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tilespec.c File Reference
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "astring.h"
#include "bitvector.h"
#include "capability.h"
#include "deprecations.h"
#include "fcintl.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "mem.h"
#include "rand.h"
#include "registry.h"
#include "shared.h"
#include "string_vector.h"
#include "support.h"
#include "base.h"
#include "effects.h"
#include "game.h"
#include "government.h"
#include "map.h"
#include "modpack.h"
#include "movement.h"
#include "nation.h"
#include "player.h"
#include "road.h"
#include "specialist.h"
#include "unit.h"
#include "unitlist.h"
#include "dialogs_g.h"
#include "graphics_g.h"
#include "gui_main_g.h"
#include "mapview_g.h"
#include "menu_g.h"
#include "themes_g.h"
#include "citydlg_common.h"
#include "client_main.h"
#include "climap.h"
#include "colors_common.h"
#include "control.h"
#include "editor.h"
#include "goto.h"
#include "gui_properties.h"
#include "helpdata.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "svgflag.h"
#include "themes_common.h"
#include "tilespec.h"
#include "specenum_gen.h"
#include "speclist.h"
#include "spechash.h"

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  anim
struct  drawing_data
struct  drawing_data::drawing_layer
struct  city_style_threshold
struct  city_sprite
struct  river_sprites
struct  citizen_graphic
struct  citizen_set
struct  style_citizen_set
struct  named_sprites
struct  specfile
struct  small_sprite
struct  tileset
struct  tileset::tileset_layer
struct  ts_list_data


#define TILESPEC_CAPSTR   "+Freeciv-tilespec-3.3-Devel-2024-Nov-16 duplicates_ok"
#define SPEC_CAPSTR   "+Freeciv-spec-3.3-Devel-2023.Apr.05"
#define TILESPEC_SUFFIX   ".tilespec"
#define TILE_SECTION_PREFIX   "tile_"
#define MAX_INDEX_HALF   16
#define MAX_INDEX_VALID   256
#define NUM_TILES_HP_BAR   11
#define NUM_TILES_DIGITS   10
#define SPECENUM_NAME   extrastyle_id
#define SPECENUM_VALUE0NAME   "RoadAllSeparate"
#define SPECENUM_VALUE1NAME   "RoadParityCombined"
#define SPECENUM_VALUE2NAME   "RoadAllCombined"
#define SPECENUM_VALUE3NAME   "River"
#define SPECENUM_VALUE4NAME   "Single1"
#define SPECENUM_VALUE5NAME   "Single2"
#define SPECENUM_VALUE6NAME   "3Layer"
#define SPECENUM_VALUE7NAME   "Cardinals"
#define MAX_NUM_LAYERS   3
#define MAX_NUM_MATCH_WITH   8
#define SPECLIST_TAG   specfile
#define SPECLIST_TYPE   struct specfile
#define specfile_list_iterate(list, pitem)    TYPED_LIST_ITERATE(struct specfile, list, pitem)
#define specfile_list_iterate_end   LIST_ITERATE_END
#define SPECLIST_TAG   small_sprite
#define SPECLIST_TYPE   struct small_sprite
#define small_sprite_list_iterate(list, pitem)    TYPED_LIST_ITERATE(struct small_sprite, list, pitem)
#define small_sprite_list_iterate_end   LIST_ITERATE_END
#define SPECHASH_TAG   sprite
#define SPECHASH_IDATA_TYPE   struct small_sprite *
#define sprite_hash_iterate(hash, tag_name, sprite)
#define sprite_hash_iterate_end   HASH_ITERATE_END
#define SPECHASH_TAG   anim
#define SPECHASH_IDATA_TYPE   struct anim *
#define anim_hash_iterate(hash, tag_name, sprite)
#define anim_hash_iterate_end   HASH_ITERATE_END
#define SPECHASH_TAG   drawing
#define SPECHASH_IDATA_TYPE   struct drawing_data *
#define SPECHASH_IDATA_FREE   drawing_data_destroy
#define SPECHASH_TAG   estyle
#define SPECHASH_ENUM_DATA_TYPE   extrastyle_id
#define NUM_CORNER_DIRS   4
#define TILES_PER_CORNER   4
#define SET_SPRITE(field, tag)
#define SET_SPRITE_NOTSMOOTH(field, tag)
#define SET_SPRITE_UNSCALED(field, tag)
#define SET_SPRITE_ALT(field, tag, alt)
#define SET_SPRITE_DEPR_ALT(field, tag, alt, ver)
#define SET_SPRITE_OPT(field, tag)    t->sprites.field = load_sprite(t, tag, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE)
#define SET_SPRITE_ALT_OPT(field, tag, alt)
#define SET_ANIM(field, tag)
#define SET_EDITOR_SPRITE(x)   SET_SPRITE(editor.x, "editor." #x)
#define SET_GOTO_TURN_SPRITE(state, state_name, factor, factor_name)
#define FULL_TILE_X_OFFSET   ((t->normal_tile_width - t->full_tile_width) / 2)
#define FULL_TILE_Y_OFFSET   (t->normal_tile_height - t->full_tile_height)
#define ADD_SPRITE(s, draw_fog, x_offset, y_offset)
#define ADD_SPRITE_SIMPLE(s)   ADD_SPRITE(s, TRUE, 0, 0)
#define ADD_ANIM_SPRITE(s, draw_fog, x_offset, y_offset)    ADD_SPRITE(anim_get_current_frame(s), draw_fog, x_offset, y_offset)
#define ADD_ANIM_SPRITE_SIMPLE(s)    ADD_SPRITE(anim_get_current_frame(s), TRUE, 0, 0)
#define ADD_ANIM_FULL(s)
#define ADD_FRAME0_SIMPLE(s)   ADD_SPRITE_SIMPLE(s->sprites[0])
#define ADD_FRAME0_FULL(s)    ADD_SPRITE_FULL(s->sprites[0])
#define MATCH(dir)
#define UNKNOWN(dir)


enum  direction4 { DIR4_NORTH = 0 , DIR4_SOUTH , DIR4_EAST , DIR4_WEST }
enum  sprite_type { CELL_WHOLE , CELL_CORNER }
enum  spec_file_types { SFILE_COMMON , SFILE_SVG , SFILE_PIXEL , SFILE_LAST }


