62#define BUTTON_NOT_THERE -1
95#define FC_TYPE_ACTION_ROW (fc_action_row_get_type())
306 int actor_id, target_id, sub_target;
413 int actor_id, target_id;
566 "Treasury contains %d gold.",
574 PL_(
"Bribe unit for %d gold?\n%s",
582 PL_(
"Bribing the unit costs %d gold.\n%s",
583 "Bribing the unit costs %d gold.\n%s",
605 "Treasury contains %d gold.",
613 PL_(
"Bribe unit stack for %d gold?\n%s",
614 "Bribe unit stack for %d gold?\n%s",
621 PL_(
"Bribing units costs %d gold.\n%s",
622 "Bribing units costs %d gold.\n%s",
767 "use-underline",
768 "mnemonic-widget",
769 "label",
951 "use-underline",
952 "mnemonic-widget",
953 "label",
974 if (pimprove->sabotage > 0) {
1118 "Treasury contains %d gold.",
1125 _(
"You can't incite a revolt in %s."),
1133 PL_(
"Incite a revolt for %d gold?\n%s",
1134 "Incite a revolt for %d gold?\n%s",
1142 PL_(
"Inciting a revolt costs %d gold.\n%s",
1143 "Inciting a revolt costs %d gold.\n%s",
1213 _(
"Target unit selection"),
1214 _(
"Looking for target unit:"),
1215 _(
"Units at tile:"),
1307 _(
"Target extra selection"),
1310 _(
"Looking for target extra:"),
1313 _(
"Extra targets:"),
1509 "Diplomat queue problem. Is another diplomat window open?");
1544 _(
"Choose Your %s's Strategy"),
1549 _(
"Your %s from %s reaches the city of %s.\nWhat now?"),
1555 _(
"Your %s has arrived at %s.\nWhat is your command?"),
1561 _(
"Your %s is ready to act against %s %s."),
1567 "No target specified.");
1570 _(
"Your %s is waiting for your command."),
1804 "The action selection dialog should have been open");
1810 "The action selection dialog is for another actor unit.");
const char * action_prepare_ui_name(action_id act_id, const char *mnemonic, const struct act_prob prob, const char *custom)
enum action_actor_kind action_get_actor_kind(const struct action *paction)
bool action_prob_possible(const struct act_prob probability)
enum action_sub_target_kind action_get_sub_target_kind(const struct action *paction)
enum action_target_kind action_get_target_kind(const struct action *paction)
static struct action * action_by_number(action_id act_id)
#define action_iterate_end
#define action_id_get_actor_kind(act_id)
#define action_iterate(_act_)
#define action_id_get_target_kind(act_id)
void astr_free(struct astring *astr)
void astr_set(struct astring *astr, const char *format,...)
static const char * astr_str(const struct astring *astr) fc__attribute((nonnull(1)))
#define BV_ISSET(bv, bit)
const char * city_improvement_name_translation(const struct city *pcity, const struct impr_type *pimprove)
const char * city_name_get(const struct city *pcity)
#define city_owner(_pcity_)
#define city_built_iterate(_pcity, _p)
#define city_built_iterate_end
static struct ai_type * self
void client_unit_init_act_prob_cache(struct unit *punit)
static struct fc_sockaddr_list * list
void action_selection_no_longer_in_progress(const int old_actor_id)
void request_do_action(action_id action, int actor_id, int target_id, int sub_tgt, const char *name)
void request_action_details(action_id action, int actor_id, int target_id)
void action_decision_clear_want(const int old_actor_id)
void action_selection_next_in_focus(const int old_actor_id)
struct unit struct city struct unit struct tile struct extra_type const struct act_prob *act_probs int actor_unit_id popup_bribe_unit_dialog
struct unit struct city struct unit struct tile struct extra_type const struct act_prob *act_probs int actor_unit_id struct unit struct unit int const struct action *paction popup_sabotage_dialog
struct unit struct city struct unit * target_unit
struct unit struct city struct unit struct tile struct extra_type const struct act_prob *act_probs int actor_unit_id struct unit * actor
struct unit struct city struct unit struct tile struct extra_type const struct act_prob *act_probs action_selection_no_longer_in_progress_gui_specific
struct unit struct city struct unit struct tile * target_tile
