No Matches
Data Structures | Macros | Functions | Variables
actions.c File Reference
#include <math.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "astring.h"
#include "actions.h"
#include "city.h"
#include "combat.h"
#include "fc_interface.h"
#include "game.h"
#include "map.h"
#include "movement.h"
#include "research.h"
#include "server_settings.h"
#include "tile.h"
#include "unit.h"
#include "specvec.h"

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Data Structures

struct  action_enabler_contradiction
struct  ae_contra_or
struct  obligatory_req


#define SPECVEC_TAG   obligatory_req
#define SPECVEC_TYPE   struct obligatory_req
#define obligatory_req_vector_iterate(obreq_vec, pobreq)    TYPED_VECTOR_ITERATE(struct obligatory_req, obreq_vec, pobreq)
#define obligatory_req_vector_iterate_end   VECTOR_ITERATE_END
#define ACTPROB_VAL_MIN   0
#define ACTPROB_VAL_MAX   200
#define ACTPROB_VAL_NA   253
#define ACTPROB_VAL_NOT_IMPL   254


static struct actionunit_action_new (action_id id, enum action_result result, bool rare_pop_up, bool unitwaittime_controlled, enum moves_actor_kind moves_actor, const int min_distance, const int max_distance, bool actor_consuming_always)
static enum action_sub_target_kind action_sub_target_kind_default (enum action_result result)
static enum act_tgt_compl action_target_compl_calc (enum action_result result, enum action_target_kind tgt_kind, enum action_sub_target_kind sub_tgt_kind)
static bool is_enabler_active (const struct action_enabler *enabler, const struct req_context *actor, const struct req_context *target)
static bool action_prob_is_signal (const struct act_prob probability)
static bool action_prob_not_relevant (const struct act_prob probability)
static bool action_prob_not_impl (const struct act_prob probability)
static struct act_prob ap_diplomat_battle (const struct unit *pattacker, const struct unit *pvictim, const struct tile *tgt_tile) fc__attribute((nonnull(3)))
 FC_STATIC_ASSERT (MAP_DISTANCE_MAX<=ACTION_DISTANCE_LAST_NON_SIGNAL, action_range_can_not_cover_the_whole_map)
static struct ae_contra_orreq_contradiction_or (int alternatives,...)
static void ae_contra_close (struct ae_contra_or *contra)
static void voblig_hard_req_reg (struct ae_contra_or *contras, const char *error_message, va_list args)
static void oblig_hard_req_reg (struct ae_contra_or *contras, const char *error_message,...)
static void oblig_hard_req_register (struct requirement contradiction, bool is_target, const char *error_message,...)
static void voblig_hard_req_reg_sub_res (struct ae_contra_or *contras, const char *error_message, va_list args)
static void oblig_hard_req_reg_sub_res (struct ae_contra_or *contras, const char *error_message,...)
static void hard_code_oblig_hard_reqs (void)
static void hard_code_oblig_hard_reqs_ruleset (void)
static void hard_code_actions (void)
void actions_init (void)
void actions_rs_pre_san_gen (void)
void actions_free (void)
bool actions_are_ready (void)
static struct actionaction_new (action_id id, enum action_result result, const int min_distance, const int max_distance, bool actor_consuming_always)
bool action_id_exists (const action_id act_id)
struct actionaction_by_rule_name (const char *name)
enum action_actor_kind action_get_actor_kind (const struct action *paction)
enum action_target_kind action_get_target_kind (const struct action *paction)
enum action_sub_target_kind action_get_sub_target_kind (const struct action *paction)
enum action_battle_kind action_get_battle_kind (const struct action *pact)
bool action_has_complex_target (const struct action *paction)
bool action_requires_details (const struct action *paction)
bool action_id_is_rare_pop_up (action_id act_id)
bool action_distance_inside_max (const struct action *action, const int distance)
bool action_distance_accepted (const struct action *action, const int distance)
bool action_would_be_blocked_by (const struct action *blocked, const struct action *blocker)
int action_number (const struct action *action)
const char * action_rule_name (const struct action *action)
const char * action_name_translation (const struct action *action)
const char * action_id_rule_name (action_id act_id)
const char * action_id_name_translation (action_id act_id)
const char * action_get_ui_name_mnemonic (action_id act_id, const char *mnemonic)
static const char * action_prob_to_text (const struct act_prob prob)
const char * action_prepare_ui_name (action_id act_id, const char *mnemonic, const struct act_prob prob, const char *custom)
const char * action_prob_explain (const struct act_prob prob)
int action_get_role (const struct action *paction)
enum unit_activity actres_get_activity (enum action_result result)
int action_get_act_time (const struct action *paction, const struct unit *actor_unit, const struct tile *tgt_tile, const struct extra_type *tgt_extra)
bool action_creates_extra (const struct action *paction, const struct extra_type *pextra)
bool action_removes_extra (const struct action *paction, const struct extra_type *pextra)
struct action_enableraction_enabler_new (void)
void action_enabler_free (struct action_enabler *enabler)
struct action_enableraction_enabler_copy (const struct action_enabler *original)
void action_enabler_add (struct action_enabler *enabler)
bool action_enabler_remove (struct action_enabler *enabler)
struct action_enabler_list * action_enablers_for_action (action_id action)
static struct req_vec_problemae_suggest_repair_if_no_oblig (const struct action_enabler *enabler, const struct obligatory_req_vector *oblig)
struct req_vec_problemaction_enabler_suggest_repair_oblig (const struct action_enabler *enabler)
static struct requirementreq_vec_first_local_diplrel (const struct requirement_vector *vec)
static struct requirementreq_vec_first_contradiction_in_vec (const struct requirement *req, const struct requirement_vector *vec)
static struct req_vec_problemenabler_tile_tgt_local_diplrel_implies_claimed (const struct action_enabler *enabler)
static struct req_vec_problemenabler_first_self_contradiction (const struct action_enabler *enabler)
struct req_vec_problemaction_enabler_suggest_repair (const struct action_enabler *enabler)
static struct req_vec_problemenabler_first_clarification (const struct action_enabler *enabler)
struct req_vec_problemaction_enabler_suggest_improvement (const struct action_enabler *enabler)
req_vec_num_in_item action_enabler_vector_number (const void *enabler, const struct requirement_vector *vec)
struct requirement_vector * action_enabler_vector_by_number (const void *enabler, req_vec_num_in_item number)
const char * action_enabler_vector_by_number_name (req_vec_num_in_item vec)
static bool plr_knows_tile (const struct player *plr, const struct tile *ttile)
static bool plr_sees_tile (const struct player *plr, const struct tile *ttile)
static const struct impr_typetgt_city_local_building (const struct city *target_city)
static const struct unit_typetgt_city_local_utype (const struct city *target_city)
static const struct tileblocked_find_target_tile (const struct action *act, const struct unit *actor_unit, const struct tile *target_tile_arg, const struct city *target_city, const struct unit *target_unit)
static const struct cityblocked_find_target_city (const struct action *act, const struct unit *actor_unit, const struct tile *target_tile, const struct city *target_city_arg, const struct unit *target_unit)
struct actionaction_is_blocked_by (const struct civ_map *nmap, const struct action *act, const struct unit *actor_unit, const struct tile *target_tile_arg, const struct city *target_city_arg, const struct unit *target_unit)
static bool action_actor_utype_hard_reqs_ok_full (const struct action *paction, const struct unit_type *actor_unittype, bool ignore_third_party)
bool action_actor_utype_hard_reqs_ok (const struct action *paction, const struct unit_type *actor_unittype)
static enum fc_tristate action_hard_reqs_actor (const struct civ_map *nmap, const struct action *paction, const struct req_context *actor, const bool omniscient, const struct city *homecity)
static enum fc_tristate is_action_possible (const struct civ_map *nmap, const action_id wanted_action, const struct req_context *actor, const struct req_context *target, const struct extra_type *target_extra, const bool omniscient, const struct city *homecity)
static bool is_action_enabled (const struct civ_map *nmap, const action_id wanted_action, const struct req_context *actor, const struct req_context *target, const struct extra_type *target_extra, const struct city *actor_home)
static bool is_action_enabled_unit_on_city_full (const struct civ_map *nmap, const action_id wanted_action, const struct unit *actor_unit, const struct city *actor_home, const struct tile *actor_tile, const struct city *target_city)
bool is_action_enabled_unit_on_city (const struct civ_map *nmap, const action_id wanted_action, const struct unit *actor_unit, const struct city *target_city)
static bool is_action_enabled_unit_on_unit_full (const struct civ_map *nmap, const action_id wanted_action, const struct unit *actor_unit, const struct city *actor_home, const struct tile *actor_tile, const struct unit *target_unit)
bool is_action_enabled_unit_on_unit (const struct civ_map *nmap, const action_id wanted_action, const struct unit *actor_unit, const struct unit *target_unit)
static bool is_action_enabled_unit_on_units_full (const struct civ_map *nmap, const action_id wanted_action, const struct unit *actor_unit, const struct city *actor_home, const struct tile *actor_tile, const struct tile *target_tile)
bool is_action_enabled_unit_on_units (const struct civ_map *nmap, const action_id wanted_action, const struct unit *actor_unit, const struct tile *target_tile)
static bool is_action_enabled_unit_on_tile_full (const struct civ_map *nmap, const action_id wanted_action, const struct unit *actor_unit, const struct city *actor_home, const struct tile *actor_tile, const struct tile *target_tile, const struct extra_type *target_extra)
bool is_action_enabled_unit_on_tile (const struct civ_map *nmap, const action_id wanted_action, const struct unit *actor_unit, const struct tile *target_tile, const struct extra_type *target_extra)