static void drawing_data_destroy (struct drawing_data *draw)
static struct tilesettileset_read_toplevel (const char *tileset_name, bool verbose, int topology_id, float scale)
static int fill_unit_type_sprite_array (const struct tileset *t, struct drawn_sprite *sprs, const struct unit_type *putype, enum unit_activity activity, enum direction8 facing)
static int fill_unit_sprite_array (const struct tileset *t, struct drawn_sprite *sprs, const struct unit *punit, int stack, bool backdrop)
static bool load_river_sprites (struct tileset *t, struct river_sprites *store, const char *tag_pfx)
static void tileset_setup_base (struct tileset *t, const struct extra_type *pextra, const char *tag)
static void tileset_setup_road (struct tileset *t, struct extra_type *pextra, const char *tag)
static bool is_extra_drawing_enabled (struct extra_type *pextra)
static int fill_basic_road_sprite_array (const struct tileset *t, struct drawn_sprite *sprs, const struct extra_type *pextra)
static int fill_basic_base_sprite_array (const struct tileset *t, struct drawn_sprite *sprs, const struct extra_type *pextra)
static void tileset_player_free (struct tileset *t, int plrid)
static void tileset_setup_specialist_type (struct tileset *t, struct citizen_set *set, Specialist_type_id id, const char *tag_group, const char *set_name, bool required)
static void tileset_setup_citizen_types_default_set (struct tileset *t)
static void tileset_setup_citizen_types (struct tileset *t, struct citizen_set *set, const char *tag_group, const char *set_name, bool required)
void tileset_error (enum log_level level, const char *tset_name, const char *format,...)
static struct drawing_datadrawing_data_new (void)
struct tilesetget_tileset (void)
const chartileset_basename (const struct tileset *t)
bool tileset_is_isometric (const struct tileset *t)
int tileset_hex_width (const struct tileset *t)
int tileset_hex_height (const struct tileset *t)
int tileset_tile_width (const struct tileset *t)
int tileset_tile_height (const struct tileset *t)
int tileset_full_tile_width (const struct tileset *t)
int tileset_full_tile_height (const struct tileset *t)
int tileset_unit_width (const struct tileset *t)
int tileset_unit_height (const struct tileset *t)
static int calculate_max_upkeep_height (const struct tileset *t)
static int tileset_upkeep_height (const struct tileset *t)
int tileset_unit_with_upkeep_height (const struct tileset *t)
int tileset_unit_with_small_upkeep_height (const struct tileset *t)
int tileset_unit_layout_offset_y (const struct tileset *t)
int tileset_unit_layout_small_offset_y (const struct tileset *t)
int tileset_small_sprite_width (const struct tileset *t)
int tileset_citybar_offset_y (const struct tileset *t)
int tileset_tilelabel_offset_y (const struct tileset *t)
float tileset_scale (const struct tileset *t)
int tileset_small_sprite_height (const struct tileset *t)
const chartileset_main_intro_filename (const struct tileset *t)
int tileset_num_city_colors (const struct tileset *t)
bool tileset_use_hard_coded_fog (const struct tileset *t)
static struct tilesettileset_new (void)
static const chardir_get_tileset_name (enum direction8 dir)
static enum direction8 dir_by_tileset_name (const char *str)
static bool is_valid_tileset_dir (const struct tileset *t, enum direction8 dir)
static bool is_cardinal_tileset_dir (const struct tileset *t, enum direction8 dir)
static int ts_topology_index (int actual_topology)
int index_ts_topology (int idx)
static void ts_list_cb (const char *modpack_name, const char *filename, void *data)
const struct strvecget_tileset_list (const struct option *poption)
static chartilespec_fullname (const char *tileset_name)
static bool check_tilespec_capabilities (struct section_file *file, const char *which, const char *us_capstr, const char *filename, bool verbose)
static void tileset_free_toplevel (struct tileset *t)
void tileset_free (struct tileset *t)
static void ts_cb (const char *modpack_name, const char *filename, void *data)
bool tilespec_try_read (const char *tileset_name, bool verbose, int topo_id, bool global_default)
bool tilespec_reread (const char *new_tileset_name, bool game_fully_initialized, float scale)
void tilespec_reread_callback (struct option *poption)
void tilespec_reread_frozen_refresh (const char *tname)
static struct spriteload_gfx_file (const char *gfx_filename, bool svgflag)
static void ensure_big_sprite (struct specfile *sf, const char *tset_name)
static void scan_specfile (struct tileset *t, struct specfile *sf, bool duplicates_ok)
static chartilespec_gfx_filename (const char *gfx_filename, const char *tset_name)
static bool tileset_scan_single_list (struct tileset *t, const char *spec_filenames[], int num_spec_files, bool verbose, bool duplicates_ok)
static int check_sprite_type (const char *sprite_type, const char *tile_section)
static const charcitizen_rule_name (enum citizen_category citizen)
static const charcardinal_index_str (const struct tileset *t, int idx)
static charvalid_index_str (const struct tileset *t, int idx)
static struct animanim_new (int frames, int time_per_frame)
static void anim_free (struct anim *a)
static struct spriteload_sprite (struct tileset *t, const char *tag_name, bool scale, bool smooth, bool svgflag)
static struct spritecreate_plr_sprite (struct color *pcolor)
static void unload_sprite (struct tileset *t, const char *tag_name)
static bool sprite_exists (const struct tileset *t, const char *tag_name)
static struct animanim_load (struct tileset *t, const char *tag, int time_per_frame)
static void anim_advance_time (struct anim *a)
static struct spriteanim_get_current_frame (struct anim *a)
void tileset_setup_specialist_type_default_set (struct tileset *t, Specialist_type_id id)
static struct spriteget_city_sprite (const struct city_sprite *city_sprite, const struct city *pcity)
static int load_city_thresholds_sprites (struct tileset *t, const char *tag, char *graphic, char *graphic_alt, struct city_style_threshold **thresholds)
static struct city_spriteload_city_sprite (struct tileset *t, const char *tag)
static void free_city_sprite (struct city_sprite *city_sprite)
static void tileset_lookup_sprite_tags (struct tileset *t)
void finish_loading_sprites (struct tileset *t)
void tileset_load_tiles (struct tileset *t)
struct spritetiles_lookup_sprite_tag_alt (struct tileset *t, enum log_level level, const char *tag, const char *alt, const char *alt2, const char *what, const char *name, bool scale)
static bool tileset_setup_unit_direction (struct tileset *t, int uidx, const char *base_str, enum direction8 dir, enum unit_activity activity, bool has_icon)
static bool tileset_setup_unit_type_from_tag (struct tileset *t, int uidx, const char *tag)
void tileset_setup_unit_type (struct tileset *t, struct unit_type *ut)
void tileset_setup_impr_type (struct tileset *t, struct impr_type *pimprove)
void tileset_setup_tech_type (struct tileset *t, struct advance *padvance)
void tileset_setup_extra (struct tileset *t, struct extra_type *pextra)
void tileset_setup_tile_type (struct tileset *t, const struct terrain *pterrain)
void tileset_setup_government (struct tileset *t, struct government *gov)
void tileset_setup_nation_flag (struct tileset *t, struct nation_type *nation)
struct spriteget_city_flag_sprite (const struct tileset *t, const struct city *pcity)
static struct spriteget_unit_nation_flag_sprite (const struct tileset *t, const struct unit *punit)
static void build_tile_data (const struct tile *ptile, struct terrain *pterrain, struct terrain **tterrain_near, bv_extras *textras_near)
static int fill_road_corner_sprites (const struct tileset *t, const struct extra_type *pextra, struct drawn_sprite *sprs, bool road, bool *road_near, bool hider, bool *hider_near)
static int fill_road_sprite_array (const struct tileset *t, const struct extra_type *pextra, struct drawn_sprite *sprs, bv_extras textras, bv_extras *textras_near, struct terrain *tterrain_near[8], const struct city *pcity)
static int get_irrigation_index (const struct tileset *t, struct extra_type *pextra, bv_extras *textras_near)
static int fill_irrigation_sprite_array (const struct tileset *t, struct drawn_sprite *sprs, bv_extras textras, bv_extras *textras_near, const struct city *pcity)
static int fill_city_overlays_sprite_array (const struct tileset *t, struct drawn_sprite *sprs, const struct tile *ptile, const struct city *citymode)
static int fill_terrain_sprite_blending (const struct tileset *t, struct drawn_sprite *sprs, const struct tile *ptile, const struct terrain *pterrain, struct terrain **tterrain_near)
static int fill_fog_sprite_array (const struct tileset *t, struct drawn_sprite *sprs, const struct tile *ptile, const struct tile_edge *pedge, const struct tile_corner *pcorner)
static int fill_terrain_sprite_array (struct tileset *t, struct drawn_sprite *sprs, int l, const struct tile *ptile, const struct terrain *pterrain, struct terrain **tterrain_near, struct drawing_data *draw)
static int fill_terrain_sprite_darkness (struct tileset *t, struct drawn_sprite *sprs, const struct tile *ptile, struct terrain **tterrain_near)
static int fill_terrain_sprite_layer (struct tileset *t, struct drawn_sprite *sprs, int layer_num, const struct tile *ptile, const struct terrain *pterrain, struct terrain **tterrain_near)
bool unit_drawn_with_city_outline (const struct unit *punit, bool check_focus)
static int fill_grid_sprite_array (const struct tileset *t, struct drawn_sprite *sprs, const struct tile *ptile, const struct tile_edge *pedge, const struct tile_corner *pcorner, const struct unit *punit, const struct city *pcity, const struct city *citymode)
static int fill_goto_sprite_array (const struct tileset *t, struct drawn_sprite *sprs, const struct tile *ptile, const struct tile_edge *pedge, const struct tile_corner *pcorner)
int fill_sprite_array (struct tileset *t, struct drawn_sprite *sprs, enum mapview_layer layer, const struct tile *ptile, const struct tile_edge *pedge, const struct tile_corner *pcorner, const struct unit *punit, const struct city *pcity, const struct city *citymode, const struct unit_type *putype)
void tileset_setup_city_tiles (struct tileset *t, int style)
double get_focus_unit_toggle_timeout (const struct tileset *t)
void reset_focus_unit_state (struct tileset *t)
void focus_unit_in_combat (struct tileset *t)
void toggle_focus_unit_state (struct tileset *t)
void advance_global_anim_state (void)
struct unitget_drawable_unit (const struct tileset *t, struct tile *ptile, const struct city *citymode)
static void unload_all_sprites (struct tileset *t)
static void free_all_anims (struct tileset *t)
void tileset_free_tiles (struct tileset *t)
struct spriteget_spaceship_sprite (const struct tileset *t, enum spaceship_part part)
static const struct citizen_graphicget_citizen_graphic (const struct citizen_set *set, enum citizen_category type)
struct spriteget_citizen_sprite (const struct tileset *t, enum citizen_category type, int citizen_index, const struct city *pcity)
struct spriteget_nation_flag_sprite (const struct tileset *t, const struct nation_type *pnation)
struct spriteget_nation_shield_sprite (const struct tileset *t, const struct nation_type *pnation)
struct spriteget_tech_sprite (const struct tileset *t, Tech_type_id tech)
struct spriteget_building_sprite (const struct tileset *t, const struct impr_type *pimprove)
struct spriteget_government_sprite (const struct tileset *t, const struct government *gov)
struct spriteget_unittype_sprite (const struct tileset *t, const struct unit_type *punittype, enum unit_activity activity, enum direction8 facing)
struct spriteget_sample_city_sprite (const struct tileset *t, int style_idx)
struct spriteget_arrow_sprite (const struct tileset *t, enum arrow_type arrow)
struct spriteget_tax_sprite (const struct tileset *t, Output_type_id otype)
struct spriteget_event_sprite (const struct tileset *t, enum event_type event)
struct spriteget_treaty_thumb_sprite (const struct tileset *t, bool on_off)
const struct sprite_vectorget_unit_explode_animation (const struct tileset *t)
struct spriteget_nuke_explode_sprite (const struct tileset *t)
const struct citybar_spritesget_citybar_sprites (const struct tileset *t)
const struct editor_spritesget_editor_sprites (const struct tileset *t)
struct spriteget_cursor_sprite (const struct tileset *t, enum cursor_type cursor, int *hot_x, int *hot_y, int frame)
struct spriteget_icon_sprite (const struct tileset *t, enum icon_type icon)
struct spriteget_attention_crosshair_sprite (const struct tileset *t)
struct spriteget_indicator_sprite (const struct tileset *t, enum indicator_type indicator, int idx)
struct spriteget_unit_unhappy_sprite (const struct tileset *t, const struct unit *punit, int happy_cost)
struct spriteget_unit_upkeep_sprite (const struct tileset *t, Output_type_id otype, const struct unit *punit, const int *upkeep_cost)
struct spriteget_basic_fog_sprite (const struct tileset *t)
struct color_systemget_color_system (const struct tileset *t)
void tileset_use_preferred_theme (const struct tileset *t)
void tileset_init (struct tileset *t)
int fill_basic_terrain_layer_sprite_array (struct tileset *t, struct drawn_sprite *sprs, int layer, struct terrain *pterrain)
int fill_basic_extra_sprite_array (const struct tileset *t, struct drawn_sprite *sprs, const struct extra_type *pextra)
enum mapview_layer tileset_get_layer (const struct tileset *t, int n)
bool tileset_layer_in_category (enum mapview_layer layer, enum layer_category cat)
void tileset_player_init (struct tileset *t, struct player *pplayer)
void tileset_background_init (struct tileset *t)
void tileset_background_free (struct tileset *t)
void tileset_ruleset_reset (struct tileset *t)
bool tileset_is_fully_loaded (void)
const chartileset_name_get (struct tileset *t)
const chartileset_version (struct tileset *t)
const chartileset_summary (struct tileset *t)
const chartileset_description (struct tileset *t)
chartileset_what_ruleset (struct tileset *t)
int tileset_topo_index (struct tileset *t)
int tileset_svg_flag_height (struct tileset *t)
struct spriteload_popup_sprite (const char *tag)
void unload_popup_sprite (const char *tag)


static const char direction4letters [4] = "udrl"
static const char edge_name [EDGE_COUNT][3] = {"ns", "we", "ud", "lr"}
static const int DIR4_TO_DIR8 [4]
struct tilesettileset = NULL
struct tilesetunscaled_tileset = NULL
static bool focus_unit_state = FALSE
static bool tileset_update = FALSE
static int global_anim_time = 0

Macro Definition Documentation


#define ADD_ANIM_FULL (   s)
#define TRUE
Definition support.h:46
Definition tilespec.c:4679
Definition tilespec.c:4680
static struct sprite * anim_get_current_frame(struct anim *a)
Definition tilespec.c:3063
#define ADD_SPRITE(s, draw_fog, x_offset, y_offset)
Definition tilespec.c:4682

Definition at line 4697 of file tilespec.c.


#define ADD_ANIM_SPRITE (   s,
)     ADD_SPRITE(anim_get_current_frame(s), draw_fog, x_offset, y_offset)

Definition at line 4693 of file tilespec.c.


