Definition at line 3455 of file cityturn.c.
Referenced by dai_action_value_unit_vs_city(), dai_choose_diplomat_offensive(), diplomat_incite(), find_city_to_diplomat(), and handle_unit_action_query().
Increase city size by one. We do not refresh borders or send info about the city to the clients as part of this function. There might be several calls to this function at once, and those actions are needed only once.
Definition at line 920 of file cityturn.c.
Referenced by city_change_size(), city_populate(), and do_city_migration().
Helper function to calculate a "score" of a city. The score is used to get an estimate of the "migration desirability" of the city. The higher the score the more likely citizens will migrate to it.
The score depends on the city size, the feeling of its citizens, the cost of all buildings in the city, and the surplus of trade, luxury and science.
formula: score = ([city size] + feeling) * factors
feeling of the citizens feeling = 1.00 * happy citizens
factors the build costs of all buildings f = (1 + (1 - exp(-[build shield cost]/1000))/5) the trade of the city f = (1 + (1 - exp(-[city surplus trade]/100))/5) the luxury within the city f = (1 + (1 - exp(-[city surplus luxury]/100))/5) the science within the city f = (1 + (1 - exp(-[city surplus science]/100))/5)
all factors f have values between 1 and 1.2; the overall factor will be between 1.0 (smaller cities) and 2.0 (bigger cities)
[build shield cost], [city surplus trade], [city surplus luxury] and [city surplus science] must be >= 0!
The food furplus is considered by an additional factor
the food surplus of the city f = (1 + [city surplus food; interval -10..20]/10)
The health factor is defined as:
the health of the city f = (100 - [city illness; tenth of %]/25)
if the city has at least one wonder a factor of 1.25 is added for the capital an additional factor of 1.25 is used the score is also modified by the effect EFT_MIGRATION_PCT
Definition at line 3911 of file cityturn.c.
Referenced by check_city_migrations_player().
Check whether the population can be increased or if the city is unable to support a 'settler'...
Definition at line 1082 of file cityturn.c.
Referenced by update_city_activity().
bool city_reduce_size | ( | struct city * | pcity, |
citizens | pop_loss, | ||
struct player * | destroyer, | ||
const char * | reason | ||
) |
Reduce the city size. Return TRUE if the city survives the population loss. Even if the city has wrong sum of nationalities entering this function, leaves it with correct citizens.
Definition at line 762 of file cityturn.c.
Referenced by apply_disaster(), city_build_unit(), city_change_size(), city_distribute_surplus_shields(), city_illness_strike(), city_populate(), diplomat_incite(), do_city_migration(), do_nuke_tile(), spy_poison(), unit_attack_civilian_casualties(), and unit_conquer_city().
Reduce the city specialists by some (positive) value. Return the amount of reduction.
Definition at line 718 of file cityturn.c.
Referenced by city_reduce_size(), and city_repair_size().
Reduce the city workers by some (positive) value. Return the amount of reduction.
Definition at line 738 of file cityturn.c.
Referenced by city_reduce_size(), and city_repair_size().
Updates unit upkeeps and city internal cached data. Returns whether city radius has changed.
Definition at line 158 of file cityturn.c.
Referenced by api_edit_create_building(), api_edit_create_trade_route(), auto_arrange_workers(), building_lost(), city_add_unit(), city_build_building(), city_map_update_tile_direct(), city_reduce_size(), city_refresh_after_city_size_increase(), city_refresh_for_player(), city_refresh_queue_processing(), city_thaw_workers(), create_city(), do_city_migration(), do_unit_establish_trade(), found_new_tech(), handle_city_change(), handle_city_change_specialist(), handle_city_make_specialist(), handle_city_make_worker(), handle_city_refresh(), handle_city_rename(), package_city(), place_unit(), really_handle_city_buy(), really_handle_city_sell(), reestablish_city_trade_routes(), remove_obsolete_buildings_city(), remove_trade_route(), research_tech_lost(), resolve_city_emergency(), send_player_cities(), server_remove_unit_full(), sg_load_players(), sg_load_players(), sg_save_player_cities(), spy_poison(), spy_spread_plague(), transfer_city(), unit_attack_civilian_casualties(), unit_change_homecity_handling(), unit_move_consequences(), update_city_activity(), and vision_clear_sight().
static |
Do the city refresh after its size has increased, by any amount.
