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research.c File Reference
#include "iterator.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "shared.h"
#include "string_vector.h"
#include "support.h"
#include "fc_types.h"
#include "game.h"
#include "nation.h"
#include "player.h"
#include "name_translation.h"
#include "team.h"
#include "tech.h"
#include "research.h"

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Data Structures

struct  research_iter
struct  research_player_iter


#define RESEARCH_ITER(p)   ((struct research_iter *) p)
#define RESEARCH_PLAYER_ITER(p)   ((struct research_player_iter *) p)
#define research_is_allowed(presearch, tech)    research_allowed(presearch, tech, are_reqs_active)
#define research_may_become_allowed(presearch, tech)    research_allowed(presearch, tech, reqs_may_activate)


void researches_init (void)
void researches_free (void)
int research_number (const struct research *presearch)
struct researchresearch_by_number (int number)
struct researchresearch_get (const struct player *pplayer)
const charresearch_rule_name (const struct research *presearch)
const charresearch_name_translation (const struct research *presearch)
int research_pretty_name (const struct research *presearch, char *buf, size_t buf_len)
static const struct name_translationresearch_advance_name (Tech_type_id tech)
static const charresearch_future_set_name (struct strvec *psv, int no, const char *new_name)
const charresearch_advance_rule_name (const struct research *presearch, Tech_type_id tech)
const charresearch_advance_name_translation (const struct research *presearch, Tech_type_id tech)
static bool reqs_may_activate (const struct req_context *context, const struct req_context *other_context, const struct requirement_vector *reqs, const enum req_problem_type prob_type)
static bool research_allowed (const struct research *presearch, Tech_type_id tech, bool(*reqs_eval)(const struct req_context *context, const struct req_context *ocontext, const struct requirement_vector *reqs, const enum req_problem_type ptype))
static bool research_get_reachable_rreqs (const struct research *presearch, Tech_type_id tech)
static bool research_get_reachable (const struct research *presearch, Tech_type_id tech)
static bool research_get_root_reqs_known (const struct research *presearch, Tech_type_id tech)
void research_update (struct research *presearch)
enum tech_state research_invention_state (const struct research *presearch, Tech_type_id tech)
enum tech_state research_invention_set (struct research *presearch, Tech_type_id tech, enum tech_state value)
bool research_invention_reachable (const struct research *presearch, const Tech_type_id tech)
bool research_invention_gettable (const struct research *presearch, const Tech_type_id tech, bool allow_holes)
Tech_type_id research_goal_step (const struct research *presearch, Tech_type_id goal)
int research_goal_unknown_techs (const struct research *presearch, Tech_type_id goal)
int research_goal_bulbs_required (const struct research *presearch, Tech_type_id goal)
bool research_goal_tech_req (const struct research *presearch, Tech_type_id goal, Tech_type_id tech)
int research_total_bulbs_required (const struct research *presearch, Tech_type_id tech, bool loss_value)
int player_tech_upkeep (const struct player *pplayer)
size_t research_iter_sizeof (void)
static voidresearch_iter_get (const struct iterator *it)
static void research_iter_team_next (struct iterator *it)
static bool research_iter_team_valid (const struct iterator *it)
static void research_iter_player_next (struct iterator *it)
static bool research_iter_player_valid (const struct iterator *it)
struct iteratorresearch_iter_init (struct research_iter *it)
size_t research_player_iter_sizeof (void)
static bool research_player_iter_valid_state (struct iterator *it)
static voidresearch_player_iter_pooled_get (const struct iterator *it)
static void research_player_iter_pooled_next (struct iterator *it)
static bool research_player_iter_pooled_valid (const struct iterator *it)
static voidresearch_player_iter_not_pooled_get (const struct iterator *it)
static void research_player_iter_not_pooled_next (struct iterator *it)
static bool research_player_iter_not_pooled_valid (const struct iterator *it)
struct iteratorresearch_player_iter_init (struct research_player_iter *it, const struct research *presearch)
int research_count (void)
int recalculate_techs_researched (const struct research *presearch)
bool research_future_next (const struct research *presearch)


static struct research research_array [RESEARCH_ARRAY_SIZE]
static struct name_translation advance_unset_name = NAME_INIT
static struct name_translation advance_future_name = NAME_INIT
static struct name_translation advance_unknown_name = NAME_INIT
static struct strvecfuture_rule_name
static struct strvecfuture_name_translation

Macro Definition Documentation



Definition at line 51 of file research.c.