#define ADD_ANIM_SPRITE_SIMPLE (   s)     ADD_SPRITE(anim_get_current_frame(s), TRUE, 0, 0)

Definition at line 4695 of file tilespec.c.


#define ADD_FRAME0_FULL (   s)     ADD_SPRITE_FULL(s->sprites[0])

Definition at line 4702 of file tilespec.c.


#define ADD_FRAME0_IF_NOT_NULL (   x)
do {\
if ((x) != nullptr) {\
} while (FALSE)
Definition aiguard.c:37
struct sprite int x
Definition sprite_g.h:31
#define FALSE
Definition support.h:47


#define ADD_FRAME0_SIMPLE (   s)    ADD_SPRITE_SIMPLE(s->sprites[0])

Definition at line 4701 of file tilespec.c.


#define ADD_SPRITE (   s,
(fc_assert(s != NULL), \
sprs->sprite = s, \
sprs->foggable = (draw_fog && t->fogstyle == FOG_AUTO), \
sprs->offset_x = x_offset, \
sprs->offset_y = y_offset, \
#define fc_assert(condition)
Definition log.h:177

Definition at line 4682 of file tilespec.c.



Definition at line 4690 of file tilespec.c.


#define ADD_SPRITE_SIMPLE (   s)    ADD_SPRITE(s, TRUE, 0, 0)

Definition at line 4689 of file tilespec.c.

◆ anim_hash_iterate

#define anim_hash_iterate (   hash,
TYPED_HASH_ITERATE(const char *, struct anim *, \
char * tag_name
Definition events.c:77
static GHashTable * hash
Definition wldlg.c:322
#define TYPED_HASH_ITERATE(TYPE_key, TYPE_data, ARG_ht, NAME_key, NAME_data)
Definition spechash.h:726

Definition at line 482 of file tilespec.c.

◆ anim_hash_iterate_end

#define anim_hash_iterate_end   HASH_ITERATE_END

Definition at line 485 of file tilespec.c.


#define FULL_TILE_X_OFFSET   ((t->normal_tile_width - t->full_tile_width) / 2)

Definition at line 4679 of file tilespec.c.


#define FULL_TILE_Y_OFFSET   (t->normal_tile_height - t->full_tile_height)

Definition at line 4680 of file tilespec.c.


#define LOAD_FACING_SPRITE (   dir)
if (!tileset_setup_unit_direction(t, uidx, tag, dir, activity, has_icon)) { \
facing_sprites[activity] = FALSE; \
static bool tileset_setup_unit_direction(struct tileset *t, int uidx, const char *base_str, enum direction8 dir, enum unit_activity activity, bool has_icon)
Definition tilespec.c:3877


#define MATCH (   dir)
(t->sprites.drawing[terrain_index(tterrain_near[(dir)])]->num_layers > l \
? t->sprites.drawing[terrain_index(tterrain_near[(dir)])]->layer[l].match_index[0] \
: -1)
Terrain_type_id terrain_index(const struct terrain *pterrain)
Definition terrain.c:138



Definition at line 110 of file tilespec.c.


#define MAX_INDEX_HALF   16

Definition at line 111 of file tilespec.c.


#define MAX_INDEX_VALID   256

Definition at line 112 of file tilespec.c.


#define MAX_NUM_LAYERS   3

Definition at line 182 of file tilespec.c.


#define MAX_NUM_MATCH_WITH   8

Definition at line 188 of file tilespec.c.



Definition at line 116 of file tilespec.c.


#define NUM_CORNER_DIRS   4

Definition at line 555 of file tilespec.c.


#define NUM_TILES_DIGITS   10

Definition at line 115 of file tilespec.c.


#define NUM_TILES_HP_BAR   11

Definition at line 114 of file tilespec.c.


#define SET_ANIM (   field,
do { \
t->sprites.field = anim_load(t, tag, 0); \
if (t->sprites.field == NULL) { \
_("Animation for tag '%s' missing."), tag); \
} \
} while (FALSE)
#define _(String)
Definition fcintl.h:67
Definition log.h:30
const char * tileset_name_get(struct tileset *t)
Definition tilespec.c:7767
static struct anim * anim_load(struct tileset *t, const char *tag, int time_per_frame)
Definition tilespec.c:3011

Definition at line 2994 of file tilespec.c.


#define SET_EDITOR_SPRITE (   x)    SET_SPRITE(editor.x, "editor." #x)


#define SET_GOTO_TURN_SPRITE (   state,
fc_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "path." state_name "_%d" #factor, i); \
SET_SPRITE_OPT(path.s[state].turns ## factor_name [i], buffer); \
if (t->sprites.path.s[state].turns ## factor_name [i] == NULL) { \
t->sprites.path.s[state].turns ## factor_name [i] = \
t->sprites.path.s[GTS_MP_LEFT].turns ## factor_name [i]; \
Definition goto.h:27
int fc_snprintf(char *str, size_t n, const char *format,...)
Definition support.c:960


#define SET_SPRITE (   field,
do { \
t->sprites.field = load_sprite(t, tag, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE); \
if (t->sprites.field == NULL) { \
_("Sprite for tag '%s' missing."), tag); \
} \
} while (FALSE)
static struct sprite * load_sprite(struct tileset *t, const char *tag_name, bool scale, bool smooth, bool svgflag)
Definition tilespec.c:2806

Definition at line 2923 of file tilespec.c.


#define SET_SPRITE_ALT (   field,
do { \
t->sprites.field = load_sprite(t, tag, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE); \
if (!t->sprites.field) { \
t->sprites.field = load_sprite(t, alt, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE); \
} \
if (t->sprites.field == NULL) { \
_("Sprite for tags '%s' and alternate '%s' are " \
"both missing."), tag, alt); \
} \
} while (FALSE)

Definition at line 2952 of file tilespec.c.


#define SET_SPRITE_ALT_OPT (   field,
do { \
t->sprites.field = tiles_lookup_sprite_tag_alt(t, LOG_VERBOSE, tag, alt, \
NULL, "sprite", #field, \
TRUE); \
} while (FALSE)
Definition log.h:34
struct sprite * tiles_lookup_sprite_tag_alt(struct tileset *t, enum log_level level, const char *tag, const char *alt, const char *alt2, const char *what, const char *name, bool scale)
Definition tilespec.c:3831

Definition at line 2987 of file tilespec.c.


#define SET_SPRITE_DEPR_ALT (   field,
do { \
t->sprites.field = load_sprite(t, tag, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE); \
if (!t->sprites.field) { \
t->sprites.field = load_sprite(t, alt, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE); \
if (t->sprites.field != NULL) { \
log_deprecation(_("%s: Using tag \"%s\" deprecated by \"%s\" in %s"), \
tileset_name_get(t), alt, tag, ver); \
} \
} \
if (t->sprites.field == NULL) { \
_("Sprite for tags '%s' and alternate '%s' are " \
"both missing."), tag, alt); \
} \
} while (FALSE)

Definition at line 2966 of file tilespec.c.


#define SET_SPRITE_NOTSMOOTH (   field,
do { \
t->sprites.field = load_sprite(t, tag, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE); \
if (t->sprites.field == NULL) { \
_("Sprite for tag '%s' missing."), tag); \
} \
} while (FALSE)

Definition at line 2933 of file tilespec.c.


#define SET_SPRITE_OPT (   field,
)     t->sprites.field = load_sprite(t, tag, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE)

Definition at line 2984 of file tilespec.c.


#define SET_SPRITE_UNSCALED (   field,
do { \
t->sprites.field = load_sprite(t, tag, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE); \
if (t->sprites.field == NULL) { \
_("Sprite for tag '%s' missing."), tag); \
} \
} while (FALSE)

Definition at line 2942 of file tilespec.c.

◆ small_sprite_list_iterate

#define small_sprite_list_iterate (   list,
)     TYPED_LIST_ITERATE(struct small_sprite, list, pitem)

Definition at line 463 of file tilespec.c.

◆ small_sprite_list_iterate_end

#define small_sprite_list_iterate_end   LIST_ITERATE_END

Definition at line 465 of file tilespec.c.


#define SPEC_CAPSTR   "+Freeciv-spec-3.3-Devel-2023.Apr.05"

Definition at line 98 of file tilespec.c.



Definition at line 135 of file tilespec.c.


Definition at line 118 of file tilespec.c.



Definition at line 119 of file tilespec.c.


#define SPECENUM_VALUE0NAME   "RoadAllSeparate"

Definition at line 120 of file tilespec.c.



Definition at line 121 of file tilespec.c.


#define SPECENUM_VALUE1NAME   "RoadParityCombined"

Definition at line 122 of file tilespec.c.



Definition at line 123 of file tilespec.c.


#define SPECENUM_VALUE2NAME   "RoadAllCombined"

Definition at line 124 of file tilespec.c.



Definition at line 125 of file tilespec.c.


#define SPECENUM_VALUE3NAME   "River"

Definition at line 126 of file tilespec.c.



Definition at line 127 of file tilespec.c.


#define SPECENUM_VALUE4NAME   "Single1"

Definition at line 128 of file tilespec.c.



Definition at line 129 of file tilespec.c.


#define SPECENUM_VALUE5NAME   "Single2"

Definition at line 130 of file tilespec.c.



Definition at line 131 of file tilespec.c.


#define SPECENUM_VALUE6NAME   "3Layer"

Definition at line 132 of file tilespec.c.



Definition at line 133 of file tilespec.c.


#define SPECENUM_VALUE7NAME   "Cardinals"

Definition at line 134 of file tilespec.c.

◆ specfile_list_iterate

#define specfile_list_iterate (   list,
)     TYPED_LIST_ITERATE(struct specfile, list, pitem)

Definition at line 434 of file tilespec.c.

◆ specfile_list_iterate_end

#define specfile_list_iterate_end   LIST_ITERATE_END

Definition at line 436 of file tilespec.c.



Definition at line 469 of file tilespec.c.



Definition at line 469 of file tilespec.c.



Definition at line 469 of file tilespec.c.



Definition at line 491 of file tilespec.c.


#define SPECHASH_ENUM_DATA_TYPE   extrastyle_id

Definition at line 498 of file tilespec.c.


#define SPECHASH_IDATA_FREE   drawing_data_destroy

Definition at line 493 of file tilespec.c.


#define SPECHASH_IDATA_TYPE   struct small_sprite *

Definition at line 470 of file tilespec.c.


#define SPECHASH_IDATA_TYPE   struct anim *

Definition at line 470 of file tilespec.c.


#define SPECHASH_IDATA_TYPE   struct drawing_data *

Definition at line 470 of file tilespec.c.


