Here is a list of all functions with links to the structures/unions they belong to:
- n -
- name() : fix_enabler_item, generate_packets.Packet, req_vec_fix_item
- name_given() : tab_achievement, tab_building, tab_counter, tab_extras, tab_good, tab_gov, tab_multiplier, tab_tech, tab_terrains, tab_unit
- nation_selected() : plr_widget, races_dialog
- nationlist_toggle() : tab_nation
- nationset_changed() : races_dialog
- next_city() : city_dialog
- next_unit() : choice_dialog
- no_packet() : generate_packets.Packet, generate_packets.Variant
- notify_city_changed() : city_model
- notify_dialog() : notify_dialog
- notify_goto() : notify_goto
- notify_parent() : close_widget
- notify_plr_changed() : plr_model
- null_condition() : generate_packets.SequenceType, generate_packets.StrvecType
- num_vectors() : fix_enabler_item, req_vec_fix_item