static bool is_action_enabled_unit_on_extras_full (const struct civ_map *nmap, const action_id wanted_action, const struct unit *actor_unit, const struct city *actor_home, const struct tile *actor_tile, const struct tile *target_tile, const struct extra_type *target_extra)
bool is_action_enabled_unit_on_extras (const struct civ_map *nmap, const action_id wanted_action, const struct unit *actor_unit, const struct tile *target_tile, const struct extra_type *target_extra)
static bool is_action_enabled_unit_on_self_full (const struct civ_map *nmap, const action_id wanted_action, const struct unit *actor_unit, const struct city *actor_home, const struct tile *actor_tile)
bool is_action_enabled_unit_on_self (const struct civ_map *nmap, const action_id wanted_action, const struct unit *actor_unit)
static enum fc_tristate action_enabled_local (const action_id wanted_action, const struct req_context *actor, const struct req_context *target)
static bool is_effect_val_known (enum effect_type effect_type, const struct player *pov_player, const struct req_context *context, const struct player *other_player)
static enum fc_tristate tech_can_be_stolen (const struct player *actor_player, const struct player *target_player)
static struct act_prob ap_dipl_battle_win (const struct unit *pattacker, const struct unit *pdefender)
static struct act_prob act_prob_unseen_target (const struct civ_map *nmap, action_id act_id, const struct unit *actor_unit)
static struct act_prob action_prob_pre_action_dice_roll (const struct player *act_player, const struct unit *act_unit, const struct city *tgt_city, const struct player *tgt_player, const struct action *paction)
static struct act_prob action_prob_battle_then_dice_roll (const struct player *act_player, const struct unit *act_unit, const struct city *tgt_city, const struct unit *tgt_unit, const struct tile *tgt_tile, const struct player *tgt_player, const struct action *paction)
static struct act_prob action_prob (const struct civ_map *nmap, const action_id wanted_action, const struct req_context *actor, const struct city *actor_home, const struct req_context *target, const struct extra_type *target_extra)
static struct act_prob action_prob_vs_city_full (const struct civ_map *nmap, const struct unit *actor_unit, const struct city *actor_home, const struct tile *actor_tile, const action_id act_id, const struct city *target_city)
struct act_prob action_prob_vs_city (const struct civ_map *nmap, const struct unit *actor_unit, const action_id act_id, const struct city *target_city)
static struct act_prob action_prob_vs_unit_full (const struct civ_map *nmap, const struct unit *actor_unit, const struct city *actor_home, const struct tile *actor_tile, const action_id act_id, const struct unit *target_unit)
struct act_prob action_prob_vs_unit (const struct civ_map *nmap, const struct unit *actor_unit, const action_id act_id, const struct unit *target_unit)
static struct act_prob action_prob_vs_units_full (const struct civ_map *nmap, const struct unit *actor_unit, const struct city *actor_home, const struct tile *actor_tile, const action_id act_id, const struct tile *target_tile)
struct act_prob action_prob_vs_units (const struct civ_map *nmap, const struct unit *actor_unit, const action_id act_id, const struct tile *target_tile)
static struct act_prob action_prob_vs_tile_full (const struct civ_map *nmap, const struct unit *actor_unit, const struct city *actor_home, const struct tile *actor_tile, const action_id act_id, const struct tile *target_tile, const struct extra_type *target_extra)
struct act_prob action_prob_vs_tile (const struct civ_map *nmap, const struct unit *actor_unit, const action_id act_id, const struct tile *target_tile, const struct extra_type *target_extra)
static struct act_prob action_prob_vs_extras_full (const struct civ_map *nmap, const struct unit *actor_unit, const struct city *actor_home, const struct tile *actor_tile, const action_id act_id, const struct tile *target_tile, const struct extra_type *target_extra)
struct act_prob action_prob_vs_extras (const struct civ_map *nmap, const struct unit *actor_unit, const action_id act_id, const struct tile *target_tile, const struct extra_type *target_extra)
static struct act_prob action_prob_self_full (const struct civ_map *nmap, const struct unit *actor_unit, const struct city *actor_home, const struct tile *actor_tile, const action_id act_id)
struct act_prob action_prob_self (const struct civ_map *nmap, const struct unit *actor_unit, const action_id act_id)
struct act_prob action_prob_unit_vs_tgt (const struct civ_map *nmap, const struct action *paction, const struct unit *act_unit, const struct city *tgt_city, const struct unit *tgt_unit, const struct tile *tgt_tile, const struct extra_type *extra_tgt)
struct act_prob action_speculate_unit_on_city (const struct civ_map *nmap, const action_id act_id, const struct unit *actor, const struct city *actor_home, const struct tile *actor_tile, const bool omniscient_cheat, const struct city *target)
struct act_prob action_speculate_unit_on_unit (const struct civ_map *nmap, action_id act_id, const struct unit *actor, const struct city *actor_home, const struct tile *actor_tile, bool omniscient_cheat, const struct unit *target)
struct act_prob action_speculate_unit_on_units (const struct civ_map *nmap, action_id act_id, const struct unit *actor, const struct city *actor_home, const struct tile *actor_tile, bool omniscient_cheat, const struct tile *target)
struct act_prob action_speculate_unit_on_tile (const struct civ_map *nmap, action_id act_id, const struct unit *actor, const struct city *actor_home, const struct tile *actor_tile, bool omniscient_cheat, const struct tile *target_tile, const struct extra_type *target_extra)
struct act_prob action_speculate_unit_on_extras (const struct civ_map *nmap, action_id act_id, const struct unit *actor, const struct city *actor_home, const struct tile *actor_tile, bool omniscient_cheat, const struct tile *target_tile, const struct extra_type *target_extra)
struct act_prob action_speculate_unit_on_self (const struct civ_map *nmap, action_id act_id, const struct unit *actor, const struct city *actor_home, const struct tile *actor_tile, bool omniscient_cheat)
struct act_prob action_prob_new_impossible (void)
struct act_prob action_prob_new_certain (void)
struct act_prob action_prob_new_not_relevant (void)
struct act_prob action_prob_new_not_impl (void)
struct act_prob action_prob_new_unknown (void)
bool action_prob_possible (const struct act_prob probability)
bool action_prob_certain (const struct act_prob probability)
bool are_action_probabilitys_equal (const struct act_prob *ap1, const struct act_prob *ap2)
int action_prob_cmp_pessimist (const struct act_prob ap1, const struct act_prob ap2)
double action_prob_to_0_to_1_pessimist (const struct act_prob ap)
struct act_prob action_prob_and (const struct act_prob *ap1, const struct act_prob *ap2)
struct act_prob action_prob_fall_back (const struct act_prob *ap1, const struct act_prob *ap2)
int action_dice_roll_initial_odds (const struct action *paction)
int action_dice_roll_odds (const struct player *act_player, const struct unit *act_unit, const struct city *tgt_city, const struct player *tgt_player, const struct action *paction)
bool action_immune_government (struct government *gov, action_id act)
static bool is_target_possible (const action_id wanted_action, const struct player *actor_player, const struct req_context *target)
bool is_action_possible_on_city (action_id act_id, const struct player *actor_player, const struct city *target_city)
bool action_maybe_possible_actor_unit (const struct civ_map *nmap, const action_id act_id, const struct unit *actor_unit)
bool action_mp_full_makes_legal (const struct unit *actor, const action_id act_id)
bool action_enabler_utype_possible_actor (const struct action_enabler *ae, const struct unit_type *act_utype)
bool action_enabler_possible_actor (const struct action_enabler *ae)
static bool action_has_possible_actor_hard_reqs (struct action *paction)
bool action_is_in_use (struct action *paction)
struct action_auto_perfaction_auto_perf_slot_number (const int num)
const struct action_auto_perfaction_auto_perf_by_number (const int num)
bool action_univs_not_blocking (const struct action *paction, struct universal *actor_uni, struct universal *target_uni)
void action_list_end (action_id *act_list, int size)
void action_list_add_all_by_result (action_id *act_list, int *position, enum action_result result)
const char * action_ui_name_ruleset_var_name (int act)
const char * action_ui_name_default (int act)
const char * action_min_range_ruleset_var_name (int act)
int action_min_range_default (enum action_result result)
const char * action_max_range_ruleset_var_name (int act)
int action_max_range_default (enum action_result result)
const char * action_target_kind_ruleset_var_name (int act)
enum action_target_kind action_target_kind_default (enum action_result result)
bool action_result_legal_target_kind (enum action_result result, enum action_target_kind tgt_kind)
const char * action_actor_consuming_always_ruleset_var_name (action_id act)
const char * action_blocked_by_ruleset_var_name (const struct action *act)
const char * action_post_success_forced_ruleset_var_name (const struct action *act)
bool action_ever_possible (action_id action)
const char * gen_action_name_update_cb (const char *old_name)
const char * action_target_kind_help (enum action_target_kind kind)
struct action_list * action_list_by_result (enum action_result result)
struct action_list * action_list_by_activity (enum unit_activity activity)


static struct actionactions [MAX_NUM_ACTIONS]
struct action ** _actions = actions
struct action_auto_perf auto_perfs [MAX_NUM_ACTION_AUTO_PERFORMERS]
static bool actions_initialized = FALSE
static struct action_enabler_list * action_enablers_by_action [MAX_NUM_ACTIONS]
static struct obligatory_req_vector oblig_hard_reqs_r [ACTRES_NONE]
static struct obligatory_req_vector oblig_hard_reqs_sr [ACT_SUB_RES_COUNT]
static struct astring ui_name_str = ASTRING_INIT
static struct action_list * actlist_by_result [ACTRES_LAST]
static struct action_list * actlist_by_activity [ACTIVITY_LAST]
const char * atk_helpnames [ATK_COUNT]

Macro Definition Documentation



Definition at line 90 of file actions.c.