struct unit struct city struct unit struct tile struct extra_type const struct act_prob *act_probs int actor_unit_id struct unit struct unit * punit
struct unit struct city struct unit struct tile struct extra_type const struct act_prob *act_probs int actor_unit_id struct unit struct unit int const struct action *paction struct unit struct city * pcity
struct unit struct city * target_city
struct unit struct city struct unit struct tile struct extra_type const struct act_prob *act_probs int actor_unit_id struct unit struct unit int cost
struct unit struct city struct unit struct tile struct extra_type * target_extra
#define PL_(String1, String2, n)
struct unit * game_unit_by_number(int id)
struct city * game_city_by_number(int id)
static GtkWidget * spy_sabotage_shell
int action_selection_target_extra(void)
static void incite_response(GtkWidget *w, gint response, gpointer data)
static int action_button_map[BUTTON_COUNT]
static void spy_improvements_callback(GtkTreeSelection *select, gpointer data)
static void act_sel_new_extra_tgt_callback(GtkWidget *w, gpointer data)
int action_selection_target_tile(void)
static void create_improvements_list(struct player *pplayer, struct city *pcity, struct action_data *args)
static void act_sel_destroy_callback(GtkWidget *w, gpointer data)
int action_selection_actor_unit(void)
void popup_bribe_stack_dialog(struct unit *actor, struct tile *ptile, int cost, const struct action *paction)
static void spy_advances_response(GtkWidget *w, gint response, gpointer data)
static void tgt_extra_change_callback(GtkWidget *dlg, gint arg)
static GtkWidget * act_sel_dialog
static void spy_steal_popup_shared(GtkWidget *w, gpointer data)
static void diplomat_queue_handle_primary(void)
void action_selection_close(void)
static void spy_improvements_response(GtkWidget *w, gint response, gpointer data)
int action_selection_target_city(void)
static void action_entry(GtkWidget *shl, action_id act_id, const struct act_prob *act_probs, const char *custom, action_id act_num)
static void spy_steal_esc_popup(GtkWidget *w, gpointer data)
static void spy_steal_popup(GtkWidget *w, gpointer data)
static void act_sel_close_callback(GtkWidget *w, gint response_id, gpointer data)
static void diplomat_queue_handle_secondary(void)
static action_id get_non_targeted_action_id(action_id tgt_action_id)
static void request_action_details_callback(GtkWidget *w, gpointer data)
static bool action_selection_restart
static struct action_data * act_sel_dialog_data
static void found_city_callback(GtkWidget *w, gpointer data)
static void bribe_stack_response(GtkWidget *w, gint response, gpointer data)
static void act_sel_location_callback(GtkWidget *w, gpointer data)
void action_selection_refresh(struct unit *actor_unit, struct city *target_city, struct unit *target_unit, struct tile *target_tile, struct extra_type *target_extra, const struct act_prob *act_probs)
static struct action_data * act_data(action_id act_id, int actor_id, int target_city_id, int target_unit_id, int target_tile_id, int target_building_id, int target_tech_id, int tgt_extra_id)
static void simple_action_callback(GtkWidget *w, gpointer data)
static void create_advances_list(struct player *pplayer, struct player *pvictim, struct action_data *args)
static bool is_more_user_input_needed
static int target_extra_id
static void act_sel_wait_callback(GtkWidget *w, gpointer data)
static void act_sel_new_unit_tgt_callback(GtkWidget *w, gpointer data)
static void tgt_unit_change_callback(GtkWidget *dlg, gint arg)
static action_id get_production_targeted_action_id(action_id tgt_action_id)
static bool did_not_decide
static GtkWidget * spy_tech_shell
static int target_ids[ATK_COUNT]
static void act_sel_cancel_callback(GtkWidget *w, gpointer data)
static void action_entry_update(GtkWidget *shl, action_id act_id, const struct act_prob *act_probs, const char *custom, action_id act_num)
int action_selection_target_unit(void)