#define SPECHASH_TAG   sprite

Definition at line 468 of file tilespec.c.


#define SPECHASH_TAG   anim

Definition at line 468 of file tilespec.c.


#define SPECHASH_TAG   drawing

Definition at line 468 of file tilespec.c.


#define SPECHASH_TAG   estyle

Definition at line 468 of file tilespec.c.


#define SPECLIST_TAG   specfile

Definition at line 430 of file tilespec.c.


#define SPECLIST_TAG   small_sprite

Definition at line 430 of file tilespec.c.


#define SPECLIST_TYPE   struct specfile

Definition at line 431 of file tilespec.c.


#define SPECLIST_TYPE   struct small_sprite

Definition at line 431 of file tilespec.c.

◆ sprite_hash_iterate

#define sprite_hash_iterate (   hash,

Definition at line 472 of file tilespec.c.

◆ sprite_hash_iterate_end

#define sprite_hash_iterate_end   HASH_ITERATE_END

Definition at line 475 of file tilespec.c.


#define TILE_SECTION_PREFIX   "tile_"

Definition at line 107 of file tilespec.c.


#define TILES_PER_CORNER   4

Definition at line 556 of file tilespec.c.


#define TILESPEC_CAPSTR   "+Freeciv-tilespec-3.3-Devel-2024-Nov-16 duplicates_ok"

Definition at line 82 of file tilespec.c.


#define TILESPEC_SUFFIX   ".tilespec"

Definition at line 106 of file tilespec.c.


#define UNKNOWN (   dir)
((adjc_tile = mapstep(&(, ptile, (dir))) \
enum known_type client_tile_get_known(const struct tile *ptile)
Definition climap.c:36
struct world wld
Definition game.c:62
struct tile * mapstep(const struct civ_map *nmap, const struct tile *ptile, enum direction8 dir)
Definition map.c:384
struct civ_map map
Definition tile.h:36

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ direction4


Definition at line 139 of file tilespec.c.

◆ match_style


Definition at line 149 of file tilespec.c.

◆ spec_file_types


Definition at line 161 of file tilespec.c.

◆ sprite_type


Definition at line 156 of file tilespec.c.

Function Documentation

◆ advance_global_anim_state()

void advance_global_anim_state ( void  )

Advance animations.

Definition at line 6771 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by real_timer_callback().

◆ anim_advance_time()

static void anim_advance_time ( struct anim a)

Proceed with the animation.

aAnimation to advance

Definition at line 3052 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by toggle_focus_unit_state().

◆ anim_free()

static void anim_free ( struct anim a)

Free resources associated with the anim

aAnimation to free

Definition at line 2791 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by free_all_anims().

◆ anim_get_current_frame()

static struct sprite * anim_get_current_frame ( struct anim a)

Get current frame (sprite) of the animation

The sprite

Definition at line 3063 of file tilespec.c.

◆ anim_load()

static struct anim * anim_load ( struct tileset t,
const char tag,
int  time_per_frame 

Load an animation

tTileset to load animation from
tagBase tag of the animation sprites
time_per_frameHow many refreshes there's between advancing to the next frame. 0 for default.

Definition at line 3011 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by tileset_lookup_sprite_tags(), and tileset_setup_base().

◆ anim_new()

static struct anim * anim_new ( int  frames,
int  time_per_frame 

Create a new anim structure

framesNumber of frames in the animation
New anim structure

Definition at line 2773 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by anim_load().

◆ build_tile_data()

static void build_tile_data ( const struct tile ptile,
struct terrain pterrain,
struct terrain **  tterrain_near,
bv_extras textras_near 

Assemble some data that is used in building the tile sprite arrays. (map_x, map_y) : the (normalized) map position The values we fill in: tterrain_near : terrain types of all adjacent terrain textra_near : extras of all adjacent terrain

Definition at line 4712 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by fill_sprite_array().

◆ calculate_max_upkeep_height()

static int calculate_max_upkeep_height ( const struct tileset t)

Calculate the height of a unit upkeep icons.

Definition at line 839 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by tileset_lookup_sprite_tags().

◆ cardinal_index_str()

static const char * cardinal_index_str ( const struct tileset t,
int  idx 

Return a directional string for the cardinal directions. Normally the binary value 1000 will be converted into "n1e0s0w0". This is in a clockwise ordering.

Definition at line 2731 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by load_river_sprites(), tileset_lookup_sprite_tags(), tileset_setup_extra(), and tileset_setup_tile_type().

◆ check_sprite_type()

static int check_sprite_type ( const char sprite_type,
const char tile_section 

Determine the sprite_type string.

Definition at line 1910 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by tileset_read_toplevel().

◆ check_tilespec_capabilities()

static bool check_tilespec_capabilities ( struct section_file file,
const char which,
const char us_capstr,
const char filename,
bool  verbose 

Checks options in filename match what we require and support. Die if not. 'which' should be "tilespec" or "spec".

Definition at line 1205 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by ensure_big_sprite(), scan_specfile(), and tileset_read_toplevel().

◆ citizen_rule_name()

static const char * citizen_rule_name ( enum citizen_category  citizen)

Returns a text name for the citizen, as used in the tileset.

Definition at line 2706 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by tileset_setup_citizen_types().

◆ create_plr_sprite()

static struct sprite * create_plr_sprite ( struct color pcolor)

Create a sprite with the given color and tag.

Definition at line 2876 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by tileset_background_init(), and tileset_player_init().

◆ dir_by_tileset_name()

static enum direction8 dir_by_tileset_name ( const char str)

Parse a direction name as a direction8.

Definition at line 1038 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by tileset_read_toplevel().

◆ dir_get_tileset_name()

static const char * dir_get_tileset_name ( enum direction8  dir)

Return the tileset name of the direction. This is similar to dir_get_name() but you shouldn't change this or all tilesets will break.

Definition at line 1011 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by cardinal_index_str(), dir_by_tileset_name(), load_river_sprites(), tileset_lookup_sprite_tags(), tileset_setup_road(), tileset_setup_unit_direction(), and valid_index_str().

◆ drawing_data_destroy()

static void drawing_data_destroy ( struct drawing_data draw)

Free a drawing data.

Definition at line 686 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by tileset_read_toplevel().

◆ drawing_data_new()

static struct drawing_data * drawing_data_new ( void  )

Create a new drawing data.

Definition at line 674 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by tileset_read_toplevel().

◆ ensure_big_sprite()

static void ensure_big_sprite ( struct specfile sf,
const char tset_name 

Ensure that the big sprite of the given spec file is loaded.

Definition at line 1639 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by load_sprite().

◆ fill_basic_base_sprite_array()

int fill_basic_base_sprite_array ( const struct tileset t,
struct drawn_sprite sprs,
const struct extra_type pextra 

Fills the sprite array with sprites that together make a representative image of the given base type. The image is suitable for use as an icon for the base type, for example.

Definition at line 7527 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by fill_basic_extra_sprite_array().

◆ fill_basic_extra_sprite_array()

int fill_basic_extra_sprite_array ( const struct tileset t,
struct drawn_sprite sprs,
const struct extra_type pextra 

Return a representative sprite for the given extra type.

Definition at line 7444 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by create_extra_pixbuf(), help_dialog::make_tree(), set_help_tile_from_extra(), help_widget::set_topic_extra(), and terrain_canvas().

◆ fill_basic_road_sprite_array()

int fill_basic_road_sprite_array ( const struct tileset t,
struct drawn_sprite sprs,
const struct extra_type pextra 

Fills the sprite array with sprites that together make a representative image of the given road type. The image is suitable for use as an icon for the road type, for example.

Definition at line 7479 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by fill_basic_extra_sprite_array().

◆ fill_basic_terrain_layer_sprite_array()

int fill_basic_terrain_layer_sprite_array ( struct tileset t,
struct drawn_sprite sprs,
int  layer,
struct terrain pterrain 

Fill the sprite array with sprites that together make a representative image of the given terrain type. Suitable for use as an icon and in list views.

NB: The 'layer' argument is NOT a LAYER_* value, but rather one of 0, 1, 2. Using other values for 'layer' here will result in undefined behaviour. ;)

Definition at line 7411 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by create_terrain_pixbuf(), set_help_tile_from_terrain(), and terrain_canvas().

◆ fill_city_overlays_sprite_array()

static int fill_city_overlays_sprite_array ( const struct tileset t,
struct drawn_sprite sprs,
const struct tile ptile,
const struct city citymode 

Fill in the city overlays for the tile. This includes the citymap overlays on the mapview as well as the tile output sprites.

Definition at line 5278 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by fill_sprite_array().

◆ fill_fog_sprite_array()

static int fill_fog_sprite_array ( const struct tileset t,
struct drawn_sprite sprs,
const struct tile ptile,
const struct tile_edge pedge,
const struct tile_corner pcorner 

Add sprites for fog (and some forms of darkness).

Definition at line 5398 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by fill_sprite_array().

◆ fill_goto_sprite_array()

static int fill_goto_sprite_array ( const struct tileset t,
struct drawn_sprite sprs,
const struct tile ptile,
const struct tile_edge pedge,
const struct tile_corner pcorner 

Fill in the given sprite array with any needed goto sprites.

Definition at line 5881 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by fill_sprite_array().

◆ fill_grid_sprite_array()

static int fill_grid_sprite_array ( const struct tileset t,
struct drawn_sprite sprs,
const struct tile ptile,
const struct tile_edge pedge,
const struct tile_corner pcorner,
const struct unit punit,
const struct city pcity,
const struct city citymode 

Fill in the grid sprites for the given tile, city, and unit.

Definition at line 5731 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by fill_sprite_array().

◆ fill_irrigation_sprite_array()

static int fill_irrigation_sprite_array ( const struct tileset t,
struct drawn_sprite sprs,
bv_extras  textras,
bv_extras textras_near,
const struct city pcity 

Fill in the farmland/irrigation sprite for the tile.

Definition at line 5236 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by fill_sprite_array().

◆ fill_road_corner_sprites()

static int fill_road_corner_sprites ( const struct tileset t,
const struct extra_type pextra,
struct drawn_sprite sprs,
bool  road,
bool road_near,
bool  hider,
bool hider_near 

Add any corner road sprites to the sprite array.

Definition at line 4953 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by fill_road_sprite_array().

◆ fill_road_sprite_array()

static int fill_road_sprite_array ( const struct tileset t,
const struct extra_type pextra,
struct drawn_sprite sprs,
bv_extras  textras,
bv_extras textras_near,
struct terrain tterrain_near[8],
const struct city pcity 

Fill all road and rail sprites into the sprite array.

Definition at line 5004 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by fill_sprite_array().

