24#include <gdk/gdkkeysyms.h>
507 || 10 >=
i].num_required_techs)) {
865 return Q_(
"?Building or Unit type:Name");
867 return _(
940 if (selected ==
id) {
970 if (selected ==
id) {
1016 switch (selected.
kind) {
1039 ?
"Do you really wish to sell "
1040 "every redundant %s (%d total)?")
1042 :
"Do you really wish to sell "
1043 "every %s (%d total)?"),
1069 _(
"Do you really wish to disband "
1070 "every %s (%d total)?"),
1087 if (
'\0' !=
buf[0]) {
1116 switch (selected.
kind) {
1344static const struct {
1359 N_(
"In progress"),
TRUE, -1 },
1363 N_(
"Total shield upkeep"),
TRUE, -1 },
1365 N_(
"Total food upkeep"),
TRUE, -1 },
1367 N_(
"Total gold upkeep"),
TRUE, -1 },
1434 info->active_count++;
1468 if (0 == info->active_count && 0 == info->building_count) {
1501 unit_totals.building_count += info->building_count;
1524 if (selected ==
1549 if (0 < active_count) {
1554 if (
NULL == utype) {
1653 "Treasury contains %d gold.",
1663 PL_(
"Upgrade as many %s to %s as possible "
1664 "for %d gold each?\n%s",
1665 "Upgrade as many %s to %s as possible "
1666 "for %d gold each?\n%s",
1861 return _(
1863 return _(
1865 return _(
1940 preport->players_received = 0;
bool action_ever_possible(action_id action)
struct canvas int int struct sprite int int int int height
struct canvas int int struct sprite int int int width
bool city_production_build_units(const struct city *pcity, bool add_production, int *num_units)
#define city_list_iterate(citylist, pcity)
#define output_type_iterate(output)
#define city_list_iterate_end
#define output_type_iterate_end
bool client_is_global_observer(void)
bool can_client_issue_orders(void)
bool client_has_player(void)
cid cid_encode_building(const struct impr_type *pimprove)
struct universal cid_decode(cid id)
cid cid_encode_unit(const struct unit_type *punittype)
bool can_conn_edit(const struct connection *pconn)
void unit_focus_set_and_select(struct unit *punit)
#define can_unit_do_activity_client(_punit_, _act_)
struct unit struct city struct unit struct tile struct extra_type const struct act_prob *act_probs int actor_unit_id struct unit struct unit * punit
struct unit struct city struct unit struct tile struct extra_type const struct act_prob *act_probs int actor_unit_id struct unit struct unit int const struct action *paction struct unit struct city * pcity
#define PL_(String1, String2, n)
void gtk_tree_view_focus(GtkTreeView *view)
void gui_dialog_destroy(struct gui_dialog *dlg)
void gui_dialog_present(struct gui_dialog *dlg)
void itree_get(ITree *it,...)