#define ACTPROB_VAL_MAX   200

Definition at line 88 of file actions.c.


#define ACTPROB_VAL_MIN   0

Definition at line 86 of file actions.c.


#define ACTPROB_VAL_NA   253

Definition at line 92 of file actions.c.


#define ACTPROB_VAL_NOT_IMPL   254

Definition at line 94 of file actions.c.

◆ obligatory_req_vector_iterate

#define obligatory_req_vector_iterate (   obreq_vec,
)     TYPED_VECTOR_ITERATE(struct obligatory_req, obreq_vec, pobreq)

Definition at line 74 of file actions.c.

◆ obligatory_req_vector_iterate_end

#define obligatory_req_vector_iterate_end   VECTOR_ITERATE_END

Definition at line 76 of file actions.c.


#define SPECVEC_TAG   obligatory_req

Definition at line 71 of file actions.c.


#define SPECVEC_TYPE   struct obligatory_req

Definition at line 72 of file actions.c.

Function Documentation

◆ act_prob_unseen_target()

static struct act_prob act_prob_unseen_target ( const struct civ_map nmap,
action_id  act_id,
const struct unit actor_unit 

Returns the action probability for when a target is unseen.

Definition at line 5378 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_prob_vs_city_full(), and action_prob_vs_units_full().

◆ action_actor_consuming_always_ruleset_var_name()

const char * action_actor_consuming_always_ruleset_var_name ( action_id  act)

Return actor consuming always ruleset variable name for the action or NULL if actor consuming always can't be set in the ruleset.

TODO: make actions generic and put actor consuming always in a field of the action.

Definition at line 8895 of file actions.c.

Referenced by load_action_actor_consuming_always(), and save_action_actor_consuming_always().

◆ action_actor_utype_hard_reqs_ok()

bool action_actor_utype_hard_reqs_ok ( const struct action paction,
const struct unit_type actor_unittype 

Returns TRUE if the specified unit type can perform the specified action given that an action enabler later will enable it.

This is done by checking the action result's hard requirements. Hard requirements must be TRUE before an action can be done. The reason why is usually that code dealing with the action assumes that the requirements are true. A requirement may also end up here if it can't be expressed in a requirement vector or if its absence makes the action pointless.

pactionthe action to check the hard reqs for
actor_unittypethe unit type that may be able to act
TRUE iff the specified unit type can perform the wanted action given that an action enabler later will enable it.

Definition at line 3520 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_enabler_suggest_improvement(), action_enabler_utype_possible_actor(), action_has_possible_actor_hard_reqs(), expl_act_not_enabl(), and unit_can_act_cache_set().

◆ action_actor_utype_hard_reqs_ok_full()

static bool action_actor_utype_hard_reqs_ok_full ( const struct action paction,
const struct unit_type actor_unittype,
bool  ignore_third_party 

Returns TRUE if the specified unit type can perform the specified action given that an action enabler later will enable it.

This is done by checking the action result's hard requirements. Hard requirements must be TRUE before an action can be done. The reason why is usually that code dealing with the action assumes that the requirements are true. A requirement may also end up here if it can't be expressed in a requirement vector or if its absence makes the action pointless.

When adding a new hard requirement here: explain why it is a hard requirement in a comment.

pactionthe action to check the hard reqs for
actor_unittypethe unit type that may be able to act
ignore_third_partyignore if potential targets etc exists
TRUE iff the specified unit type can perform the wanted action given that an action enabler later will enable it.

Definition at line 3327 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_actor_utype_hard_reqs_ok(), and action_hard_reqs_actor().

◆ action_auto_perf_by_number()

const struct action_auto_perf * action_auto_perf_by_number ( const int  num)

Returns action auto performer rule number num.

Used in action_auto_perf_iterate()

WARNING: If the cause of the returned action performer rule is AAPC_COUNT it means that it is unused.

Definition at line 7365 of file actions.c.

Referenced by save_action_auto_actions(), save_action_auto_uflag_block(), and save_game_ruleset().

◆ action_auto_perf_slot_number()

struct action_auto_perf * action_auto_perf_slot_number ( const int  num)

Returns action auto performer rule slot number num so it can be filled.

Definition at line 7349 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_auto_perf_by_number(), handle_ruleset_action_auto(), load_action_post_success_force(), load_ruleset_cities(), load_ruleset_game(), rscompat_postprocess(), and sanity_check_ruleset_data().

◆ action_blocked_by_ruleset_var_name()

const char * action_blocked_by_ruleset_var_name ( const struct action act)

Return action blocked by ruleset variable name for the action or NULL if actor consuming always can't be set in the ruleset.

TODO: make actions generic and put blocked by actions in a field of the action.

Definition at line 9030 of file actions.c.

Referenced by load_action_blocked_by_list(), and save_action_blocked_by().

◆ action_by_rule_name()

struct action * action_by_rule_name ( const char *  name)

Return the action with the given name.

Returns NULL if no action with the given name exists.

Definition at line 1708 of file actions.c.

Referenced by api_find_action_by_name(), api_find_action_type_by_name(), tab_enabler::edit_type(), load_ruleset_game(), sg_load_savefile(), and universal_value_from_str().

◆ action_creates_extra()

bool action_creates_extra ( const struct action paction,
const struct extra_type pextra 

Returns TRUE iff the specified action can create the specified extra.

Definition at line 2224 of file actions.c.

Referenced by go_act_menu::create(), execute_orders(), helptext_unit(), real_menus_init(), real_menus_update(), unit_order_list_is_sane(), and utype_can_create_extra().

◆ action_dice_roll_initial_odds()

int action_dice_roll_initial_odds ( const struct action paction)

Returns the initial odds of an action not failing its dice roll.

Definition at line 6979 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_dice_roll_odds(), effect_list_sanity_cb(), and helptext_unit().

◆ action_dice_roll_odds()

int action_dice_roll_odds ( const struct player act_player,
const struct unit act_unit,
const struct city tgt_city,
const struct player tgt_player,
const struct action paction 

Returns the odds of an action not failing its dice roll.

Definition at line 7064 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_failed_dice_roll(), and action_prob_pre_action_dice_roll().

◆ action_distance_accepted()

bool action_distance_accepted ( const struct action action,
const int  distance 

Returns TRUE iff the specified distance between actor and target is within the range acceptable to the specified action.

Definition at line 1844 of file actions.c.

Referenced by is_action_possible().

◆ action_distance_inside_max()

bool action_distance_inside_max ( const struct action action,
const int  distance 

Returns TRUE iff the specified distance between actor and target is sm,aller or equal to the max range accepted by the specified action.

Definition at line 1833 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_distance_accepted(), expl_act_not_enabl(), and sanity_check_ruleset_data().

◆ action_enabled_local()

static enum fc_tristate action_enabled_local ( const action_id  wanted_action,
const struct req_context actor,
const struct req_context target 

Find out if the action is enabled, may be enabled or isn't enabled given what the player owning the actor knowns.

A player don't always know everything needed to figure out if an action is enabled or not. A server side AI with the same limits on its knowledge as a human player or a client should use this to figure out what is what.

Assumes to be called from the point of view of the actor. Its knowledge is assumed to be given in the parameters.

Returns TRI_YES if the action is enabled, TRI_NO if it isn't and TRI_MAYBE if the player don't know enough to tell.

If meta knowledge is missing TRI_MAYBE will be returned.

target may be NULL. This is equivalent to passing an empty context.

Definition at line 5173 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_prob().

◆ action_enabler_add()

void action_enabler_add ( struct action_enabler enabler)

◆ action_enabler_copy()

struct action_enabler * action_enabler_copy ( const struct action_enabler original)

Create a new copy of an existing action enabler.

Definition at line 2427 of file actions.c.

Referenced by fix_enabler_item::fix_enabler_item(), rscompat_enabler_add_obligatory_hard_reqs(), rscompat_postprocess(), and slow_invasion_enablers().

◆ action_enabler_free()

void action_enabler_free ( struct action_enabler enabler)

Free resources allocated for the action enabler.

Definition at line 2415 of file actions.c.

Referenced by actions_free(), tab_enabler::delete_now(), and fix_enabler_item::~fix_enabler_item().

◆ action_enabler_new()

struct action_enabler * action_enabler_new ( void  )

◆ action_enabler_possible_actor()

bool action_enabler_possible_actor ( const struct action_enabler ae)

Returns TRUE iff the specified action enabler may have an actor that it may be enabled for in the current ruleset. An enabler can't be enabled if no potential actor fulfills both its action's hard requirements and its own actor requirement vector, actor_reqs. Note that the answer may be "no" even if this function returns TRUE. It may just be unable to detect it.

aethe action enabler to check
TRUE if the enabler may be enabled at all

Definition at line 7270 of file actions.c.

Referenced by ruleset_purge_unused_enablers().

◆ action_enabler_remove()

bool action_enabler_remove ( struct action_enabler enabler)

Remove an action enabler from the current ruleset.

Returns TRUE on success.

Definition at line 2459 of file actions.c.

Referenced by tab_enabler::delete_now(), tab_enabler::edit_type(), and rscompat_postprocess().

◆ action_enabler_suggest_improvement()

struct req_vec_problem * action_enabler_suggest_improvement ( const struct action_enabler enabler)

Returns a suggestion to improve the specified action enabler or NULL if nothing to improve is found to be needed. It is the responsibility of the caller to free the suggestion when it is done with it. A possible improvement isn't always an error.

enablerthe enabler to improve
a suggestion to improve the specified action enabler

Definition at line 2904 of file actions.c.

Referenced by enabler_problem_level(), fix_enabler_item::find_next_problem(), and sanity_check_ruleset_data().