◆ fill_sprite_array()

int fill_sprite_array ( struct tileset t,
struct drawn_sprite sprs,
enum mapview_layer  layer,
const struct tile ptile,
const struct tile_edge pedge,
const struct tile_corner pcorner,
const struct unit punit,
const struct city pcity,
const struct city citymode,
const struct unit_type putype 

Fill in the sprite array for the given tile, city, and unit.

ptile, if specified, gives the tile. If specified the terrain and specials will be drawn for this tile. In this case (map_x, map_y) should give the location of the tile.

punit, if specified, gives the unit. For tile drawing this should generally be get_drawable_unit(); otherwise it can be any unit.

pcity, if specified, gives the city. For tile drawing this should generally be tile_city(ptile); otherwise it can be any city.

citymode specifies whether this is part of a citydlg. If so some drawing is done differently.

Definition at line 6016 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by put_one_element().

◆ fill_terrain_sprite_array()

static int fill_terrain_sprite_array ( struct tileset t,
struct drawn_sprite sprs,
int  l,
const struct tile ptile,
const struct terrain pterrain,
struct terrain **  tterrain_near,
struct drawing_data draw 

Helper function for fill_terrain_sprite_layer().

Definition at line 5452 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by fill_basic_terrain_layer_sprite_array(), and fill_terrain_sprite_layer().

◆ fill_terrain_sprite_blending()

static int fill_terrain_sprite_blending ( const struct tileset t,
struct drawn_sprite sprs,
const struct tile ptile,
const struct terrain pterrain,
struct terrain **  tterrain_near 

Helper function for fill_terrain_sprite_layer. Fill in the sprite array for blended terrain.

Definition at line 5358 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by fill_terrain_sprite_layer().

◆ fill_terrain_sprite_darkness()

static int fill_terrain_sprite_darkness ( struct tileset t,
struct drawn_sprite sprs,
const struct tile ptile,
struct terrain **  tterrain_near 

Helper function for fill_terrain_sprite_layer. Fill in the sprite array of darkness.

Definition at line 5605 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by fill_sprite_array().

◆ fill_terrain_sprite_layer()

static int fill_terrain_sprite_layer ( struct tileset t,
struct drawn_sprite sprs,
int  layer_num,
const struct tile ptile,
const struct terrain pterrain,
struct terrain **  tterrain_near 

Add sprites for the base tile to the sprite list. This doesn't include specials or rivers.

Definition at line 5669 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by fill_sprite_array().

◆ fill_unit_sprite_array()

static int fill_unit_sprite_array ( const struct tileset t,
struct drawn_sprite sprs,
const struct unit punit,
int  stack,
bool  backdrop 

Fill in the sprite array for the unit.

Definition at line 4763 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by fill_sprite_array().

◆ fill_unit_type_sprite_array()

static int fill_unit_type_sprite_array ( const struct tileset t,
struct drawn_sprite sprs,
const struct unit_type putype,
enum unit_activity  activity,
enum direction8  facing 

Fill in the sprite array for the unit type.

Definition at line 4744 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by fill_sprite_array(), and fill_unit_sprite_array().

◆ finish_loading_sprites()

void finish_loading_sprites ( struct tileset t)

Frees any internal buffers which are created by load_sprite(). Should be called after the last (for a given period of time) load_sprite() call. This saves a fair amount of memory, but it will take extra time the next time we start loading sprites again.

Definition at line 3804 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by handle_rulesets_ready(), and tileset_load_tiles().

◆ focus_unit_in_combat()

void focus_unit_in_combat ( struct tileset t)

Setup tileset for showing combat where focus unit participates.

Definition at line 6750 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by set_units_in_combat().

◆ free_all_anims()

static void free_all_anims ( struct tileset t)

Free resources allocated for all animations.

Definition at line 6822 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by tileset_free_tiles().

◆ free_city_sprite()

static void free_city_sprite ( struct city_sprite city_sprite)

Frees a city sprite.

See also get_city_sprite, load_city_sprite.

Definition at line 3332 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by tileset_free_tiles(), and tileset_setup_city_tiles().

◆ get_arrow_sprite()

struct sprite * get_arrow_sprite ( const struct tileset t,
enum arrow_type  arrow 

Return a sprite with an "arrow" theme graphic.

Definition at line 7108 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by populate_unit_image_table(), and populate_unit_pic_table().

◆ get_attention_crosshair_sprite()

struct sprite * get_attention_crosshair_sprite ( const struct tileset t)

Returns a sprite with the "user-attention" crosshair graphic.

FIXME: This function shouldn't be needed if the attention graphics are drawn natively by the tileset code.

Definition at line 7230 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by draw_calculated_trade_routes(), and put_cross_overlay_tile().

◆ get_basic_fog_sprite()

struct sprite * get_basic_fog_sprite ( const struct tileset t)

Return a rectangular sprite containing a fog "color". This can be used for drawing fog onto arbitrary areas (like the overview).

Definition at line 7293 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by put_overview_tile_area().

◆ get_building_sprite()

struct sprite * get_building_sprite ( const struct tileset t,
const struct impr_type pimprove 

◆ get_citizen_graphic()

static const struct citizen_graphic * get_citizen_graphic ( const struct citizen_set set,
enum citizen_category  type 

Return the citizen_graphic for the given citizen or specialist type.

Definition at line 6941 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by get_citizen_sprite().

◆ get_citizen_sprite()

struct sprite * get_citizen_sprite ( const struct tileset t,
enum citizen_category  type,
int  citizen_index,
const struct city pcity 

Return a sprite for the given citizen. The citizen's type is given, as well as their index (in the range [0..city_size_get(pcity))). The citizen's city can be used to determine which sprite to use (a NULL value indicates there is no city; i.e., the sprite is just being used as a picture).

Definition at line 6962 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by city_dialog_update_citizens(), client_government_sprite(), get_citizen_surface(), refresh_feeling_surface(), refresh_feeling_surface(), and city_dialog::update_citizens().

◆ get_city_flag_sprite()

struct sprite * get_city_flag_sprite ( const struct tileset t,
const struct city pcity 

Return the flag graphic to be used by the city.

Definition at line 4658 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by fill_sprite_array(), and show_full_citybar().

◆ get_city_sprite()

static struct sprite * get_city_sprite ( const struct city_sprite city_sprite,
const struct city pcity 

Return the sprite in the city_sprite listing that corresponds to this city - based on city style and size.

See also load_city_sprite(), free_city_sprite().

Definition at line 3227 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by fill_sprite_array().

◆ get_citybar_sprites()

const struct citybar_sprites * get_citybar_sprites ( const struct tileset t)

Return all the sprites used for city bar drawing.

Definition at line 7177 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by show_full_citybar().

◆ get_color_system()

struct color_system * get_color_system ( const struct tileset t)

Return the tileset's color system.

Definition at line 7301 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by get_color().

◆ get_cursor_sprite()

struct sprite * get_cursor_sprite ( const struct tileset t,
enum cursor_type  cursor,
int hot_x,
int hot_y,
int  frame 

Returns a sprite for the given cursor. The "hot" coordinates (the active coordinates of the mouse relative to the sprite) are placed int (*hot_x, *hot_y). A cursor can consist of several frames to be used for animation.

Definition at line 7200 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by animate_mouse_cursor(), fc_client::create_cursors(), and load_cursors().

◆ get_drawable_unit()

struct unit * get_drawable_unit ( const struct tileset t,
struct tile ptile,
const struct city citymode 

Find unit that we can display from given tile.

Definition at line 6782 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by city_dialog_redraw_map(), and put_one_tile().

◆ get_editor_sprites()

const struct editor_sprites * get_editor_sprites ( const struct tileset t)

Return all the sprites used for editor icons, images, etc.

Definition at line 7189 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by editbar_create(), editor_get_mode_sprite(), editor_tool_get_sprite(), and get_tool_value_pixbuf().

◆ get_event_sprite()

struct sprite * get_event_sprite ( const struct tileset t,
enum event_type  event 

Return event icon sprite

Definition at line 7140 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by meswin_dialog_refresh(), and messagewdg::msg().

◆ get_focus_unit_toggle_timeout()

double get_focus_unit_toggle_timeout ( const struct tileset t)

Return the amount of time between calls to toggle_focus_unit_state(). The main loop needs to call toggle_focus_unit_state() about this often to do the active-unit animation.

Definition at line 6725 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by blink_active_unit().

◆ get_government_sprite()

struct sprite * get_government_sprite ( const struct tileset t,
const struct government gov 

◆ get_icon_sprite()

struct sprite * get_icon_sprite ( const struct tileset t,
enum icon_type  icon 

Return a sprite for the given icon. Icons are used by the operating system/window manager. Usually freeciv has to tell the OS what icon to use.

Note that this function will return NULL before the sprites are loaded. The GUI code must be sure to call tileset_load_tiles() before setting the top-level icon.

Definition at line 7219 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by create_city_dialog(), qtg_ui_main(), city_dialog::setup_ui(), tileset_changed(), and ui_main().

◆ get_indicator_sprite()

struct sprite * get_indicator_sprite ( const struct tileset t,
enum indicator_type  indicator,
int  idx 

Returns a sprite for the given indicator with the given index. The index should be in [0, NUM_TILES_PROGRESS).

Definition at line 7239 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by client_cooling_sprite(), client_research_sprite(), and client_warming_sprite().

◆ get_irrigation_index()

static int get_irrigation_index ( const struct tileset t,
struct extra_type pextra,
bv_extras textras_near 

Return the index of the sprite to be used for irrigation or farmland in this tile.

We assume that the current tile has farmland or irrigation. We then choose a sprite (index) based upon which cardinally adjacent tiles have either farmland or irrigation (the two are considered interchangeable for this).

Definition at line 5216 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by fill_irrigation_sprite_array().

◆ get_nation_flag_sprite()

struct sprite * get_nation_flag_sprite ( const struct tileset t,
const struct nation_type pnation 

◆ get_nation_shield_sprite()

struct sprite * get_nation_shield_sprite ( const struct tileset t,
const struct nation_type pnation 

Return the shield sprite for the nation.

Definition at line 7005 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by pregame_options::update_buttons().

◆ get_nuke_explode_sprite()

struct sprite * get_nuke_explode_sprite ( const struct tileset t)

Return a sprite contining the single nuke graphic.

TODO: This should be an animation like the unit explode animation.

Definition at line 7169 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by nuke_animation(), and put_nuke_mushroom_pixmaps().

◆ get_sample_city_sprite()

struct sprite * get_sample_city_sprite ( const struct tileset t,
int  style_idx 

Return a "sample" sprite for this city style.

Definition at line 7091 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by create_races_dialog(), get_sample_city_surface(), and races_dialog::races_dialog().