◆ research_is_allowed

#define research_is_allowed (   presearch,
)     research_allowed(presearch, tech, are_reqs_active)

Returns TRUE iff researching the given tech is allowed according to its research_reqs.

Helper for research_update().

Definition at line 366 of file research.c.


#define RESEARCH_ITER (   p)    ((struct research_iter *) p)

Definition at line 40 of file research.c.

◆ research_may_become_allowed

#define research_may_become_allowed (   presearch,
)     research_allowed(presearch, tech, reqs_may_activate)

Returns TRUE iff researching the given tech may become allowed according to its research_reqs.

Helper for research_get_reachable_rreqs().

Definition at line 375 of file research.c.


#define RESEARCH_PLAYER_ITER (   p)    ((struct research_player_iter *) p)

Definition at line 49 of file research.c.

Function Documentation

◆ player_tech_upkeep()

int player_tech_upkeep ( const struct player pplayer)

Calculate the bulb upkeep needed for all techs of a player. See also research_total_bulbs_required().

Definition at line 1058 of file research.c.

Referenced by dai_goldequiv_clause(), dai_manage_taxes(), init_tech(), package_player_info(), and update_national_activities().

◆ recalculate_techs_researched()

int recalculate_techs_researched ( const struct research presearch)

Return recalculated number of techs researched. Useful for sanity checking techs_researched counter.

Definition at line 1353 of file research.c.

Referenced by sg_load_sanitycheck(), and sg_load_sanitycheck().

◆ reqs_may_activate()

static bool reqs_may_activate ( const struct req_context context,
const struct req_context other_context,
const struct requirement_vector reqs,
const enum req_problem_type  prob_type 

Returns TRUE iff the requirement vector may become active against the given target.

If may become active if all unchangeable requirements are active.

Definition at line 303 of file research.c.

◆ research_advance_name()

static const struct name_translation * research_advance_name ( Tech_type_id  tech)

Return the name translation for 'tech'. Utility for research_advance_rule_name() and research_advance_translated_name().

Definition at line 199 of file research.c.

Referenced by research_advance_name_translation(), and research_advance_rule_name().

◆ research_advance_name_translation()

const char * research_advance_name_translation ( const struct research presearch,
Tech_type_id  tech 

◆ research_advance_rule_name()

const char * research_advance_rule_name ( const struct research presearch,
Tech_type_id  tech 

Store the rule name of the given tech (including A_FUTURE) in 'buf'. 'presearch' may be NULL. We don't return a static buffer because that would break anything that needed to work with more than one name at a time.

Definition at line 240 of file research.c.

Referenced by dai_manage_tech(), dai_select_tech(), player_loot_player(), and update_bulbs().

◆ research_allowed()

Evaluates the legality of starting to research this tech according to reqs_eval() and the tech's research_reqs. Returns TRUE iff legal.

The reqs_eval() argument evaluates the requirements. One variant may check the current situation while another may check potential future situations.

Helper for research_update().

Definition at line 327 of file research.c.

◆ research_by_number()

struct research * research_by_number ( int  number)

Returns the research for the given index.

Definition at line 118 of file research.c.

Referenced by handle_research_info(), handle_unknown_research(), sg_load_researches(), and sg_load_researches().

◆ research_count()

int research_count ( void  )

Return number of researches, i.e., either number of players or teams depending on settings.

Definition at line 1336 of file research.c.

Referenced by dai_effect_value(), and do_tech_parasite_effects().

◆ research_future_next()

bool research_future_next ( const struct research presearch)

Is this research group going to research some Future Tech next?

Definition at line 1370 of file research.c.

Referenced by science_report_update().

◆ research_future_set_name()

static const char * research_future_set_name ( struct strvec psv,
int  no,
const char new_name 

Set a new future tech name in the string vector, and return the string duplicate stored inside the vector.

Definition at line 219 of file research.c.

Referenced by research_advance_name_translation(), and research_advance_rule_name().

◆ research_get()

struct research * research_get ( const struct player pplayer)

Returns the research structure associated with the player.

Definition at line 128 of file research.c.