void popup_incite_dialog(struct unit *actor, struct city *pcity, int cost, const struct action *paction)
static const GCallback af_map[ACTION_COUNT]
static void upgrade_callback(GtkWidget *w, gpointer data)
static void bribe_unit_response(GtkWidget *w, gint response, gpointer data)
static void spy_advances_callback(GtkTreeSelection *select, gpointer data)
GtkWidget * choice_dialog_start(GtkWindow *parent, const gchar *name, const gchar *text)
void choice_dialog_end(GtkWidget *dshell)
int choice_dialog_get_number_of_buttons(GtkWidget *cd)
void choice_dialog_button_set_tooltip(GtkWidget *cd, int number, const char *tool_tip)
void choice_dialog_button_move_to_the_end(GtkWidget *cd, const int number)
void choice_dialog_set_hide(GtkWidget *dshell, gboolean setting)
void choice_dialog_add(GtkWidget *dshell, const gchar *label, GCallback handler, gpointer data, bool meta, const gchar *tool_tip)
void choice_dialog_button_set_label(GtkWidget *cd, int number, const char *label)
void choice_dialog_button_set_sensitive(GtkWidget *cd, int button, gboolean state)
void popup_upgrade_dialog(struct unit_list *punits)
void setup_dialog(GtkWidget *shell, GtkWidget *parent)
static struct gui_dialog * shell
bool select_tgt_unit(struct unit *actor, struct tile *ptile, struct unit_list *potential_tgt_units, struct unit *suggested_tgt_unit, const gchar *dlg_title, const gchar *actor_label, const gchar *tgt_label, const gchar *do_label, GCallback do_callback)
void choice_dialog_destroy(GtkWidget *dlg)
static void fc_action_row_class_init(FcActionRowClass *klass)
static void fc_action_row_init(FcActionRow *self)
static void fc_action_row_finalize(GObject *gobject)
static void action_factory_bind(GtkSignalListItemFactory *self, GtkListItem *list_item, gpointer user_data)
static FcActionRow * fc_action_row_new(void)
static void action_factory_setup(GtkSignalListItemFactory *self, GtkListItem *list_item, gpointer user_data)
struct impr_type * improvement_by_number(const Impr_type_id id)
Impr_type_id improvement_number(const struct impr_type *pimprove)
#define fc_assert_msg(condition, message,...)
#define fc_assert(condition)
#define fc_assert_action(condition, action)
struct tile * index_to_tile(const struct civ_map *imap, int mindex)
void center_tile_mapcanvas(const struct tile *ptile)
const char * nation_adjective_for_player(const struct player *pplayer)
int dsend_packet_unit_get_actions(struct connection *pc, int actor_unit_id, int target_unit_id, int target_tile_id, int target_extra_id, int request_kind)
int dsend_packet_city_name_suggestion_req(struct connection *pc, int unit_id)
const char * research_advance_name_translation(const struct research *presearch, Tech_type_id tech)
struct research * research_get(const struct player *pplayer)
enum tech_state research_invention_state(const struct research *presearch, Tech_type_id tech)
bool research_invention_gettable(const struct research *presearch, const Tech_type_id tech, bool allow_holes)
GObjectClass parent_class
struct packet_game_info info
bool tech_steal_allow_holes
struct unit::@83::@85 client
struct act_prob * act_prob_cache
int fc_snprintf(char *str, size_t n, const char *format,...)
struct advance * valid_advance_by_number(const Tech_type_id id)
#define advance_index_iterate_end
#define advance_index_iterate(_start, _index)
const char * get_act_sel_action_custom_text(struct action *paction, const struct act_prob prob, const struct unit *actor_unit, const struct city *target_city)
const char * act_sel_action_tool_tip(const struct action *paction, const struct act_prob prob)
static const bv_extras * tile_extras(const struct tile *ptile)
const struct unit_type * unit_type_get(const struct unit *punit)
bool utype_can_remove_extra(const struct unit_type *putype, const struct extra_type *pextra)
const char * unit_name_translation(const struct unit *punit)
bool utype_can_create_extra(const struct unit_type *putype, const struct extra_type *pextra)