◆ get_spaceship_sprite()

struct sprite * get_spaceship_sprite ( const struct tileset t,
enum spaceship_part  part 

Return the sprite for drawing the given spaceship part.

Definition at line 6931 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by get_spaceship_dimensions(), and put_spaceship().

◆ get_tax_sprite()

struct sprite * get_tax_sprite ( const struct tileset t,
Output_type_id  otype 

◆ get_tech_sprite()

struct sprite * get_tech_sprite ( const struct tileset t,
Tech_type_id  tech 

◆ get_tileset()

struct tileset * get_tileset ( void  )

◆ get_tileset_list()

const struct strvec * get_tileset_list ( const struct option poption)

Returns a static list of tilesets available on the system.

Definition at line 1150 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by mr_menu::tileset_custom_load().

◆ get_treaty_thumb_sprite()

struct sprite * get_treaty_thumb_sprite ( const struct tileset t,
bool  on_off 

Return a thumbs-up/thumbs-down sprite to show treaty approval or disapproval.

Definition at line 7149 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by get_thumb_pixbuf(), and diplo_wdg::update_wdg().

◆ get_unit_explode_animation()

const struct sprite_vector * get_unit_explode_animation ( const struct tileset t)

Return a sprite_vector containing the animation sprites for a unit explosion.

Definition at line 7158 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by decrease_unit_hp_smooth().

◆ get_unit_nation_flag_sprite()

static struct sprite * get_unit_nation_flag_sprite ( const struct tileset t,
const struct unit punit 

Return a sprite for the national flag for this unit.

Definition at line 4667 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by fill_unit_sprite_array().

◆ get_unit_unhappy_sprite()

struct sprite * get_unit_unhappy_sprite ( const struct tileset t,
const struct unit punit,
int  happy_cost 

Return a sprite for the unhappiness of the unit - to be shown as an overlay on the unit in the city support dialog, for instance.

May return NULL if there's no unhappiness.

Definition at line 7256 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by put_unit_city_overlays().

◆ get_unit_upkeep_sprite()

struct sprite * get_unit_upkeep_sprite ( const struct tileset t,
Output_type_id  otype,
const struct unit punit,
const int upkeep_cost 

Return a sprite for the upkeep of the unit - to be shown as an overlay on the unit in the city support dialog, for instance.

May return NULL if there's no upkeep of the kind.

Definition at line 7275 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by put_unit_city_overlays().

◆ get_unittype_sprite()

struct sprite * get_unittype_sprite ( const struct tileset t,
const struct unit_type punittype,
enum unit_activity  activity,
enum direction8  facing 

◆ index_ts_topology()

int index_ts_topology ( int  idx)

Convert properties of an index of tileset topology type to one (but not necessarily the only one) topology.

Definition at line 1111 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by default_tileset_select().

◆ is_cardinal_tileset_dir()

static bool is_cardinal_tileset_dir ( const struct tileset t,
enum direction8  dir 

Return TRUE iff the dir is cardinal in this tileset.

"Cardinal", in this sense, means that a tile will share a border with another tile in the direction rather than sharing just a single vertex.

Definition at line 1074 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by fill_road_corner_sprites(), fill_road_sprite_array(), tileset_read_toplevel(), and tileset_setup_road().

◆ is_extra_drawing_enabled()

static bool is_extra_drawing_enabled ( struct extra_type pextra)

Should the given extra be drawn? FIXME: Some extras can not be switched

Definition at line 5949 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by fill_irrigation_sprite_array(), and fill_sprite_array().

◆ is_valid_tileset_dir()

static bool is_valid_tileset_dir ( const struct tileset t,
enum direction8  dir 

Return TRUE iff the dir is valid in this tileset.

Definition at line 1056 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by is_cardinal_tileset_dir(), tileset_read_toplevel(), and tileset_setup_unit_direction().

◆ load_city_sprite()

static struct city_sprite * load_city_sprite ( struct tileset t,
const char tag 

Allocates and loads a new city sprite from the given sprite tags.

tag may be NULL.

See also get_city_sprite(), free_city_sprite().

Definition at line 3304 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by tileset_setup_city_tiles().

◆ load_city_thresholds_sprites()

static int load_city_thresholds_sprites ( struct tileset t,
const char tag,
char graphic,
char graphic_alt,
struct city_style_threshold **  thresholds 

Allocates one threshold set for city sprite

Definition at line 3263 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by load_city_sprite().

◆ load_gfx_file()

static struct sprite * load_gfx_file ( const char gfx_filename,
bool  svgflag 

Loads the given graphics file (found in the data path) into a newly allocated sprite.

Definition at line 1603 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by ensure_big_sprite(), and load_sprite().

◆ load_popup_sprite()

struct sprite * load_popup_sprite ( const char tag)

Load sprite from popup image tag

Definition at line 7823 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by popup_image(), and qtg_popup_image().

◆ load_river_sprites()

static bool load_river_sprites ( struct tileset t,
struct river_sprites store,
const char tag_pfx 

Load sprites of one river type.

Definition at line 3770 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by tileset_setup_road().

◆ load_sprite()

static struct sprite * load_sprite ( struct tileset t,
const char tag_name,
bool  scale,
bool  smooth,
bool  svgflag 

Loads the sprite. If the sprite is already loaded a reference counter is increased. Can return NULL if the sprite couldn't be loaded. Scale means if sprite should be scaled, smooth if scaling might use other scaling algorithm than nearest neighbor.

Definition at line 2806 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by anim_load(), fill_terrain_sprite_layer(), load_city_thresholds_sprites(), load_popup_sprite(), load_river_sprites(), tiles_lookup_sprite_tag_alt(), tileset_lookup_sprite_tags(), tileset_setup_citizen_types(), tileset_setup_extra(), tileset_setup_nation_flag(), tileset_setup_specialist_type(), tileset_setup_tile_type(), tileset_setup_unit_direction(), and tileset_setup_unit_type_from_tag().

◆ reset_focus_unit_state()

void reset_focus_unit_state ( struct tileset t)

Reset the focus unit state. This should be called when changing focus units.

Definition at line 6738 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by focus_unit_in_combat().

◆ scan_specfile()

static void scan_specfile ( struct tileset t,
struct specfile sf,
bool  duplicates_ok 

Scan all sprites declared in the given specfile. This means that the positions of the sprites in the big_sprite are saved in the small_sprite structs.

Definition at line 1680 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by tileset_scan_single_list().

◆ sprite_exists()

static bool sprite_exists ( const struct tileset t,
const char tag_name 

Return TRUE iff the specified sprite exists in the tileset (whether or not it is currently loaded).

Definition at line 2916 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by anim_load(), and tileset_lookup_sprite_tags().

◆ tiles_lookup_sprite_tag_alt()

struct sprite * tiles_lookup_sprite_tag_alt ( struct tileset t,
enum log_level  level,
const char tag,
const char alt,
const char alt2,
const char what,
const char name,
bool  scale 

Lookup sprite to match tag, alt, or alt2, in that order. If none can be found, return NULL, and emit log message. alt2 can be NULL.

Definition at line 3831 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by tileset_setup_government(), tileset_setup_impr_type(), tileset_setup_tech_type(), tileset_setup_tile_type(), and unittype_item::unittype_item().

◆ tileset_background_free()

void tileset_background_free ( struct tileset t)

Free tiles for the background.

Definition at line 7715 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by tileset_background_init(), and tileset_free_tiles().

◆ tileset_background_init()

void tileset_background_init ( struct tileset t)

Setup tiles for the background.

Definition at line 7696 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by handle_ruleset_game(), and tilespec_reread().

◆ tileset_basename()

const char * tileset_basename ( const struct tileset t)

◆ tileset_citybar_offset_y()

int tileset_citybar_offset_y ( const struct tileset t)

Return the offset from the origin of the city tile at which to place the city bar text.

Definition at line 936 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by show_city_descriptions(), show_full_citybar(), and show_small_citybar().

◆ tileset_description()

const char * tileset_description ( struct tileset t)

Return tileset description body

Definition at line 7791 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by boot_help_texts().

◆ tileset_error()

void tileset_error ( enum log_level  level,
const char tset_name,
const char format,

◆ tileset_free()

void tileset_free ( struct tileset t)

Clean up.

Definition at line 1315 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by client_exit(), tileset_read_toplevel(), tilespec_reread(), ts_cb(), and ts_list_cb().

◆ tileset_free_tiles()

void tileset_free_tiles ( struct tileset t)

Free all sprites from tileset.

Definition at line 6835 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by fc_client::fc_main(), tileset_free(), and ui_main().

◆ tileset_free_toplevel()

static void tileset_free_toplevel ( struct tileset t)

Frees the tilespec toplevel data, in preparation for re-reading it.

See tilespec_read_toplevel().

Definition at line 1243 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by tileset_free().

◆ tileset_full_tile_height()

int tileset_full_tile_height ( const struct tileset t)

Return the full tile height of the current tileset. This is the maximum height that any mapview sprite will have. This may be greater than the tile width in which case the extra area is above the "normal" tile.

Some callers assume the full height is 50% larger than the height in iso-view, and equal in non-iso view.

Definition at line 815 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by battle_animation(), city_dialog_update_present_units(), create_pixbuf_from_layers(), create_present_supported_units_widget_list(), get_terrain_surface(), move_unit_map_canvas(), movement_animation(), put_city(), put_terrain(), put_unit_image(), put_unit_picture(), redraw_unit_info_label(), help_widget::set_topic_extra(), help_widget::set_topic_unit(), terrain_canvas(), tile_to_canvas_pos(), usdlg_get_unit_image(), and usdlg_tab_append_utype().

◆ tileset_full_tile_width()

int tileset_full_tile_width ( const struct tileset t)

◆ tileset_get_layer()

enum mapview_layer tileset_get_layer ( const struct tileset t,
int  n 

Gets the nth layer of the tileset.

Definition at line 7563 of file tilespec.c.

◆ tileset_hex_height()

int tileset_hex_height ( const struct tileset t)

Return the hex_height of the current tileset. For hex tilesets this value will be > 0 and is_isometric will be set.

Definition at line 756 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by battle_animation(), client_start_server(), units_select::create_pixmap(), gui_to_map_pos(), move_unit_map_canvas(), movement_animation(), qtg_crop_sprite(), tileset_map_topo_compatible(), tileset_read_toplevel(), unit_item::unit_item(), and unit_info::update_units().

◆ tileset_hex_width()

int tileset_hex_width ( const struct tileset t)

Return the hex_width of the current tileset. For iso-hex tilesets this value will be > 0 and is_isometric will be set.