Referenced by adjust_improvement_wants_by_effects(), adv_best_government(), adv_data_phase_init(), diplo_wdg::all_advances(), api_edit_give_technology(), api_edit_player_give_bulbs(), api_method_player_can_research(), api_methods_player_bulbs(), api_methods_player_free_bulbs(), api_methods_player_future(), api_methods_player_knows_tech(), api_methods_player_research_cost(), api_methods_player_researching(), api_methods_player_shares_research(), api_methods_player_tech_bulbs(), api_methods_player_tech_cost(), api_methods_research_name_translation(), api_methods_research_rule_name(), api_notify_research_embassies_msg(), api_notify_research_msg(), calc_civ_score(), choose_tech_to_steal(), city_build_building(), client_research_sprite(), cmp_func(), compute_tech_sell_price(), count_stealable_techs(), create_advances_list(), create_animals(), create_barbarian_player(), create_clause_menu(), create_command_newcomer(), create_dummy_reqtree(), create_select_tech_icon(), create_tech_tree(), research_diagram::create_tooltip_help(), dai_choose_diplomat_offensive(), dai_choose_paratrooper(), dai_effect_value(), dai_goldequiv_clause(), dai_goldequiv_tech(), dai_gov_value(), dai_manage_government(), dai_manage_taxes(), dai_manage_tech(), dai_process_defender_want(), dai_select_tech(), dai_share(), dai_tech_base_want(), dai_tech_effect_values(), dai_treaty_evaluate(), dai_wants_defender_against(), dai_wants_role_unit(), dai_war_desire(), diplomacy_dialog_tech_callback(), diplomacy_dialog_tech_callback(), diplomat_get_tech(), do_tech_parasite_effects(), do_unit_establish_trade(), draw_reqtree(), end_phase(), establish_embassy(), find_city_to_diplomat(), forget_tech_transferred(), found_new_tech(), get_bulb_tooltip(), get_bulbs_per_turn(), get_edge_type(), get_info_label_text_popup(), get_researching_info(), get_science_goal_text(), get_science_target_text(), get_tech_color(), government_change(), handle_diplomacy_accept_treaty_req(), handle_edit_player(), handle_edit_player_create(), handle_player_research(), handle_player_tech_goal(), handle_research_info(), helptext_advance(), historian_generic(), is_mintechs_req_active(), is_tech_req_active(), is_techflag_req_active(), research_diagram::mousePressEvent(), plr_widget::nation_selected(), node_color(), node_rectangle_minimum_size(), notify_research_embassies(), num_known_tech_with_flag(), objbind_get_value_from_object(), objbind_pack_current_values(), player_has_really_useful_tech_parasite(), player_knows_extra_exist(), player_loot_player(), player_tech_upkeep(), popup_add_menu(), popup_change_research_dialog(), popup_change_research_goal_dialog(), popup_diplomatic_objects(), process_attacker_want(), qtg_real_science_report_dialog_update(), real_science_report_dialog_update(), real_tech_log(), research_total_bulbs_required(), science_diagram_button_release_callback(), science_diagram_left_button_up(), science_diagram_right_button_up(), science_dialog_text(), science_report_current_callback(), science_report_dialog_popup(), science_report_goal_callback(), science_report_redraw(), science_report_store_set(), science_report_update(), script_tech_learned(), send_city_info(), send_research_info(), set_client_state(), set_indicator_icons(), diplo_wdg::show_menu(), show_new_turn_info(), side_right_click_science(), split_player(), spy_steal_popup_shared(), spy_steal_shared(), steal_a_tech(), suggest_tech_exchange(), tech_can_be_stolen(), tech_transfer(), update_bulbs(), update_intel_dialog(), update_national_activities(), science_report::update_report(), and worklist_change_build_target().

◆ research_get_reachable()

static bool research_get_reachable ( const struct research presearch,
Tech_type_id  tech 

Returns TRUE iff the given tech is ever reachable by the players sharing the research by checking tech tree limitations.

Helper for research_update().

Definition at line 440 of file research.c.

Referenced by research_update().

◆ research_get_reachable_rreqs()

static bool research_get_reachable_rreqs ( const struct research presearch,
Tech_type_id  tech 

Returns TRUE iff the given tech is ever reachable by the players sharing the research as far as research_reqs are concerned.

Helper for research_get_reachable().

Definition at line 384 of file research.c.

Referenced by research_get_reachable().

◆ research_get_root_reqs_known()

static bool research_get_root_reqs_known ( const struct research presearch,
Tech_type_id  tech 

Returns TRUE iff the players sharing 'presearch' already have got the knowledge of all root requirement technologies for 'tech' (without which it's impossible to gain 'tech').

Helper for research_update().

Definition at line 482 of file research.c.

Referenced by research_update().

◆ research_goal_bulbs_required()

int research_goal_bulbs_required ( const struct research presearch,
Tech_type_id  goal 

Function to determine cost (in bulbs) of reaching goal technology. These costs include the cost for researching the goal technology itself.