◆ action_enabler_suggest_repair()

struct req_vec_problem * action_enabler_suggest_repair ( const struct action_enabler enabler)

Returns a suggestion to fix the specified action enabler or NULL if no fix is found to be needed. It is the responsibility of the caller to free the suggestion with req_vec_problem_free() when it is done with it.

Definition at line 2838 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_enabler_suggest_improvement(), enabler_problem_level(), fix_enabler_item::find_next_problem(), rscompat_enabler_add_obligatory_hard_reqs(), and sanity_check_ruleset_data().

◆ action_enabler_suggest_repair_oblig()

struct req_vec_problem * action_enabler_suggest_repair_oblig ( const struct action_enabler enabler)

Returns a suggestion to add an obligatory hard requirement to an action enabler or NULL if no hard obligatory reqs were missing. It is the responsibility of the caller to free the suggestion when it is done with it.

enablerthe action enabler to suggest a fix for.
a problem with fix suggestions or NULL if no obligatory hard requirement problems were detected.

Definition at line 2598 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_enabler_suggest_repair().

◆ action_enabler_utype_possible_actor()

bool action_enabler_utype_possible_actor ( const struct action_enabler ae,
const struct unit_type act_utype 

Returns TRUE iff the specified action enabler may be active for an actor of the specified unit type in the current ruleset. Note that the answer may be "no" even if this function returns TRUE. It may just be unable to detect it.

aethe action enabler to check
act_utypethe candidate actor unit type
TRUE if the enabler may be active for act_utype

Definition at line 7243 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_enabler_possible_actor().

◆ action_enabler_vector_by_number()

struct requirement_vector * action_enabler_vector_by_number ( const void *  enabler,
req_vec_num_in_item  number 

Returns a writable pointer to the specified requirement vector in the action enabler or NULL if the action enabler doesn't have a requirement vector with that requirement vector number.

enablerthe action enabler that may own the vector.
numberthe item's requirement vector number.
a pointer to the specified requirement vector.

Definition at line 2991 of file actions.c.

Referenced by rscompat_enabler_add_obligatory_hard_reqs(), and fix_enabler_item::vector_getter().

◆ action_enabler_vector_by_number_name()

const char * action_enabler_vector_by_number_name ( req_vec_num_in_item  vec)

Returns the name of the given requirement vector number n in an action enabler or NULL if enablers don't have a requirement vector with that number.

vecthe requirement vector to name
the requirement vector name or NULL.

Definition at line 3015 of file actions.c.

Referenced by rscompat_enabler_add_obligatory_hard_reqs(), and fix_enabler_item::vector_namer().

◆ action_enabler_vector_number()

req_vec_num_in_item action_enabler_vector_number ( const void *  enabler,
const struct requirement_vector *  vec 

Returns the requirement vector number of the specified requirement vector in the specified action enabler.

enablerthe action enabler that may own the vector.
vecthe requirement vector to number.
the requirement vector number the vector has in this enabler.

Definition at line 2968 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_enabler_suggest_improvement(), action_enabler_suggest_repair(), ae_suggest_repair_if_no_oblig(), enabler_first_self_contradiction(), and enabler_tile_tgt_local_diplrel_implies_claimed().

◆ action_enablers_for_action()

struct action_enabler_list * action_enablers_for_action ( action_id  action)

◆ action_ever_possible()

bool action_ever_possible ( action_id  action)

Is the action ever possible? Currently just checks that there's any action enablers for the action.

Definition at line 9305 of file actions.c.

Referenced by create_unit_menu(), dai_upgrade_units(), present_unit_callback(), and units_report_selection_callback().

◆ action_get_act_time()

int action_get_act_time ( const struct action paction,
const struct unit actor_unit,
const struct tile tgt_tile,
const struct extra_type tgt_extra 

Returns the unit activity time (work) this action takes (requires) or ACT_TIME_INSTANTANEOUS if the action happens at once.

See update_unit_activity() and tile_activity_time()

Definition at line 2173 of file actions.c.

◆ action_get_actor_kind()

enum action_actor_kind action_get_actor_kind ( const struct action paction)

◆ action_get_battle_kind()

enum action_battle_kind action_get_battle_kind ( const struct action pact)

Get the battle kind that can prevent an action.

Definition at line 1762 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_prob_battle_then_dice_roll(), and helptext_unit().

◆ action_get_role()

int action_get_role ( const struct action paction)

Get the unit type role corresponding to the ability to do the specified action.

Definition at line 2123 of file actions.c.

◆ action_get_sub_target_kind()

enum action_sub_target_kind action_get_sub_target_kind ( const struct action paction)

◆ action_get_target_kind()

enum action_target_kind action_get_target_kind ( const struct action paction)

◆ action_get_ui_name_mnemonic()

const char * action_get_ui_name_mnemonic ( action_id  act_id,
const char *  mnemonic 

Get the action name with a mnemonic ready to display in the UI.

Definition at line 1918 of file actions.c.

Referenced by real_menus_init(), and real_menus_update().

◆ action_hard_reqs_actor()

static enum fc_tristate action_hard_reqs_actor ( const struct civ_map nmap,
const struct action paction,
const struct req_context actor,
const bool  omniscient,
const struct city homecity 

Returns TRUE iff the wanted action is possible as far as the actor is concerned given that an action enabler later will enable it. Will, unlike action_actor_utype_hard_reqs_ok(), check the actor unit's current state.

Can return maybe when not omniscient. Should always return yes or no when omniscient.

Passing NULL for actor is equivalent to passing an empty context. This may or may not be legal depending on the action.

Definition at line 3540 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_maybe_possible_actor_unit(), and is_action_possible().

◆ action_has_complex_target()

bool action_has_complex_target ( const struct action paction)

Returns TRUE iff the specified action allows the player to provide details in addition to actor and target. Returns FALSE if the action doesn't support any additional details.

Definition at line 1792 of file actions.c.

◆ action_has_possible_actor_hard_reqs()

static bool action_has_possible_actor_hard_reqs ( struct action paction)

Returns TRUE iff the specified action has an actor that fulfills its hard requirements in the current ruleset.

pactionthe action to check
TRUE if the action's hard requirement may be fulfilled in the current ruleset.

Definition at line 7301 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_is_in_use().

◆ action_id_exists()

bool action_id_exists ( const action_id  act_id)

◆ action_id_is_rare_pop_up()

bool action_id_is_rare_pop_up ( action_id  act_id)

Returns TRUE iff a unit's ability to perform this action will pop up the action selection dialog before the player asks for it only in exceptional cases.

An example of an exceptional case is when the player tries to move a unit to a tile it can't move to but can perform this action to.

Definition at line 1820 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_tgt_tile(), may_unit_act_vs_city(), may_unit_act_vs_tile_extra(), and may_unit_act_vs_unit().

◆ action_id_name_translation()

const char * action_id_name_translation ( action_id  act_id)

◆ action_id_rule_name()

const char * action_id_rule_name ( action_id  act_id)

◆ action_immune_government()

bool action_immune_government ( struct government gov,
action_id  act 

Will a player with the government gov be immune to the action act?

Definition at line 7101 of file actions.c.

Referenced by adv_gov_action_immunity_want(), and helptext_government().

◆ action_is_blocked_by()

struct action * action_is_blocked_by ( const struct civ_map nmap,
const struct action act,
const struct unit actor_unit,
const struct tile target_tile_arg,
const struct city target_city_arg,
const struct unit target_unit 

Returns the action that blocks the specified action or NULL if the specified action isn't blocked.

An action that can block another blocks when it is forced and possible.

Definition at line 3214 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_prob_vs_city_full(), action_prob_vs_units_full(), expl_act_not_enabl(), and is_action_possible().

◆ action_is_in_use()

bool action_is_in_use ( struct action paction)

Returns TRUE if the specified action may be enabled in the current ruleset.

pactionthe action to check if is in use.
TRUE if the action could be enabled in the current ruleset.

Definition at line 7326 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_immune_government(), helptext_building(), helptext_unit(), ruleset_purge_unused_enablers(), save_action_actor_consuming_always(), save_action_auto_actions(), save_action_blocked_by(), save_action_kind(), save_action_post_success_force(), save_bv_actions(), and universal_never_there().

◆ action_list_add_all_by_result()

void action_list_add_all_by_result ( action_id act_list,
int *  position,
enum action_result  result 

Add all actions with the specified result to the specified action list starting at the specified position.

act_listthe list to add the actions to
positionindex in act_list that is updated as action are added
resultall actions with this result are added.

Definition at line 7414 of file actions.c.

Referenced by adv_data_phase_init(), auto_settlers_ruleset_init(), dai_upgrade_units(), helptext_building(), and rscompat_postprocess().

◆ action_list_by_activity()

struct action_list * action_list_by_activity ( enum unit_activity  activity)

Returns action list by activity.

Definition at line 9358 of file actions.c.

Referenced by unit_activity_handling_targeted().

◆ action_list_by_result()

struct action_list * action_list_by_result ( enum action_result  result)

Returns action list by result.

Definition at line 9348 of file actions.c.

◆ action_list_end()

void action_list_end ( action_id act_list,
int  size 

Terminate an action list of the specified size.

act_listthe list to end
sizethe number of elements to include in the list

Definition at line 7397 of file actions.c.

Referenced by adv_data_phase_init(), auto_settlers_ruleset_init(), dai_upgrade_units(), helptext_building(), rscompat_postprocess(), and save_action_auto_actions().

◆ action_max_range_default()

int action_max_range_default ( enum action_result  result)

Return default max range for the action if it is ruleset settable.

Definition at line 8308 of file actions.c.

Referenced by load_action_range_max(), and save_action_max_range().

◆ action_max_range_ruleset_var_name()

const char * action_max_range_ruleset_var_name ( int  act)

Return max range ruleset variable name for the action or NULL if max range can't be set in the ruleset.