Definition at line 747 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by client_start_server(), units_select::create_pixmap(), gui_to_map_pos(), qtg_crop_sprite(), mr_menu::save_image(), tileset_map_topo_compatible(), unit_item::unit_item(), and unit_info::update_units().

◆ tileset_init()

void tileset_init ( struct tileset t)

Initialize tileset structure

Definition at line 7370 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by activate_gui(), qtg_ui_main(), ui_main(), and ui_main().

◆ tileset_is_fully_loaded()

bool tileset_is_fully_loaded ( void  )

Is tileset in sane state?

Definition at line 7759 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by science_diagram_update(), science_diagram_update(), and update_unqueue().

◆ tileset_is_isometric()

bool tileset_is_isometric ( const struct tileset t)

◆ tileset_layer_in_category()

bool tileset_layer_in_category ( enum mapview_layer  layer,
enum layer_category  cat 

Gets the nth layer of the tileset.

Definition at line 7573 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by create_pixbuf_from_layers().

◆ tileset_load_tiles()

void tileset_load_tiles ( struct tileset t)

Load the tiles; requires tilespec_read_toplevel() called previously. Leads to tile_sprites being allocated and filled with pointers to sprites. Also sets up and populates sprite_hash, and calls func to initialize 'sprites' structure.

Definition at line 3820 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by activate_gui(), qtg_ui_main(), tilespec_reread(), ui_main(), and ui_main().

◆ tileset_lookup_sprite_tags()

static void tileset_lookup_sprite_tags ( struct tileset t)

Initialize 'sprites' structure based on hardwired tags which freeciv always requires.

Definition at line 3352 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by tileset_load_tiles().

◆ tileset_main_intro_filename()

const char * tileset_main_intro_filename ( const struct tileset t)

Return the path within the data directories where the main intro graphics file can be found. (It is left up to the GUI code to load and unload this file.)

Definition at line 973 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by fc_client::create_main_page(), and create_main_page().

◆ tileset_name_get()

const char * tileset_name_get ( struct tileset t)

◆ tileset_new()

static struct tileset * tileset_new ( void  )


Definition at line 997 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by tileset_read_toplevel().

◆ tileset_num_city_colors()

int tileset_num_city_colors ( const struct tileset t)

Return the number of possible colors for city overlays.

Definition at line 981 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by fill_sprite_array().

◆ tileset_player_free()

static void tileset_player_free ( struct tileset t,
int  plrid 

Free tiles for one player using the player color.

Definition at line 7667 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by tileset_free(), and tileset_player_init().

◆ tileset_player_init()

void tileset_player_init ( struct tileset t,
struct player pplayer 

Setup tiles for one player using the player color.

Definition at line 7616 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by handle_player_info(), and tilespec_reread().

◆ tileset_read_toplevel()

static struct tileset * tileset_read_toplevel ( const char tileset_name,
bool  verbose,
int  topology_id,
float  scale 

Finds and reads the toplevel tilespec file based on given name. Sets global variables, including tile sizes and full names for intro files. topology_id of -1 means any topology is acceptable.

Definition at line 1931 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by tilespec_reread(), tilespec_try_read(), ts_cb(), and ts_list_cb().

◆ tileset_ruleset_reset()

void tileset_ruleset_reset ( struct tileset t)

Reset tileset data specific to ruleset.

Definition at line 7731 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by handle_ruleset_control().

◆ tileset_scale()

float tileset_scale ( const struct tileset t)

Returns tileset scale

Definition at line 953 of file tilespec.c.

◆ tileset_scan_single_list()

static bool tileset_scan_single_list ( struct tileset t,
const char spec_filenames[],
int  num_spec_files,
bool  verbose,
bool  duplicates_ok 

Scan single list of specfiles

Definition at line 1876 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by tileset_read_toplevel().

◆ tileset_setup_base()

static void tileset_setup_base ( struct tileset t,
const struct extra_type pextra,
const char tag 

Set base sprite values; should only happen after tilespec_load_tiles().

Definition at line 4307 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by tileset_setup_extra().

◆ tileset_setup_citizen_types()

static void tileset_setup_citizen_types ( struct tileset t,
struct citizen_set set,
const char tag_group,
const char set_name,
bool  required 

Setup the graphics for (non-specialist) citizen types.

Definition at line 3186 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by tileset_setup_citizen_types_default_set(), and tileset_setup_city_tiles().

◆ tileset_setup_citizen_types_default_set()

static void tileset_setup_citizen_types_default_set ( struct tileset t)

Setup the graphics for (non-specialist) citizen types in default set.

Definition at line 3177 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by tileset_lookup_sprite_tags().

◆ tileset_setup_city_tiles()

void tileset_setup_city_tiles ( struct tileset t,
int  style 

Set city tiles sprite values; should only happen after tilespec_load_tiles().

Definition at line 6660 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by handle_ruleset_city(), and tilespec_reread().

◆ tileset_setup_extra()

void tileset_setup_extra ( struct tileset t,
struct extra_type pextra 

Set extra sprite values; should only happen after tilespec_load_tiles().

Definition at line 4067 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by handle_ruleset_extra(), and tilespec_reread().

◆ tileset_setup_government()

void tileset_setup_government ( struct tileset t,
struct government gov 

Set government sprite value; should only happen after tilespec_load_tiles().

Definition at line 4608 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by handle_ruleset_government(), and tilespec_reread().

◆ tileset_setup_impr_type()

void tileset_setup_impr_type ( struct tileset t,
struct impr_type pimprove 

Set improvement_type sprite value; should only happen after tilespec_load_tiles().

Definition at line 4032 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by handle_ruleset_building(), and tilespec_reread().

◆ tileset_setup_nation_flag()

void tileset_setup_nation_flag ( struct tileset t,
struct nation_type nation 

Set nation flag sprite value; should only happen after tilespec_load_tiles().

Definition at line 4623 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by handle_ruleset_nation(), and tilespec_reread().

◆ tileset_setup_road()

static void tileset_setup_road ( struct tileset t,
struct extra_type pextra,
const char tag 

Set road sprite values; should only happen after tilespec_load_tiles().

Definition at line 4199 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by tileset_setup_extra().

◆ tileset_setup_specialist_type()

static void tileset_setup_specialist_type ( struct tileset t,
struct citizen_set set,
Specialist_type_id  id,
const char tag_group,
const char set_name,
bool  required 

Setup the graphics for specialist types.

Definition at line 3093 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by tileset_setup_city_tiles(), and tileset_setup_specialist_type_default_set().

◆ tileset_setup_specialist_type_default_set()

void tileset_setup_specialist_type_default_set ( struct tileset t,
Specialist_type_id  id 

Setup the graphics for specialist types in the default sprite set.

Definition at line 3083 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by handle_ruleset_specialist(), and tilespec_reread().

◆ tileset_setup_tech_type()

void tileset_setup_tech_type ( struct tileset t,
struct advance padvance 

Set tech_type sprite value; should only happen after tilespec_load_tiles().

Definition at line 4048 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by handle_ruleset_tech(), and tilespec_reread().

◆ tileset_setup_tile_type()

void tileset_setup_tile_type ( struct tileset t,
const struct terrain pterrain 

Set tile_type sprite values; should only happen after tilespec_load_tiles().

Definition at line 4342 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by handle_ruleset_terrain(), and tilespec_reread().

◆ tileset_setup_unit_direction()

static bool tileset_setup_unit_direction ( struct tileset t,
int  uidx,
const char base_str,
enum direction8  dir,
enum unit_activity  activity,
bool  has_icon 

Helper function to load sprite for one unit orientation. Returns FALSE if a needed sprite was not found.

Definition at line 3877 of file tilespec.c.

◆ tileset_setup_unit_type()

void tileset_setup_unit_type ( struct tileset t,
struct unit_type ut 

Set unit_type sprite value; should only happen after tilespec_load_tiles().

Definition at line 3998 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by handle_ruleset_unit(), and tilespec_reread().

◆ tileset_setup_unit_type_from_tag()

static bool tileset_setup_unit_type_from_tag ( struct tileset t,
int  uidx,
const char tag 

Try to setup all unit type sprites from single tag

Definition at line 3941 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by tileset_setup_unit_type().

◆ tileset_small_sprite_height()

int tileset_small_sprite_height ( const struct tileset t)

Return the small sprite height of the current tileset. The small sprites are used for various theme graphics (e.g., citymap citizens/specialists as well as panel indicator icons).

Definition at line 963 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by city_dialog_update_citizens(), create_city_dialog(), extviewer_new(), and city_dialog::update_citizens().

◆ tileset_small_sprite_width()

int tileset_small_sprite_width ( const struct tileset t)

Return the small sprite width of the current tileset. The small sprites are used for various theme graphics (e.g., citymap citizens/specialists as well as panel indicator icons).

Definition at line 927 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by citizens_callback(), citizens_callback(), city_dialog_update_citizens(), create_city_dialog(), extviewer_new(), city_label::mousePressEvent(), refresh_feeling_surface(), refresh_feeling_surface(), and city_dialog::update_citizens().

◆ tileset_summary()

const char * tileset_summary ( struct tileset t)

Return tileset description summary

Definition at line 7783 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by boot_help_texts().

◆ tileset_svg_flag_height()

int tileset_svg_flag_height ( struct tileset t)

Return tileset svg flag height

Definition at line 7815 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by show_full_citybar().

◆ tileset_tile_height()

int tileset_tile_height ( const struct tileset t)

Return the tile height of the current tileset. This is the tesselation height of the tiled plane. This means it's the height of the bounding box of the basic map tile.

See also tileset_tile_width().

Definition at line 791 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by anchor_selection_rectangle(), battle_animation(), info_tile::calc_size(), can_do_cached_drawing(), canvas_to_city_pos(), center_tile_mapcanvas(), city_to_canvas_pos(), create_extra_pixbuf(), create_pixbuf_from_layers(), create_terrain_pixbuf(), create_tool_value_selector(), decrease_unit_hp_smooth(), define_tiles_within_rectangle(), draw_calculated_trade_routes(), draw_segment(), draw_trade_route_line(), editor_end_selection_rectangle(), explosion_animation(), generate_citydlg_dimensions(), get_mapview_scroll_step(), get_mapview_scroll_window(), gui_to_map_pos(), gui_to_natural_pos(), gui_to_overview(), link_mark_draw(), map_canvas_resized(), map_to_gui_vector(), move_unit_map_canvas(), movement_animation(), nuke_animation(), objprop_setup_widget(), popit(), popup_terrain_info_dialog(), popupinfo_positioning_callback(), put_city(), put_nuke_mushroom_pixmaps(), put_terrain(), put_unit(), put_unittype(), put_window_near_map_tile(), mr_menu::save_image(), select_tgt_extra(), set_help_tile_from_extra(), set_help_tile_from_terrain(), help_widget::set_topic_extra(), terrain_canvas(), tile_to_canvas_pos(), tile_visible_and_not_on_border_mapcanvas(), tileset_read_toplevel(), unqueue_mapview_updates(), hud_units::update_actions(), update_map_canvas(), and update_selection_rectangle().