'presearch' may be NULL in which case it will returns the total number of bulbs needed for reaching the goal.

Definition at line 772 of file research.c.

Referenced by adjust_improvement_wants_by_effects(), dai_goldequiv_tech(), dai_process_defender_want(), dai_wants_defender_against(), dai_wants_role_unit(), get_science_goal_text(), helptext_advance(), and process_attacker_want().

◆ research_goal_step()

Tech_type_id research_goal_step ( const struct research presearch,
Tech_type_id  goal 

Return the next tech we should research to advance towards our goal. Returns A_UNSET if nothing is available or the goal is already known.

Definition at line 720 of file research.c.

Referenced by end_phase(), found_new_tech(), and init_tech().

◆ research_goal_tech_req()

bool research_goal_tech_req ( const struct research presearch,
Tech_type_id  goal,
Tech_type_id  tech 

Returns if the given tech has to be researched to reach the goal. The goal itself isn't a requirement of itself.

'presearch' may be NULL.

Definition at line 807 of file research.c.

Referenced by dai_choose_paratrooper(), dai_select_tech(), dai_treaty_evaluate(), get_edge_type(), get_science_goal_text(), and node_color().

◆ research_goal_unknown_techs()

int research_goal_unknown_techs ( const struct research presearch,
Tech_type_id  goal 

Returns the number of technologies the player need to research to get the goal technology. This includes the goal technology. Technologies are only counted once.

'presearch' may be NULL in which case it will returns the total number of technologies needed for reaching the goal.

Definition at line 750 of file research.c.

Referenced by adjust_improvement_wants_by_effects(), adv_best_government(), create_tech_tree(), dai_effect_value(), dai_gov_value(), dai_select_tech(), get_science_goal_text(), helptext_advance(), popup_change_research_goal_dialog(), process_attacker_want(), real_tech_log(), and science_report_store_set().

◆ research_invention_gettable()

bool research_invention_gettable ( const struct research presearch,
const Tech_type_id  tech,
bool  allow_holes 

◆ research_invention_reachable()

bool research_invention_reachable ( const struct research presearch,
const Tech_type_id  tech 

Returns TRUE iff the given tech is ever reachable via research by the players sharing the research by checking tech tree limitations.

'presearch' may be NULL in which case a simplified result is returned (used by the client).

Definition at line 668 of file research.c.

Referenced by create_dummy_reqtree(), dai_select_tech(), dai_wants_defender_against(), dai_wants_role_unit(), handle_player_tech_goal(), helptext_advance(), init_tech(), node_color(), popup_change_research_goal_dialog(), research_goal_step(), science_report_dialog_popup(), science_report_update(), sg_load_sanitycheck(), sg_load_sanitycheck(), update_intel_dialog(), and science_report::update_report().

◆ research_invention_set()

enum tech_state research_invention_set ( struct research presearch,
Tech_type_id  tech,
enum tech_state  value 

◆ research_invention_state()

enum tech_state research_invention_state ( const struct research presearch,
Tech_type_id  tech 

Returns state of the tech for current research. This can be: TECH_KNOWN, TECH_UNKNOWN, or TECH_PREREQS_KNOWN Should be called with existing techs.

If 'presearch' is NULL this checks whether any player knows the tech (used by the client).

Definition at line 619 of file research.c.

Referenced by diplo_wdg::all_advances(), api_edit_give_technology(), api_method_player_can_research(), api_methods_player_knows_tech(), calc_civ_score(), choose_tech(), choose_tech_to_steal(), compute_tech_sell_price(), count_stealable_techs(), create_advances_list(), create_clause_menu(), create_tech_tree(), dai_choose_paratrooper(), dai_goldequiv_clause(), dai_goldequiv_tech(), dai_manage_government(), dai_select_tech(), dai_share(), dai_tech_base_want(), dai_tech_effect_values(), dai_wants_defender_against(), dai_wants_role_unit(), diplomacy_dialog_tech_callback(), diplomacy_dialog_tech_callback(), diplomat_get_tech(), do_tech_parasite_effects(), found_new_tech(), get_edge_type(), get_tech_color(), give_initial_techs(), handle_diplomacy_accept_treaty_req(), handle_edit_player(), handle_player_research(), handle_player_tech_goal(), helptext_advance(), init_tech(), is_tech_req_active(), research_diagram::mousePressEvent(), plr_widget::nation_selected(), node_color(), objbind_get_value_from_object(), objbind_pack_current_values(), pick_cheapest_tech(), pick_random_tech(), pick_random_tech_to_lose(), player_has_really_useful_tech_parasite(), player_knows_extra_exist(), player_tech_upkeep(), popup_add_menu(), popup_change_research_goal_dialog(), popup_diplomatic_objects(), recalculate_techs_researched(), research_future_next(), research_goal_step(), research_total_bulbs_required(), research_update(), science_diagram_button_release_callback(), science_diagram_left_button_up(), science_report_dialog_popup(), sg_load_sanitycheck(), sg_load_sanitycheck(), sg_save_researches(), diplo_wdg::show_menu(), split_player(), spy_steal_popup_shared(), spy_steal_shared(), steal_a_tech(), suggest_tech_exchange(), tech_can_be_stolen(), tech_transfer(), update_intel_dialog(), and worklist_change_build_target().