Definition at line 997 of file cityturn.c.
Referenced by city_change_size(), city_populate(), and do_city_migration().
Called on government change or wonder completion or stuff like that – Syela
Definition at line 182 of file cityturn.c.
Referenced by create_city(), government_change(), handle_city_refresh(), handle_player_change_government(), handle_player_rates(), remove_city(), and transfer_city().
Queue pending city_refresh() for later.
Definition at line 197 of file cityturn.c.
Referenced by handle_edit_city(), map_unit_homecity_enqueue(), sell_random_building(), server_remove_player(), and transfer_city().
Refresh the listed cities. Called after significant changes to borders, and arranging workers.
Definition at line 213 of file cityturn.c.
Referenced by create_city(), end_phase(), handle_edit_city(), map_calculate_borders(), map_claim_base(), remove_city(), server_remove_player(), and transfer_city().
Repair the city population without affecting city size. Used by savegame.c and sanitycheck.c
Definition at line 851 of file cityturn.c.
Referenced by sg_load_player_city(), and sg_load_player_city().
Reset the foodbox, usually when a city grows or shrinks. By default it is reset to zero, but this can be increased by Growth_Food of Shrink_Food effects. Usually this should be called before the city changes size.
Definition at line 905 of file cityturn.c.
Referenced by city_populate().
Return the percentage of food that is kept in this city after city shrinks.
Normally this value is 0% but this can be increased by EFT_SHRINK_FOOD effects.
Definition at line 892 of file cityturn.c.
Referenced by city_reset_foodbox(), and unit_foodbox_cost().
Recheck and store style of the city.
Definition at line 4611 of file cityturn.c.
Referenced by city_refresh().
Recalculate some city related effects on turn change
Definition at line 4641 of file cityturn.c.
Referenced by begin_phase().
static |
Send turn notifications for specified city to specified connections. If 'pplayer' is not NULL, the message will be cached for this player.
Definition at line 511 of file cityturn.c.
Referenced by send_city_turn_notifications().
Called every turn, at beginning of turn, for every city.
Definition at line 3536 of file cityturn.c.
Referenced by city_build_stuff().
Disband a city into the built unit, supported by the closest city. Returns TRUE if the city was disbanded.
Definition at line 3799 of file cityturn.c.
Referenced by city_build_unit().
Do the migrations between the cities that overlap, if the growth of the target city is not blocked due to a missing improvement or missing food.
Returns TRUE if migration occurred.
Definition at line 3995 of file cityturn.c.
Referenced by check_city_migrations_player().
Let the advisor set up city building target.
Definition at line 3557 of file cityturn.c.
Referenced by city_build_stuff(), and nullify_prechange_production().
Initialize all variables containing information about production before it was changed.
Definition at line 3567 of file cityturn.c.
Referenced by apply_disaster(), diplomat_incite(), diplomat_sabotage(), do_unit_strike_city_production(), and raze_city().
Add some Pollution if we have waste
Definition at line 3399 of file cityturn.c.
Referenced by apply_disaster(), and check_pollution().
Balance the gold of a nation by selling some units which need gold upkeep.
Definition at line 3283 of file cityturn.c.
Referenced by update_national_activities().
Balance the gold of a nation by selling some random units and buildings.
Definition at line 3220 of file cityturn.c.
Referenced by update_national_activities().
Sell obsolete buildings from all cities of the player
Definition at line 270 of file cityturn.c.
Referenced by found_new_tech().
Automatically sells obsolete buildings from city.
Definition at line 235 of file cityturn.c.
Referenced by remove_obsolete_buildings(), and transfer_city().
Randomly sell a building from the given list. Returns TRUE if a building was sold.
NB: It is assumed that gold upkeep for the buildings has already been paid this turn, hence when a building is sold its upkeep is given back to the player. NB: The contents of 'imprs' are usually mangled by this function. NB: It is assumed that all buildings in 'imprs' can be sold.
Definition at line 3034 of file cityturn.c.