void gui_dialog_raise(struct gui_dialog *dlg)
void gui_dialog_new(struct gui_dialog **pdlg, GtkNotebook *notebook, gpointer user_data, bool check_top)
void gui_dialog_response_set_callback(struct gui_dialog *dlg, GUI_DIALOG_RESPONSE_FUN fun)
void itree_begin(GtkTreeModel *model, ITree *it)
void gui_dialog_show_all(struct gui_dialog *dlg)
void gui_dialog_set_title(struct gui_dialog *dlg, const char *title)
void gui_dialog_set_default_size(struct gui_dialog *dlg, int width, int height)
void gui_dialog_alert(struct gui_dialog *dlg)
void itree_next(ITree *it)
GtkWidget * gui_dialog_add_button(struct gui_dialog *dlg, const char *icon_name, const char *text, int response)
void setup_dialog(GtkWidget *shell, GtkWidget *parent)
void gui_dialog_set_response_sensitive(struct gui_dialog *dlg, int response, bool setting)
GtkWidget * gui_dialog_get_toplevel(struct gui_dialog *dlg)
gboolean itree_end(ITree *it)
void popup_help_dialog_typed(const char *item, enum help_page_type htype)
static struct gui_dialog * shell
GdkPixbuf * get_flag(const struct nation_type *nation)
static struct endgame_report endgame_report
static void units_report_init(struct units_report *preport)
void units_report_dialog_popdown(void)
static GtkListStore * units_report_store_new(void)
void science_report_dialog_popup(bool raise)
static void science_report_store_set(GtkListStore *store, GtkTreeIter *iter, Tech_type_id tech)
static void economy_report_init(struct economy_report *preport)
static void science_report_update(struct science_report *preport)
static void units_report_update(struct units_report *preport)
static bool science_report_combo_get_active(GtkComboBox *combo, Tech_type_id *tech, char **name)
void endgame_report_dialog_start(const struct packet_endgame_report *packet)
static const struct @161 unit_report_columns[]
static void science_diagram_center(GtkWidget *diagram, Tech_type_id tech)
static void endgame_report_update(struct endgame_report *preport, const struct packet_endgame_report *packet)
void real_units_report_dialog_update(void *unused)
void real_economy_report_dialog_update(void *unused)
void economy_report_dialog_popdown(void)
static gboolean science_diagram_update(GtkWidget *widget, cairo_t *cr, gpointer data)
static const char * endgame_report_column_name(enum endgame_report_columns col)
void economy_report_dialog_popup(bool raise)
static void endgame_report_init(struct endgame_report *preport)
static void science_report_combo_set_active(GtkComboBox *combo, Tech_type_id tech)
static void science_diagram_data(GtkWidget *widget, bool show_all)
static void science_report_free(struct science_report *preport)
static bool science_report_no_combo_callback
void units_report_dialog_popup(bool raise)
static void economy_report_command_callback(struct gui_dialog *pdialog, int response, gpointer data)
static void units_report_command_callback(struct gui_dialog *pdialog, int response, gpointer data)
static void units_report_selection_callback(GtkTreeSelection *selection, gpointer data)
static void economy_report_update(struct economy_report *preport)
void science_report_dialog_redraw(void)
static const char * economy_report_column_name(enum economy_report_columns col)
static GtkWidget * science_diagram_new(void)
static void science_report_show_all_callback(GtkComboBox *combo, gpointer data)
void science_report_dialog_popdown(void)
static GtkListStore * economy_report_store_new(void)
static struct unit * find_nearest_unit(const struct unit_type *utype, struct tile *ptile)
static gint cmp_func(gconstpointer a_p, gconstpointer b_p)
static void economy_report_selection_callback(GtkTreeSelection *selection, gpointer data)
static void science_report_goal_callback(GtkComboBox *combo, gpointer data)
static void economy_report_free(struct economy_report *preport)
static void science_report_init(struct science_report *preport)
static void science_report_current_callback(GtkComboBox *combo, gpointer data)
void real_science_report_dialog_update(void *unused)
static void units_report_free(struct units_report *preport)
static GtkListStore * science_report_store_new(void)
static void science_report_redraw(struct science_report *preport)
GdkPixbuf * sprite_get_pixbuf(struct sprite *sprite)
gint blocking_dialog(GtkWidget *dlg)
void gui_dialog_add_content_widget(struct gui_dialog *dlg, GtkWidget *wdg)
static gboolean science_diagram_left_button_up(GtkGestureClick *gesture, int n_press, double x, double y)
static gboolean science_diagram_right_button_up(GtkGestureClick *gesture, int n_press, double x, double y)
bool can_sell_building(const struct impr_type *pimprove)
const char * improvement_name_translation(const struct impr_type *pimprove)
#define fc_assert_ret(condition)
#define fc_assert(condition)
#define log_error(message,...)