◆ research_iter_get()

static void * research_iter_get ( const struct iterator it)

Returns the research structure pointed by the iterator.

Definition at line 1153 of file research.c.

Referenced by research_iter_init().

◆ research_iter_init()

struct iterator * research_iter_init ( struct research_iter it)

Initializes a player research iterator.

Definition at line 1213 of file research.c.

◆ research_iter_player_next()

static void research_iter_player_next ( struct iterator it)

Jump to next player research structure.

Definition at line 1187 of file research.c.

Referenced by research_iter_init().

◆ research_iter_player_valid()

static bool research_iter_player_valid ( const struct iterator it)

Returns FALSE if there is no valid player at current index.

Definition at line 1201 of file research.c.

Referenced by research_iter_init().

◆ research_iter_sizeof()

size_t research_iter_sizeof ( void  )

Returns the real size of the player research iterator.

Definition at line 1145 of file research.c.

◆ research_iter_team_next()

static void research_iter_team_next ( struct iterator it)

Jump to next team research structure.

Definition at line 1161 of file research.c.

Referenced by research_iter_init().

◆ research_iter_team_valid()

static bool research_iter_team_valid ( const struct iterator it)

Returns FALSE if there is no valid team at current index.

Definition at line 1175 of file research.c.

Referenced by research_iter_init().

◆ research_name_translation()

const char * research_name_translation ( const struct research presearch)

Returns the name of the research owner: a player name or a team name. For most uses you probably want research_pretty_name() instead.

Definition at line 156 of file research.c.

Referenced by sg_load_sanitycheck(), and sg_load_sanitycheck().

◆ research_number()

int research_number ( const struct research presearch)

◆ research_player_iter_init()

struct iterator * research_player_iter_init ( struct research_player_iter it,
const struct research presearch 

Initializes a research player iterator.

Definition at line 1305 of file research.c.

◆ research_player_iter_not_pooled_get()

static void * research_player_iter_not_pooled_get ( const struct iterator it)

Returns player of the iterator.

Definition at line 1281 of file research.c.

Referenced by research_player_iter_init().

◆ research_player_iter_not_pooled_next()

static void research_player_iter_not_pooled_next ( struct iterator it)

Invalidate the iterator.

Definition at line 1289 of file research.c.

Referenced by research_player_iter_init().

◆ research_player_iter_not_pooled_valid()

static bool research_player_iter_not_pooled_valid ( const struct iterator it)

Returns whether the iterate is valid.

Definition at line 1297 of file research.c.

Referenced by research_player_iter_init().

◆ research_player_iter_pooled_get()

static void * research_player_iter_pooled_get ( const struct iterator it)

Returns player of the iterator.

Definition at line 1253 of file research.c.

Referenced by research_player_iter_init().

◆ research_player_iter_pooled_next()

static void research_player_iter_pooled_next ( struct iterator it)

Returns the next player sharing the research.

Definition at line 1261 of file research.c.

Referenced by research_player_iter_init().

◆ research_player_iter_pooled_valid()

static bool research_player_iter_pooled_valid ( const struct iterator it)

Returns whether the iterate is valid.

Definition at line 1273 of file research.c.

Referenced by research_player_iter_init().

◆ research_player_iter_sizeof()

size_t research_player_iter_sizeof ( void  )

Returns the real size of the research player iterator.

Definition at line 1235 of file research.c.

◆ research_player_iter_valid_state()

static bool research_player_iter_valid_state ( struct iterator it)

Returns whether the iterator is currently at a valid state.

Definition at line 1243 of file research.c.

Referenced by research_player_iter_init(), and research_player_iter_pooled_next().