TODO: make actions generic and put max_range in a field of the action.

Definition at line 8173 of file actions.c.

Referenced by load_action_range_max(), save_action_max_range(), and save_action_range().

◆ action_maybe_possible_actor_unit()

bool action_maybe_possible_actor_unit ( const struct civ_map nmap,
const action_id  act_id,
const struct unit actor_unit 

Returns TRUE if the wanted action (as far as the player knows) can be performed right now by the specified actor unit if an approriate target is provided.

Definition at line 7165 of file actions.c.

Referenced by act_prob_unseen_target(), can_unit_paradrop(), and handle_unit_get_actions().

◆ action_min_range_default()

int action_min_range_default ( enum action_result  result)

Return default min range for the action if it is ruleset settable.

Definition at line 8091 of file actions.c.

Referenced by load_action_range(), and save_action_range().

◆ action_min_range_ruleset_var_name()

const char * action_min_range_ruleset_var_name ( int  act)

Return min range ruleset variable name for the action or NULL if min range can't be set in the ruleset.

TODO: make actions generic and put min_range in a field of the action.

Definition at line 7962 of file actions.c.

Referenced by load_action_range(), and save_action_range().

◆ action_mp_full_makes_legal()

bool action_mp_full_makes_legal ( const struct unit actor,
const action_id  act_id 

Returns TRUE if the specified action can't be done now but would have been legal if the unit had full movement.

Definition at line 7220 of file actions.c.

Referenced by execute_orders(), and expl_act_not_enabl().

◆ action_name_translation()

const char * action_name_translation ( const struct action action)

Get the action name used when displaying the action in the UI. Nothing is added to the UI name.

This always returns the same static string, just modified according to the call. Copy the result if you want it to remain valid over another call to this function.

Definition at line 1890 of file actions.c.

Referenced by go_act_menu::create(), do_paradrop(), do_unit_strike_city_building(), do_unit_strike_city_production(), helptext_unit(), illegal_action_pay_price(), key_unit_action_select_tgt(), notify_actor_caught(), notify_actor_success(), notify_global_caught(), notify_global_success(), notify_victim_caught(), notify_victim_success(), req_text_insert(), spy_poison(), spy_spread_plague(), unit_do_help_build(), and universal_name_translation().

◆ action_new()

static struct action * action_new ( action_id  id,
enum action_result  result,
const int  min_distance,
const int  max_distance,
bool  actor_consuming_always 

Create a new action.

Definition at line 1607 of file actions.c.

Referenced by unit_action_new().

◆ action_number()

int action_number ( const struct action action)

◆ action_post_success_forced_ruleset_var_name()

const char * action_post_success_forced_ruleset_var_name ( const struct action act)

Return action post success forced action ruleset variable name for the action or NULL if it can't be set in the ruleset.

Definition at line 9172 of file actions.c.

Referenced by load_action_post_success_force(), and save_action_post_success_force().

◆ action_prepare_ui_name()

const char * action_prepare_ui_name ( action_id  act_id,
const char *  mnemonic,
const struct act_prob  prob,
const char *  custom 

Get the UI name ready to show the action in the UI. It is possible to add a client specific mnemonic; it is assumed that if the mnemonic appears in the action name it can be escaped by doubling. Success probability information is interpreted and added to the text. A custom text can be inserted before the probability information.

The returned string is in statically allocated astring, and thus this function is not thread-safe.

Definition at line 1972 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_entry(), action_entry(), action_entry(), action_entry_update(), action_entry_update(), action_get_ui_name_mnemonic(), and action_id_name_translation().

◆ action_prob()

static struct act_prob action_prob ( const struct civ_map nmap,
const action_id  wanted_action,
const struct req_context actor,
const struct city actor_home,
const struct req_context target,
const struct extra_type target_extra 

An action's probability of success.

"Success" indicates that the action achieves its goal, not that the actor survives. For actions that cost money it is assumed that the player has and is willing to spend the money. This is so the player can figure out what their odds are before deciding to get the extra money.

Passing NULL for actor or target is equivalent to passing an empty context. This may or may not be legal depending on the action.

Definition at line 5480 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_prob_self_full(), action_prob_vs_city_full(), action_prob_vs_extras_full(), action_prob_vs_tile_full(), action_prob_vs_unit_full(), and action_prob_vs_units_full().

◆ action_prob_and()

struct act_prob action_prob_and ( const struct act_prob ap1,
const struct act_prob ap2 

Returns ap1 and ap2 - as in both ap1 and ap2 happening. Said in math that is: P(A) * P(B)

Definition at line 6841 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_prob_battle_then_dice_roll().

◆ action_prob_battle_then_dice_roll()

static struct act_prob action_prob_battle_then_dice_roll ( const struct player act_player,
const struct unit act_unit,
const struct city tgt_city,
const struct unit tgt_unit,
const struct tile tgt_tile,
const struct player tgt_player,
const struct action paction 

Returns the action probability of an action winning a potential pre action battle - like a diplomatic battle - and then not failing its dice roll. Shouldn't leak information.

Definition at line 5433 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_prob().

◆ action_prob_certain()

bool action_prob_certain ( const struct act_prob  probability)

Returns TRUE iff the given action probability is certain that its action is possible.

Definition at line 6713 of file actions.c.

◆ action_prob_cmp_pessimist()

int action_prob_cmp_pessimist ( const struct act_prob  ap1,
const struct act_prob  ap2 

Compare action probabilities. Prioritize the lowest possible value.

Definition at line 6763 of file actions.c.

Referenced by compare_units().

◆ action_prob_explain()

const char * action_prob_explain ( const struct act_prob  prob)

Explain an action probability in a way suitable for a tool tip for the button that starts it.

an explanation of what an action probability means

The returned string is in statically allocated astring, and thus this function is not thread-safe.

Definition at line 2083 of file actions.c.

Referenced by act_sel_action_tool_tip().

◆ action_prob_fall_back()

struct act_prob action_prob_fall_back ( const struct act_prob ap1,
const struct act_prob ap2 

Returns ap1 with ap2 as fall back in cases where ap1 doesn't happen. Said in math that is: P(A) + P(A') * P(B)

This is useful to calculate the probability of doing action A or, when A is impossible, falling back to doing action B.

Definition at line 6911 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_auto_perf_unit_prob().

◆ action_prob_is_signal()

static bool action_prob_is_signal ( const struct act_prob  probability)

Returns TRUE iff the given action probability represents a special signal value rather than a regular action probability value.

Definition at line 6746 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_prob(), action_prob_and(), action_prob_cmp_pessimist(), action_prob_explain(), action_prob_fall_back(), action_prob_to_0_to_1_pessimist(), action_prob_to_text(), and action_prob_vs_units_full().

◆ action_prob_new_certain()

struct act_prob action_prob_new_certain ( void  )

Returns the certain action probability.

Definition at line 6662 of file actions.c.

◆ action_prob_new_impossible()

struct act_prob action_prob_new_impossible ( void  )

Returns the impossible action probability.

Definition at line 6652 of file actions.c.

◆ action_prob_new_not_impl()

struct act_prob action_prob_new_not_impl ( void  )

Returns the "not implemented" action probability.

Definition at line 6682 of file actions.c.

◆ action_prob_new_not_relevant()

struct act_prob action_prob_new_not_relevant ( void  )

Returns the n/a action probability.

Definition at line 6672 of file actions.c.

◆ action_prob_new_unknown()

struct act_prob action_prob_new_unknown ( void  )

Returns the "user don't know" action probability.

Definition at line 6692 of file actions.c.

◆ action_prob_not_impl()

static bool action_prob_not_impl ( const struct act_prob  probability)

Returns TRUE iff the given action probability represents that support for finding this action probability currently is missing from Freeciv.

Definition at line 6735 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_prob_and(), action_prob_cmp_pessimist(), action_prob_explain(), action_prob_fall_back(), action_prob_possible(), action_prob_to_0_to_1_pessimist(), action_prob_to_text(), and action_prob_vs_units_full().

◆ action_prob_not_relevant()

static bool action_prob_not_relevant ( const struct act_prob  probability)

Returns TRUE iff the given action probability represents the lack of an action probability.

Definition at line 6724 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_prepare_ui_name(), action_prob_and(), action_prob_cmp_pessimist(), action_prob_fall_back(), action_prob_to_0_to_1_pessimist(), and action_prob_to_text().

◆ action_prob_possible()

bool action_prob_possible ( const struct act_prob  probability)

◆ action_prob_pre_action_dice_roll()

static struct act_prob action_prob_pre_action_dice_roll ( const struct player act_player,
const struct unit act_unit,
const struct city tgt_city,
const struct player tgt_player,
const struct action paction 

Returns the action probability of an action not failing its dice roll without leaking information.

Definition at line 5396 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_prob(), and action_prob_battle_then_dice_roll().

◆ action_prob_self()

struct act_prob action_prob_self ( const struct civ_map nmap,
const struct unit actor_unit,
const action_id  act_id 

Get the actor unit's probability of successfully performing the chosen action on itself.

Definition at line 6377 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_auto_perf_unit_prob(), action_prob_unit_vs_tgt(), do_disband_alternative(), execute_orders(), and handle_unit_get_actions().

◆ action_prob_self_full()

static struct act_prob action_prob_self_full ( const struct civ_map nmap,
const struct unit actor_unit,
const struct city actor_home,
const struct tile actor_tile,
const action_id  act_id 

Get the actor unit's probability of successfully performing the chosen action on itself.

Definition at line 6324 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_prob_self(), and action_speculate_unit_on_self().

◆ action_prob_to_0_to_1_pessimist()

double action_prob_to_0_to_1_pessimist ( const struct act_prob  ap)

Returns double in the range [0-1] representing the minimum of the given action probability.