int sq_map_distance(const struct tile *tile0, const struct tile *tile1)
struct tile * get_center_tile_mapcanvas(void)
void center_tile_mapcanvas(const struct tile *ptile)
struct nation_type * nation_of_player(const struct player *pplayer)
int dsend_packet_player_tech_goal(struct connection *pc, int tech)
int dsend_packet_player_research(struct connection *pc, int tech)
int dsend_packet_unit_type_upgrade(struct connection *pc, Unit_type_id type)
const char * science_dialog_text(void)
struct player * player_by_number(const int player_id)
const char * player_name(const struct player *pplayer)
#define players_iterate_end
#define players_iterate(_pplayer)
void get_economy_report_units_data(struct unit_entry *entries, int *num_entries_used, int *total_cost)
void get_economy_report_data(struct improvement_entry *entries, int *num_entries_used, int *total_cost, int *total_income)
void sell_all_improvements(const struct impr_type *pimprove, bool redundant_only, char *message, size_t message_sz)
void disband_all_units(const struct unit_type *punittype, bool in_cities_only, char *message, size_t message_sz)
void draw_reqtree(struct reqtree *tree, struct canvas *pcanvas, int canvas_x, int canvas_y, int tt_x, int tt_y, int w, int h)
void get_reqtree_dimensions(struct reqtree *reqtree, int *width, int *height)
Tech_type_id get_tech_on_reqtree(struct reqtree *tree, int x, int y)
bool find_tech_on_reqtree(struct reqtree *tree, Tech_type_id tech, int *x, int *y, int *w, int *h)
void destroy_reqtree(struct reqtree *tree)
struct reqtree * create_reqtree(struct player *pplayer, bool show_all)
int research_goal_unknown_techs(const struct research *presearch, Tech_type_id goal)
bool research_invention_reachable(const struct research *presearch, const Tech_type_id tech)
bool research_future_next(const struct research *presearch)
const char * research_advance_name_translation(const struct research *presearch, Tech_type_id tech)
struct research * research_get(const struct player *pplayer)
enum tech_state research_invention_state(const struct research *presearch, Tech_type_id tech)
struct gui_dialog * shell
struct gui_dialog * shell
char category_name[32][MAX_LEN_NAME]
struct gui_dialog * shell
GtkProgressBar * progress_bar
GtkComboBox * reachable_techs
GtkComboBox * reachable_goals
GtkDrawingArea * drawing_area
GtkWidget * button_show_all
enum unit_activity activity
struct unit::@83::@85 client
const struct unit_type * utype
enum unit_focus_status focus_status
enum server_side_agent ssa_controller
struct gui_dialog * shell
int fc_snprintf(char *str, size_t n, const char *format,...)
int fc_strcoll(const char *str0, const char *str1)
bool is_future_tech(Tech_type_id tech)
#define advance_index_iterate_max(_start, _index, _max)
#define advance_index_iterate_max_end
static Tech_type_id advance_count(void)
const char * score_tooltip(const struct player *pplayer, int score)
const char * get_science_target_text(double *percent)
const char * get_science_goal_text(Tech_type_id goal)
struct sprite * get_building_sprite(const struct tileset *t, const struct impr_type *pimprove)
bool tileset_is_fully_loaded(void)
struct sprite * get_unittype_sprite(const struct tileset *t, const struct unit_type *punittype, enum unit_activity activity, enum direction8 facing)
const struct unit_type * utype
const struct impr_type * building
#define unit_list_iterate(unitlist, punit)
#define unit_list_iterate_end
const struct unit_type * unit_type_get(const struct unit *punit)
const struct unit_type * can_upgrade_unittype(const struct player *pplayer, const struct unit_type *punittype)
Unit_type_id utype_count(void)
struct unit_type * utype_by_number(const Unit_type_id id)
Unit_type_id utype_number(const struct unit_type *punittype)
Unit_type_id utype_index(const struct unit_type *punittype)
const char * utype_name_translation(const struct unit_type *punittype)
int unit_upgrade_price(const struct player *pplayer, const struct unit_type *from, const struct unit_type *to)
#define unit_type_iterate(_p)
#define unit_type_iterate_end