◆ research_pretty_name()

int research_pretty_name ( const struct research presearch,
char buf,
size_t  buf_len 

Set in 'buf' the name of the research owner. It may be either a nation plural name, or something like "members of team Red".

Definition at line 169 of file research.c.

Referenced by api_edit_give_technology(), api_methods_research_name_translation(), city_build_building(), do_tech_parasite_effects(), found_new_tech(), handle_diplomacy_accept_treaty_req(), research_tech_lost(), steal_a_tech(), and tech_researched().

◆ research_rule_name()

const char * research_rule_name ( const struct research presearch)

Returns the name of the research owner: a player name or a team name.

Definition at line 143 of file research.c.

Referenced by api_methods_research_rule_name(), research_tech_lost(), research_update(), and update_bulbs().

◆ research_total_bulbs_required()

int research_total_bulbs_required ( const struct research presearch,
Tech_type_id  tech,
bool  loss_value 

Function to determine cost for technology. The equation is determined from and

tech_cost_style: TECH_COST_CIV1CIV2: Civ (I|II) style. Every new tech add base_tech_cost to cost of next tech. TECH_COST_CLASSIC: Cost of technology is: base_tech_cost * (1 + reqs) * sqrt(1 + reqs) / 2 where reqs == number of requirement for tech, counted recursively. TECH_COST_CLASSIC_PRESET: Cost are read from tech.ruleset. Missing costs are generated by style "Classic". TECH_COST_EXPERIMENTAL: Cost of technology is: base_tech_cost * (reqs^2 / (1 + sqrt(sqrt(reqs + 1)))

  • 0.5) where reqs == number of requirement for tech, counted recursively. TECH_COST_EXPERIMENTAL_PRESET: Cost are read from tech.ruleset. Missing costs are generated by style "Experimental".

tech_leakage: TECH_LEAKAGE_NONE: No reduction of the technology cost. TECH_LEAKAGE_EMBASSIES: Technology cost is reduced depending on the number of players which already know the tech and you have an embassy with. TECH_LEAKAGE_PLAYERS: Technology cost is reduced depending on the number of all players (human, AI and barbarians) which already know the tech. TECH_LEAKAGE_NO_BARBS: Technology cost is reduced depending on the number of normal players (human and AI) which already know the tech.

At the end we multiply by the sciencebox value, as a percentage. The cost can never be less than 1.

'presearch' may be NULL in which case a simplified result is returned (used by client and manual code).

Definition at line 868 of file research.c.

Referenced by api_methods_player_research_cost(), api_methods_player_tech_cost(), choose_tech(), dai_choose_diplomat_offensive(), dai_manage_tech(), helptext_advance(), init_tech(), lose_tech(), package_research_info(), pick_cheapest_tech(), research_apply_penalty(), research_update(), tech_researched(), and update_bulbs().

◆ research_update()

void research_update ( struct research presearch)

Mark as TECH_PREREQS_KNOWN each tech which is available, not known and which has all requirements fulfilled.

Recalculate presearch->num_known_tech_with_flag Should always be called after research_invention_set().

Definition at line 501 of file research.c.

Referenced by found_new_tech(), government_change(), handle_edit_player(), handle_research_info(), init_tech(), research_tech_lost(), set_client_state(), sg_load_researches(), sg_load_researches(), and split_player().

◆ researches_free()

void researches_free ( void  )

Free all resources allocated for the research system

Definition at line 100 of file research.c.

Referenced by game_free().

◆ researches_init()

void researches_init ( void  )

Initializes all player research structure.

Definition at line 64 of file research.c.

Referenced by game_init(), and game_reset().

Variable Documentation

◆ advance_future_name

struct name_translation advance_future_name = NAME_INIT

Definition at line 55 of file research.c.

Referenced by research_advance_name(), research_advance_rule_name(), and researches_init().

◆ advance_unknown_name

struct name_translation advance_unknown_name = NAME_INIT

Definition at line 56 of file research.c.

Referenced by research_advance_name(), and researches_init().

◆ advance_unset_name

struct name_translation advance_unset_name = NAME_INIT

Definition at line 54 of file research.c.

Referenced by research_advance_name(), and researches_init().

◆ future_name_translation

struct strvec* future_name_translation

Definition at line 59 of file research.c.

Referenced by research_advance_name_translation(), researches_free(), and researches_init().

◆ future_rule_name

struct strvec* future_rule_name

Definition at line 58 of file research.c.

Referenced by research_advance_rule_name(), researches_free(), and researches_init().

◆ research_array

struct research research_array[RESEARCH_ARRAY_SIZE]