Definition at line 6814 of file actions.c.

Referenced by unit_survive_autoattack().

◆ action_prob_to_text()

static const char * action_prob_to_text ( const struct act_prob  prob)

Returns a text representation of the action probability prob unless it is a signal. Returns NULL if prob is a signal.

The returned string is in statically allocated astring, and thus this function is not thread-safe.

Definition at line 1931 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_prepare_ui_name().

◆ action_prob_unit_vs_tgt()

struct act_prob action_prob_unit_vs_tgt ( const struct civ_map nmap,
const struct action paction,
const struct unit act_unit,
const struct city tgt_city,
const struct unit tgt_unit,
const struct tile tgt_tile,
const struct extra_type extra_tgt 

Returns the actor unit's probability of successfully performing the specified action against the action specific target.

nmapMap to consult
pactionThe action to perform
act_unitThe actor unit
tgt_cityThe target for city targeted actions
tgt_unitThe target for unit targeted actions
tgt_tileThe target for tile and unit stack targeted actions
extra_tgtThe target for extra sub targeted actions
The action probability of performing the action

Definition at line 6399 of file actions.c.

Referenced by dai_manage_paratrooper(), do_unit_paradrop_to(), and illegal_action().

◆ action_prob_vs_city()

struct act_prob action_prob_vs_city ( const struct civ_map nmap,
const struct unit actor_unit,
const action_id  act_id,
const struct city target_city 

◆ action_prob_vs_city_full()

static struct act_prob action_prob_vs_city_full ( const struct civ_map nmap,
const struct unit actor_unit,
const struct city actor_home,
const struct tile actor_tile,
const action_id  act_id,
const struct city target_city 

Get the actor unit's probability of successfully performing the chosen action on the target city.

Definition at line 5783 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_prob_vs_city(), and action_speculate_unit_on_city().

◆ action_prob_vs_extras()

struct act_prob action_prob_vs_extras ( const struct civ_map nmap,
const struct unit actor_unit,
const action_id  act_id,
const struct tile target_tile,
const struct extra_type target_extra 

Get the actor unit's probability of successfully performing the chosen action on the extras at the target tile.

Definition at line 6307 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_auto_perf_unit_prob(), action_prob_unit_vs_tgt(), action_tgt_tile(), do_disband_alternative(), execute_orders(), handle_unit_get_actions(), and may_unit_act_vs_tile_extra().

◆ action_prob_vs_extras_full()

static struct act_prob action_prob_vs_extras_full ( const struct civ_map nmap,
const struct unit actor_unit,
const struct city actor_home,
const struct tile actor_tile,
const action_id  act_id,
const struct tile target_tile,
const struct extra_type target_extra 

Get the actor unit's probability of successfully performing the chosen action on the extras at the target tile.

Definition at line 6241 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_prob_vs_extras(), and action_speculate_unit_on_extras().

◆ action_prob_vs_tile()

struct act_prob action_prob_vs_tile ( const struct civ_map nmap,
const struct unit actor_unit,
const action_id  act_id,
const struct tile target_tile,
const struct extra_type target_extra 

◆ action_prob_vs_tile_full()

static struct act_prob action_prob_vs_tile_full ( const struct civ_map nmap,
const struct unit actor_unit,
const struct city actor_home,
const struct tile actor_tile,
const action_id  act_id,
const struct tile target_tile,
const struct extra_type target_extra 

Get the actor unit's probability of successfully performing the chosen action on the target tile.

Definition at line 6158 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_prob_vs_tile(), and action_speculate_unit_on_tile().

◆ action_prob_vs_unit()

struct act_prob action_prob_vs_unit ( const struct civ_map nmap,
const struct unit actor_unit,
const action_id  act_id,
const struct unit target_unit 

Get the actor unit's probability of successfully performing the chosen action on the target unit.

Definition at line 5953 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_auto_perf_unit_prob(), action_prob_unit_vs_tgt(), can_unit_alight_or_be_unloaded(), dai_diplomat_bribe_nearby(), do_disband_alternative(), execute_orders(), handle_unit_get_actions(), may_unit_act_vs_unit(), and request_unit_load().

◆ action_prob_vs_unit_full()

static struct act_prob action_prob_vs_unit_full ( const struct civ_map nmap,
const struct unit actor_unit,
const struct city actor_home,
const struct tile actor_tile,
const action_id  act_id,
const struct unit target_unit 

Get the actor unit's probability of successfully performing the chosen action on the target unit.

Definition at line 5886 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_prob_vs_unit(), and action_speculate_unit_on_unit().

◆ action_prob_vs_units()

struct act_prob action_prob_vs_units ( const struct civ_map nmap,
const struct unit actor_unit,
const action_id  act_id,
const struct tile target_tile 

Get the actor unit's probability of successfully performing the chosen action on all units at the target tile.

Definition at line 6141 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_auto_perf_unit_prob(), action_prob_unit_vs_tgt(), action_tgt_tile(), do_disband_alternative(), execute_orders(), and handle_unit_get_actions().

◆ action_prob_vs_units_full()

static struct act_prob action_prob_vs_units_full ( const struct civ_map nmap,
const struct unit actor_unit,
const struct city actor_home,
const struct tile actor_tile,
const action_id  act_id,
const struct tile target_tile 

Get the actor unit's probability of successfully performing the chosen action on all units at the target tile.

Definition at line 5970 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_prob_vs_units(), and action_speculate_unit_on_units().

◆ action_removes_extra()

bool action_removes_extra ( const struct action paction,
const struct extra_type pextra 

Returns TRUE iff the specified action can remove the specified extra.

Definition at line 2312 of file actions.c.

Referenced by go_act_menu::create(), execute_orders(), helptext_unit(), real_menus_init(), real_menus_update(), unit_order_list_is_sane(), and utype_can_remove_extra().

◆ action_requires_details()

bool action_requires_details ( const struct action paction)

Returns TRUE iff the specified action REQUIRES the player to provide details in addition to actor and target. Returns FALSE if the action doesn't support any additional details or if they can be set by Freeciv it self.

Definition at line 1805 of file actions.c.

◆ action_result_legal_target_kind()

bool action_result_legal_target_kind ( enum action_result  result,
enum action_target_kind  tgt_kind 

Returns TRUE iff the specified action result works with the specified action target kind.

Definition at line 8609 of file actions.c.

Referenced by sanity_check_ruleset_data().

◆ action_rule_name()

const char * action_rule_name ( const struct action action)

◆ action_speculate_unit_on_city()

struct act_prob action_speculate_unit_on_city ( const struct civ_map nmap,
const action_id  act_id,
const struct unit actor,
const struct city actor_home,
const struct tile actor_tile,
const bool  omniscient_cheat,
const struct city target 

Returns a speculation about the actor unit's probability of successfully performing the chosen action on the target city given the specified game state changes.

Definition at line 6456 of file actions.c.

Referenced by auto_settlers_speculate_can_act_at(), and get_discounted_reward().

◆ action_speculate_unit_on_extras()

struct act_prob action_speculate_unit_on_extras ( const struct civ_map nmap,
action_id  act_id,
const struct unit actor,
const struct city actor_home,
const struct tile actor_tile,
bool  omniscient_cheat,
const struct tile target_tile,
const struct extra_type target_extra 

Returns a speculation about the actor unit's probability of successfully performing the chosen action to the extras at the target tile (and, if specified, specific extra) given the specified game state changes.

Definition at line 6591 of file actions.c.

Referenced by auto_settlers_speculate_can_act_at().

◆ action_speculate_unit_on_self()

struct act_prob action_speculate_unit_on_self ( const struct civ_map nmap,
action_id  act_id,
const struct unit actor,
const struct city actor_home,
const struct tile actor_tile,
bool  omniscient_cheat 

Returns a speculation about the actor unit's probability of successfully performing the chosen action on itself given the specified game state changes.

Definition at line 6625 of file actions.c.

Referenced by auto_settlers_speculate_can_act_at().

◆ action_speculate_unit_on_tile()

struct act_prob action_speculate_unit_on_tile ( const struct civ_map nmap,
action_id  act_id,
const struct unit actor,
const struct city actor_home,
const struct tile actor_tile,
bool  omniscient_cheat,
const struct tile target_tile,
const struct extra_type target_extra 

Returns a speculation about the actor unit's probability of successfully performing the chosen action on the target tile (and, if specified, extra) given the specified game state changes.

Definition at line 6557 of file actions.c.

Referenced by auto_settlers_speculate_can_act_at(), settler_evaluate_improvements(), tai_tile_worker_task_select(), and texai_tile_worker_task_select().

◆ action_speculate_unit_on_unit()

struct act_prob action_speculate_unit_on_unit ( const struct civ_map nmap,
action_id  act_id,
const struct unit actor,
const struct city actor_home,
const struct tile actor_tile,
bool  omniscient_cheat,
const struct unit target 

Returns a speculation about the actor unit's probability of successfully performing the chosen action on the target unit given the specified game state changes.

Definition at line 6491 of file actions.c.

◆ action_speculate_unit_on_units()

struct act_prob action_speculate_unit_on_units ( const struct civ_map nmap,
action_id  act_id,
const struct unit actor,
const struct city actor_home,
const struct tile actor_tile,
bool  omniscient_cheat,
const struct tile target 

Returns a speculation about the actor unit's probability of successfully performing the chosen action on the target unit stack given the specified game state changes.

Definition at line 6524 of file actions.c.

Referenced by auto_settlers_speculate_can_act_at().

◆ action_sub_target_kind_default()

static enum action_sub_target_kind action_sub_target_kind_default ( enum action_result  result)

Return default sub target kind for the action with the specified result.

Definition at line 8712 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_new().