Referenced by city_balance_treasury_buildings(), and player_balance_treasury_units_and_buildings().
static |
Randomly "sell" a unit from the given list. Returns pointer to sold unit. This pointer is not valid any more, but is used to remove the unit from the main list in case of recursive call. The unit is already removed from the list given as a parameter within the function.
NB: It is assumed that gold upkeep for the units has already been paid this turn, hence when a unit is "sold" its upkeep is given back to the player. NB: The contents of 'units' are usually mangled by this function. NB: It is assumed that all units in 'units' have positive gold upkeep.
Definition at line 3137 of file cityturn.c.
Referenced by city_balance_treasury_units(), player_balance_treasury_units(), player_balance_treasury_units_and_buildings(), and sell_random_unit().
void send_city_turn_notifications | ( | struct connection * | pconn | ) |
Send global and player specific city turn notifications. If 'pconn' is NULL, it will send to all connections and cache the events.
Definition at line 576 of file cityturn.c.
Referenced by end_turn().
Set default city manager parameter for the city.
Definition at line 313 of file cityturn.c.
Referenced by auto_arrange_workers().
Add a unit to uk_rem_gold and make the unit remove it self from it if it dies before it is processed.
Definition at line 3101 of file cityturn.c.
Referenced by city_balance_treasury_units(), player_balance_treasury_units(), and player_balance_treasury_units_and_buildings().
Call back for when a unit in uk_rem_gold dies.
A unit can die as a side effect of an action another unit in the list is forced to perform. This isn't limited to "Explode Nuclear". A Lua call back for another action could cause more collateral damage than "Explode Nuclear".
Definition at line 3080 of file cityturn.c.
Referenced by uk_rem_gold_append().
Destroy a unit list and make the units it contains aware that it no longer refers to them.
Definition at line 3114 of file cityturn.c.
Referenced by city_balance_treasury_units(), player_balance_treasury_units(), and player_balance_treasury_units_and_buildings().
static |
Follow the list of obsoleted_by units until we hit something that we can build. Return NULL when we can't upgrade at all. NB: returning something doesn't guarantee that pcity really can build it; just that pcity can't build whatever obsoletes it.
FIXME: this function is a duplicate of can_upgrade_unittype.
Definition at line 2499 of file cityturn.c.
Referenced by upgrade_unit_prod(), and worklist_change_build_target().
Update all cities of one nation (costs for buildings, unit upkeep, ...).
Definition at line 602 of file cityturn.c.
Referenced by end_phase().
Called every turn, at end of turn, for every city.
Definition at line 3576 of file cityturn.c.
Referenced by update_city_activities().
Try to upgrade production in pcity.
Definition at line 2474 of file cityturn.c.
Referenced by city_build_building().
Try to upgrade production in pcity.
Definition at line 2521 of file cityturn.c.
Referenced by city_build_unit().
static |
Try to get rid of a unit because of missing upkeep.
Won't try to get rid of a unit without any action auto performers for AAPC_UNIT_UPKEEP. Those are seen as protected from being destroyed because of missing upkeep.
Can optionally wipe the unit in the end if it survived the actions in the selected action auto performer.
Returns TRUE if the unit went away.
Definition at line 686 of file cityturn.c.
Referenced by city_distribute_surplus_shields(), city_populate(), and sell_random_unit().
Examine the worklist and change the build target. Return 0 if no targets are available to change to. Otherwise return non-zero. Has the side-effect of removing from the worklist any no-longer-available targets as well as the target actually selected, if any.
Definition at line 2193 of file cityturn.c.
Referenced by choose_build_target().
static |
Examine an unbuildable build target from a city's worklist to see if it can be postponed. Returns TRUE if it never can be build and should be purged or if the city is gone. Returns FALSE if the item can be postponed.
Definition at line 1159 of file cityturn.c.
Referenced by worklist_change_build_target().
Definition at line 87 of file cityturn.c.
Referenced by city_refresh_queue_add(), and city_refresh_queue_processing().
Definition at line 93 of file cityturn.c.
Referenced by city_balance_treasury_units(), player_balance_treasury_units(), player_balance_treasury_units_and_buildings(), uk_rem_gold_append(), and uk_rem_gold_callback().