◆ tileset_tile_width()

int tileset_tile_width ( const struct tileset t)

Return the tile width of the current tileset. This is the tesselation width of the tiled plane. This means it's the width of the bounding box of the basic map tile.

For best results:

  • The value should be even (or a multiple of 4 in iso-view).
  • In iso-view, the width should be twice the height (to give a perspective of 30 degrees above the horizon).
  • In non-iso-view, width and height should be equal (overhead perspective).
  • In hex or iso-hex view, remember this is the tesselation vector. hex_width and hex_height then give the size of the side of the hexagon. Calculating the dimensions of a "regular" hexagon or iso-hexagon may be tricky. However these requirements are not absolute and callers should not depend on them (although some do).

Definition at line 779 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by anchor_selection_rectangle(), battle_animation(), can_do_cached_drawing(), canvas_to_city_pos(), center_tile_mapcanvas(), city_to_canvas_pos(), create_extra_pixbuf(), create_terrain_pixbuf(), decrease_unit_hp_smooth(), define_tiles_within_rectangle(), draw_calculated_trade_routes(), draw_segment(), draw_trade_route_line(), editor_end_selection_rectangle(), explosion_animation(), generate_citydlg_dimensions(), get_mapview_scroll_step(), get_mapview_scroll_window(), gui_to_map_pos(), gui_to_natural_pos(), gui_to_overview(), link_mark_draw(), map_canvas_resized(), map_to_gui_vector(), nuke_animation(), objprop_setup_widget(), populate_unit_image_table(), populate_unit_pic_table(), popup_hurry_production_dialog(), popupinfo_positioning_callback(), put_nuke_mushroom_pixmaps(), put_window_near_map_tile(), mr_menu::save_image(), select_tgt_extra(), set_help_tile_from_extra(), set_help_tile_from_terrain(), set_unit_icon(), show_city_descriptions(), show_full_citybar(), show_small_citybar(), show_tile_label(), show_tile_labels(), tile_to_canvas_pos(), tile_visible_and_not_on_border_mapcanvas(), unqueue_mapview_updates(), and update_selection_rectangle().

◆ tileset_tilelabel_offset_y()

int tileset_tilelabel_offset_y ( const struct tileset t)

Return the offset from the origin of the tile at which to place the label text.

Definition at line 945 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by show_tile_label().

◆ tileset_topo_index()

int tileset_topo_index ( struct tileset t)

Return tileset topology index

Definition at line 7807 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by tilespec_reread_callback(), tilespec_try_read(), and ts_cb().

◆ tileset_unit_height()

int tileset_unit_height ( const struct tileset t)

◆ tileset_unit_layout_offset_y()

int tileset_unit_layout_offset_y ( const struct tileset t)

Offset to layout extra unit sprites, such as upkeep.

Definition at line 908 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by put_unit_image_city_overlays(), put_unit_picture_city_overlays(), tileset_unit_with_upkeep_height(), and unit_item::unit_item().

◆ tileset_unit_layout_small_offset_y()

int tileset_unit_layout_small_offset_y ( const struct tileset t)

Offset to layout extra unit sprites, such as upkeep, requesting small space layout.

Definition at line 917 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by create_unit_surface(), and tileset_unit_with_small_upkeep_height().

◆ tileset_unit_width()

int tileset_unit_width ( const struct tileset t)

◆ tileset_unit_with_small_upkeep_height()

int tileset_unit_with_small_upkeep_height ( const struct tileset t)

Suitable canvas height for a unit icon that includes upkeep sprites, using small space layout.

Definition at line 897 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by create_unit_surface().

◆ tileset_unit_with_upkeep_height()

int tileset_unit_with_upkeep_height ( const struct tileset t)

Suitable canvas height for a unit icon that includes upkeep sprites.

Definition at line 885 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by city_dialog::city_dialog(), city_dialog_update_supported_units(), create_and_append_overview_page(), and unit_item::unit_item().

◆ tileset_upkeep_height()

static int tileset_upkeep_height ( const struct tileset t)

Get the height of a unit upkeep icons.

Definition at line 876 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by tileset_unit_with_small_upkeep_height(), and tileset_unit_with_upkeep_height().

◆ tileset_use_hard_coded_fog()

bool tileset_use_hard_coded_fog ( const struct tileset t)

Return TRUE if the client will use the code to generate the fog.

Definition at line 989 of file tilespec.c.

◆ tileset_use_preferred_theme()

void tileset_use_preferred_theme ( const struct tileset t)

Loads preferred theme if there's any.

Definition at line 7309 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by activate_gui(), tilespec_reread(), ui_main(), and ui_main().

◆ tileset_version()

const char * tileset_version ( struct tileset t)

Return tileset version

Definition at line 7775 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by boot_help_texts().

◆ tileset_what_ruleset()

char * tileset_what_ruleset ( struct tileset t)

Return what ruleset this tileset is primarily meant for

Definition at line 7799 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by client_start_server().

◆ tilespec_fullname()

static char * tilespec_fullname ( const char tileset_name)

Gets full filename for tilespec file, based on input name. Returned data is allocated, and freed by user as required. Input name may be null, in which case uses default. Falls back to default if can't find specified name; dies if can't find default.

Definition at line 1181 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by tileset_read_toplevel().

◆ tilespec_gfx_filename()

static char * tilespec_gfx_filename ( const char gfx_filename,
const char tset_name 

Returns the correct name of the gfx file (with path and extension) Must be free'd when no longer used

Definition at line 1845 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by tileset_read_toplevel().

◆ tilespec_reread()

bool tilespec_reread ( const char new_tileset_name,
bool  game_fully_initialized,
float  scale 

Read a new tilespec in from scratch.

Unlike the initial reading code, which reads pieces one at a time, this gets rid of the old data and reads in the new all at once. If the new tileset fails to load the old tileset may be reloaded; otherwise the client will exit. If a NULL name is given the current tileset will be reread.

It will also call the necessary functions to redraw the graphics.

Returns TRUE iff new tileset has been successfully loaded.

Definition at line 1401 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by handle_ruleset_control(), mr_menu::load_new_tileset(), popup_tileset_suggestion_dialog(), reload_tileset_callback(), map_view::shortcut_pressed(), tileset_suggestion_callback(), tileset_suggestion_response(), tilespec_reread_callback(), tilespec_reread_frozen_refresh(), mr_menu::zoom_in(), mr_menu::zoom_out(), and mr_menu::zoom_reset().

◆ tilespec_reread_callback()

void tilespec_reread_callback ( struct option poption)

This is merely a wrapper for tilespec_reread() (above) for use in options.c and the client local options dialog.

Definition at line 1555 of file tilespec.c.

◆ tilespec_reread_frozen_refresh()

void tilespec_reread_frozen_refresh ( const char tname)

Read a new tilespec in from scratch. Keep UI frozen while tileset is partially loaded; in inconsistent state.

See tilespec_reread() for details.

Definition at line 1591 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by handle_set_topology().

◆ tilespec_try_read()

bool tilespec_try_read ( const char tileset_name,
bool  verbose,
int  topo_id,
bool  global_default 

Read a new tilespec in when first starting the game.

Call this function with the (guessed) name of the tileset, when starting the client.

Returns TRUE iff tileset with suggested tileset_name was loaded.

Definition at line 1360 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by default_tileset_select().

◆ toggle_focus_unit_state()

void toggle_focus_unit_state ( struct tileset t)

Toggle/increment the focus unit state. This should be called once every get_focus_unit_toggle_timeout() seconds.

Definition at line 6759 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by blink_active_unit().

◆ ts_cb()

static void ts_cb ( const char modpack_name,
const char filename,
void data 

Callback called from modpack tileset cache iteration.

Definition at line 1332 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by tilespec_try_read().

◆ ts_list_cb()

static void ts_list_cb ( const char modpack_name,
const char filename,
void data 

Callback called from modpack tileset cache iteration.

Definition at line 1133 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by get_tileset_list().

◆ ts_topology_index()

static int ts_topology_index ( int  actual_topology)

Convert properties of the actual topology to an index of different tileset topology types.

Definition at line 1089 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by get_tileset_list(), and tileset_read_toplevel().

◆ unit_drawn_with_city_outline()

bool unit_drawn_with_city_outline ( const struct unit punit,
bool  check_focus 

Indicate whether a unit is to be drawn with a surrounding city outline under current conditions. (This includes being in focus, but if the caller has already checked that, they can bypass this slightly expensive check with check_focus FALSE.)

Definition at line 5714 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by fill_grid_sprite_array(), handle_unit_packet_common(), and refresh_unit_mapcanvas().

◆ unload_all_sprites()

static void unload_all_sprites ( struct tileset t)

This patch unloads all sprites from the sprite hash (the hash itself is left intact).

Definition at line 6808 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by tileset_free_tiles().

◆ unload_popup_sprite()

void unload_popup_sprite ( const char tag)

Unload sprite from popup image tag

Definition at line 7831 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by popup_image(), and qtg_popup_image().

◆ unload_sprite()

static void unload_sprite ( struct tileset t,
const char tag_name 

Unloads the sprite. Decrease the reference counter. If the last reference is removed the sprite is freed.

Definition at line 2892 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by unload_all_sprites(), and unload_popup_sprite().

◆ valid_index_str()

static char * valid_index_str ( const struct tileset t,
int  idx 

Do the same thing as cardinal_str, except including all valid directions. The returned string is a pointer to static memory.

Definition at line 2751 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by tileset_setup_road().

Variable Documentation


const int DIR4_TO_DIR8[4]

◆ direction4letters

const char direction4letters[4] = "udrl"

Definition at line 142 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by tileset_setup_tile_type().

◆ edge_name

const char edge_name[EDGE_COUNT][3] = {"ns", "we", "ud", "lr"}

Definition at line 144 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by tileset_lookup_sprite_tags().

◆ focus_unit_state

bool focus_unit_state = FALSE

Definition at line 594 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by get_drawable_unit(), reset_focus_unit_state(), and toggle_focus_unit_state().

◆ global_anim_time

int global_anim_time = 0

Definition at line 598 of file tilespec.c.

Referenced by advance_global_anim_state(), and anim_get_current_frame().

◆ tileset

Definition at line 591 of file tilespec.c.

◆ tileset_update

bool tileset_update = FALSE

◆ unscaled_tileset

struct tileset* unscaled_tileset = NULL