◆ action_target_compl_calc()

static enum act_tgt_compl action_target_compl_calc ( enum action_result  result,
enum action_target_kind  tgt_kind,
enum action_sub_target_kind  sub_tgt_kind 

Returns the sub target complexity for the action with the specified result when it has the specified target kind and sub target kind.

Definition at line 8802 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_new().

◆ action_target_kind_default()

enum action_target_kind action_target_kind_default ( enum action_result  result)

Return default target kind for the action with the specified result.

Definition at line 8524 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_new(), and load_action_kind().

◆ action_target_kind_help()

const char * action_target_kind_help ( enum action_target_kind  kind)

Return description of the action target kind suitable to use in the helptext.

Definition at line 9338 of file actions.c.

Referenced by helptext_government(), and helptext_unit().

◆ action_target_kind_ruleset_var_name()

const char * action_target_kind_ruleset_var_name ( int  act)

Return target kind ruleset variable name for the action or NULL if target kind can't be set in the ruleset.

TODO: make actions generic and put target_kind in a field of the action.

Definition at line 8394 of file actions.c.

Referenced by load_action_kind(), and save_action_kind().

◆ action_ui_name_default()

const char * action_ui_name_default ( int  act)

Return default ui_name for the action

Definition at line 7660 of file actions.c.

Referenced by load_action_ui_name(), and save_action_ui_name().

◆ action_ui_name_ruleset_var_name()

const char * action_ui_name_ruleset_var_name ( int  act)

Return ui_name ruleset variable name for the action.

TODO: make actions generic and put ui_name in a field of the action.

Definition at line 7434 of file actions.c.

Referenced by load_ruleset_game(), and save_game_ruleset().

◆ action_univs_not_blocking()

bool action_univs_not_blocking ( const struct action paction,
struct universal actor_uni,
struct universal target_uni 

Is there any action enablers of the given type not blocked by universals?

Definition at line 7373 of file actions.c.

◆ action_would_be_blocked_by()

bool action_would_be_blocked_by ( const struct action blocked,
const struct action blocker 

Returns TRUE iff blocked will be illegal if blocker is legal.

Definition at line 1856 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_is_blocked_by(), autoadjust_ruleset_data(), and helptext_unit().

◆ actions_are_ready()

bool actions_are_ready ( void  )

Returns TRUE iff the actions are initialized.

Doesn't care about action enablers.

Definition at line 1583 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_prepare_ui_name(), and go_act_menu::update().

◆ actions_free()

void actions_free ( void  )

Free the actions and the action enablers.

Definition at line 1530 of file actions.c.

Referenced by game_ruleset_free().

◆ actions_init()

void actions_init ( void  )

Initialize the actions and the action enablers.

Definition at line 1460 of file actions.c.

Referenced by game_ruleset_init().

◆ actions_rs_pre_san_gen()

void actions_rs_pre_san_gen ( void  )

Generate action related data based on the currently loaded ruleset. Done before ruleset sanity checking and ruleset compatibility post processing.

Definition at line 1520 of file actions.c.

Referenced by handle_rulesets_ready(), and load_rulesetdir().

◆ actres_get_activity()

enum unit_activity actres_get_activity ( enum action_result  result)

◆ ae_contra_close()

static void ae_contra_close ( struct ae_contra_or contra)

Tell an ae_contra_or that one of its users is done with it.

contrathe ae_contra_or the user is done with.

Definition at line 189 of file actions.c.

Referenced by actions_free().

◆ ae_suggest_repair_if_no_oblig()

static struct req_vec_problem * ae_suggest_repair_if_no_oblig ( const struct action_enabler enabler,
const struct obligatory_req_vector *  oblig 

Returns a suggestion to add an obligatory hard requirement to an action enabler or NULL if no hard obligatory reqs were missing. It is the responsibility of the caller to free the suggestion when it is done with it.

enablerthe action enabler to suggest a fix for.
oblighard obligatory requirements to check
a problem with fix suggestions or NULL if no obligatory hard requirement problems were detected.

Definition at line 2494 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_enabler_suggest_repair_oblig().

◆ ap_dipl_battle_win()

static struct act_prob ap_dipl_battle_win ( const struct unit pattacker,
const struct unit pdefender 

The action probability that pattacker will win a diplomatic battle.

It is assumed that pattacker and pdefender have different owners and that the defender can defend in a diplomatic battle.

See diplomat_success_vs_defender() in server/diplomats.c

Definition at line 5275 of file actions.c.

Referenced by ap_diplomat_battle().

◆ ap_diplomat_battle()

static struct act_prob ap_diplomat_battle ( const struct unit pattacker,
const struct unit pvictim,
const struct tile tgt_tile 

The action probability that pattacker will win a diplomatic battle.

See diplomat_infiltrate_tile() in server/diplomats.c

Definition at line 5352 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_prob(), and action_prob_battle_then_dice_roll().

◆ are_action_probabilitys_equal()

bool are_action_probabilitys_equal ( const struct act_prob ap1,
const struct act_prob ap2 

Returns TRUE iff ap1 and ap2 are equal.

Definition at line 6754 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_prob_and(), action_prob_fall_back(), send_packet_unit_actions_100(), and send_packet_unit_actions_101().

◆ blocked_find_target_city()

static const struct city * blocked_find_target_city ( const struct action act,
const struct unit actor_unit,
const struct tile target_tile,
const struct city target_city_arg,
const struct unit target_unit 

Returns the target city for actions that may block the specified action. This is needed because some actions can be blocked by an action with a different target kind. The target city argument could therefore be missing.

Example: The ATK_SELF action ACTION_DISBAND_UNIT can be blocked by the ATK_CITY action ACTION_DISBAND_UNIT_RECOVER.

Definition at line 3160 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_is_blocked_by().

◆ blocked_find_target_tile()

static const struct tile * blocked_find_target_tile ( const struct action act,
const struct unit actor_unit,
const struct tile target_tile_arg,
const struct city target_city,
const struct unit target_unit 

Returns the target tile for actions that may block the specified action. This is needed because some actions can be blocked by an action with a different target kind. The target tile could therefore be missing.

Example: The ATK_SELF action ACTION_DISBAND_UNIT can be blocked by the ATK_CITY action ACTION_DISBAND_UNIT_RECOVER.

Definition at line 3102 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_is_blocked_by().

◆ enabler_first_clarification()

static struct req_vec_problem * enabler_first_clarification ( const struct action_enabler enabler)

Returns the first action enabler specific clarification possibility in the specified enabler or NULL if no enabler specific contradiction is found.

enablerthe enabler to look at
the first problem and maybe a suggested fix

Definition at line 2886 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_enabler_suggest_improvement().

◆ enabler_first_self_contradiction()

static struct req_vec_problem * enabler_first_self_contradiction ( const struct action_enabler enabler)

Returns the first action enabler specific contradiction in the specified enabler or NULL if no enabler specific contradiction is found.

enablerthe enabler to look at
the first problem and maybe a suggested fix

Definition at line 2766 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_enabler_suggest_repair().

◆ enabler_tile_tgt_local_diplrel_implies_claimed()

static struct req_vec_problem * enabler_tile_tgt_local_diplrel_implies_claimed ( const struct action_enabler enabler)

Detects a local DiplRel requirement in a tile targeted action without an explicit claimed requirement in the target reqs.

enablerthe enabler to look at
the problem or NULL if no problem was found

Definition at line 2693 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_enabler_suggest_repair().



◆ gen_action_name_update_cb()

const char * gen_action_name_update_cb ( const char *  old_name)

Specenum callback to update old enum names to current ones.

Definition at line 9313 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_by_rule_name().

◆ hard_code_actions()

static void hard_code_actions ( void  )

Hard code the actions.

Definition at line 914 of file actions.c.

Referenced by actions_init().

◆ hard_code_oblig_hard_reqs()

static void hard_code_oblig_hard_reqs ( void  )

Hard code the obligatory hard requirements that don't depend on the rest of the ruleset. They are sorted by requirement to make it easy to read, modify and explain them.

Definition at line 354 of file actions.c.

Referenced by actions_init().

◆ hard_code_oblig_hard_reqs_ruleset()

static void hard_code_oblig_hard_reqs_ruleset ( void  )

Hard code the obligatory hard requirements that needs access to the ruleset before they can be generated.

Definition at line 877 of file actions.c.

Referenced by actions_rs_pre_san_gen().

◆ is_action_enabled()

static bool is_action_enabled ( const struct civ_map nmap,
const action_id  wanted_action,
const struct req_context actor,
const struct req_context target,
const struct extra_type target_extra,
const struct city actor_home 

Returns TRUE if the wanted action is enabled.

Note that the action may disable it self because of hard requirements even if an action enabler returns TRUE.

Passing NULL for actor or target is equivalent to passing an empty context. This may or may not be legal depending on the action.

Definition at line 4651 of file actions.c.

Referenced by is_action_enabled_unit_on_city_full(), is_action_enabled_unit_on_extras_full(), is_action_enabled_unit_on_self_full(), is_action_enabled_unit_on_tile_full(), is_action_enabled_unit_on_unit_full(), and is_action_enabled_unit_on_units_full().

◆ is_action_enabled_unit_on_city()

bool is_action_enabled_unit_on_city ( const struct civ_map nmap,
const action_id  wanted_action,
const struct unit actor_unit,
const struct city target_city 

◆ is_action_enabled_unit_on_city_full()

static bool is_action_enabled_unit_on_city_full ( const struct civ_map nmap,
const action_id  wanted_action,
const struct unit actor_unit,
const struct city actor_home,
const struct tile actor_tile,
const struct city target_city 

Returns TRUE if actor_unit can do wanted_action to target_city as far as action enablers are concerned.

See note in is_action_enabled() for why the action may still be disabled.

Definition at line 4690 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_speculate_unit_on_city(), and is_action_enabled_unit_on_city().

◆ is_action_enabled_unit_on_extras()

bool is_action_enabled_unit_on_extras ( const struct civ_map nmap,
const action_id  wanted_action,
const struct unit actor_unit,
const struct tile target_tile,
const struct extra_type target_extra 

Returns TRUE if actor_unit can do wanted_action to the extras at target_tile as far as action enablers are concerned.

See note in is_action_enabled() for why the action may still be disabled.

Definition at line 5073 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_auto_perf_unit_do(), action_auto_perf_unit_prob(), action_is_blocked_by(), api_edit_perform_action_unit_vs_tile(), api_edit_perform_action_unit_vs_tile_extra(), and dai_unit_attack().

◆ is_action_enabled_unit_on_extras_full()

static bool is_action_enabled_unit_on_extras_full ( const struct civ_map nmap,
const action_id  wanted_action,
const struct unit actor_unit,
const struct city actor_home,
const struct tile actor_tile,
const struct tile target_tile,
const struct extra_type target_extra 

Returns TRUE if actor_unit can do wanted_action to the extras at target_tile as far as action enablers are concerned.

See note in is_action_enabled() for why the action may still be disabled.

Definition at line 5015 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_speculate_unit_on_extras(), and is_action_enabled_unit_on_extras().

◆ is_action_enabled_unit_on_self()

bool is_action_enabled_unit_on_self ( const struct civ_map nmap,
const action_id  wanted_action,
const struct unit actor_unit 

Returns TRUE if actor_unit can do wanted_action to itself as far as action enablers are concerned.

See note in is_action_enabled() for why the action still may be disabled.

Definition at line 5145 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_auto_perf_unit_do(), action_auto_perf_unit_prob(), action_is_blocked_by(), api_edit_perform_action_unit_vs_self(), can_unit_do_activity_targeted_at(), and unit_do_disband_trad().

◆ is_action_enabled_unit_on_self_full()

static bool is_action_enabled_unit_on_self_full ( const struct civ_map nmap,
const action_id  wanted_action,
const struct unit actor_unit,
const struct city actor_home,
const struct tile actor_tile 

Returns TRUE if actor_unit can do wanted_action to itself as far as action enablers are concerned.

See note in is_action_enabled() for why the action still may be disabled.

Definition at line 5093 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_speculate_unit_on_self(), and is_action_enabled_unit_on_self().

◆ is_action_enabled_unit_on_tile()

bool is_action_enabled_unit_on_tile ( const struct civ_map nmap,
const action_id  wanted_action,
const struct unit actor_unit,
const struct tile target_tile,
const struct extra_type target_extra 

Returns TRUE if actor_unit can do wanted_action to the target_tile as far as action enablers are concerned.

See note in is_action_enabled() for why the action may still be disabled.

Definition at line 4996 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_auto_perf_unit_do(), action_auto_perf_unit_prob(), action_is_blocked_by(), adv_unit_move(), api_edit_perform_action_unit_vs_tile(), api_edit_perform_action_unit_vs_tile_extra(), can_unit_do_activity_targeted_at(), dai_manage_paratrooper(), dai_unit_attack(), dai_unit_move(), and unit_move_handling().

◆ is_action_enabled_unit_on_tile_full()

static bool is_action_enabled_unit_on_tile_full ( const struct civ_map nmap,
const action_id  wanted_action,
const struct unit actor_unit,
const struct city actor_home,
const struct tile actor_tile,
const struct tile target_tile,
const struct extra_type target_extra 

Returns TRUE if actor_unit can do wanted_action to the target_tile as far as action enablers are concerned.

See note in is_action_enabled() for why the action may still be disabled.

Definition at line 4938 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_speculate_unit_on_tile(), and is_action_enabled_unit_on_tile().

◆ is_action_enabled_unit_on_unit()

bool is_action_enabled_unit_on_unit ( const struct civ_map nmap,
const action_id  wanted_action,
const struct unit actor_unit,
const struct unit target_unit 

Returns TRUE if actor_unit can do wanted_action to target_unit as far as action enablers are concerned.

See note in is_action_enabled() for why the action may still be disabled.

Definition at line 4832 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_auto_perf_unit_do(), action_auto_perf_unit_prob(), action_is_blocked_by(), adv_unit_move(), api_edit_perform_action_unit_vs_unit(), can_unit_alight_or_be_unloaded(), dai_diplomat_bribe_nearby(), dai_hunter_try_launch(), dai_unit_attack(), dai_unit_move(), handle_unit_action_query(), unit_move_handling(), and unleash_barbarians().

◆ is_action_enabled_unit_on_unit_full()

static bool is_action_enabled_unit_on_unit_full ( const struct civ_map nmap,
const action_id  wanted_action,
const struct unit actor_unit,
const struct city actor_home,
const struct tile actor_tile,
const struct unit target_unit 

Returns TRUE if actor_unit can do wanted_action to target_unit as far as action enablers are concerned.

See note in is_action_enabled() for why the action may still be disabled.

Definition at line 4773 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_speculate_unit_on_unit(), and is_action_enabled_unit_on_unit().

◆ is_action_enabled_unit_on_units()

bool is_action_enabled_unit_on_units ( const struct civ_map nmap,
const action_id  wanted_action,
const struct unit actor_unit,
const struct tile target_tile 

Returns TRUE if actor_unit can do wanted_action to all units on the target_tile as far as action enablers are concerned.

See note in is_action_enabled() for why the action may still be disabled.

Definition at line 4920 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_auto_perf_unit_do(), action_auto_perf_unit_prob(), action_is_blocked_by(), api_edit_perform_action_unit_vs_tile(), api_edit_perform_action_unit_vs_tile_extra(), and dai_unit_attack().

◆ is_action_enabled_unit_on_units_full()

static bool is_action_enabled_unit_on_units_full ( const struct civ_map nmap,
const action_id  wanted_action,
const struct unit actor_unit,
const struct city actor_home,
const struct tile actor_tile,
const struct tile target_tile 

Returns TRUE if actor_unit can do wanted_action to all units on the target_tile as far as action enablers are concerned.

See note in is_action_enabled() for why the action may still be disabled.

Definition at line 4850 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_speculate_unit_on_units(), and is_action_enabled_unit_on_units().

◆ is_action_possible()

static enum fc_tristate is_action_possible ( const struct civ_map nmap,
const action_id  wanted_action,
const struct req_context actor,
const struct req_context target,
const struct extra_type target_extra,
const bool  omniscient,
const struct city homecity 

Returns if the wanted action is possible given that an action enabler later will enable it.

Can return maybe when not omniscient. Should always return yes or no when omniscient.

This is done by checking the action's hard requirements. Hard requirements must be fulfilled before an action can be done. The reason why is usually that code dealing with the action assumes that the requirements are true. A requirement may also end up here if it can't be expressed in a requirement vector or if its absence makes the action pointless.

When adding a new hard requirement here: explain why it is a hard requirement in a comment. remember that this is called from action_prob(). Should information the player don't have access to be used in a test it must check if the evaluation can see the thing being tested.

Passing NULL for actor or target is equivalent to passing an empty context. This may or may not be legal depending on the action.

Definition at line 3718 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_prob(), and is_action_enabled().

◆ is_action_possible_on_city()

bool is_action_possible_on_city ( action_id  act_id,
const struct player actor_player,
const struct city target_city 

Returns TRUE if the wanted action can be done to the target city.

Definition at line 7142 of file actions.c.

Referenced by adjust_improvement_wants_by_effects(), dai_choose_diplomat_offensive(), find_city_to_diplomat(), and impr_protects_vs_actions().

◆ is_effect_val_known()

static bool is_effect_val_known ( enum effect_type  effect_type,
const struct player pov_player,
const struct req_context context,
const struct player other_player 

Find out if the effect value is known

The knowledge of the actor is assumed to be given in the parameters.

If meta knowledge is missing TRI_MAYBE will be returned.

context may be NULL. This is equivalent to passing an empty context.

Definition at line 5219 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_prob_pre_action_dice_roll(), and ap_dipl_battle_win().

◆ is_enabler_active()

static bool is_enabler_active ( const struct action_enabler enabler,
const struct req_context actor,
const struct req_context target 

Return TRUE iff the action enabler is active

actor may be NULL. This is equivalent to passing an empty context. target may be NULL. This is equivalent to passing an empty context.

Definition at line 4632 of file actions.c.

Referenced by is_action_enabled().

◆ is_target_possible()

static bool is_target_possible ( const action_id  wanted_action,
const struct player actor_player,
const struct req_context target 

Returns TRUE if the wanted action can be done to the target.

target may be NULL. This is equivalent to passing an empty context.

Definition at line 7124 of file actions.c.

Referenced by is_action_possible_on_city().

◆ oblig_hard_req_reg()

static void oblig_hard_req_reg ( struct ae_contra_or contras,
const char *  error_message,

Register an obligatory hard requirement for the specified action results.

contrasif one alternative here doesn't contradict the enabler it is accepted.
error_messageerror message if an enabler contradicts all contras. Followed by a list of action results that should be unable to contradict all specified contradictions.

Definition at line 247 of file actions.c.

Referenced by hard_code_oblig_hard_reqs(), and hard_code_oblig_hard_reqs_ruleset().

◆ oblig_hard_req_reg_sub_res()

static void oblig_hard_req_reg_sub_res ( struct ae_contra_or contras,
const char *  error_message,

Register an obligatory hard requirement for the specified action sub results.

contrasif one alternative here doesn't contradict the enabler it is accepted.
error_messageerror message if an enabler contradicts all contras. Followed by a list of action sub results that should be unable to contradict all specified contradictions.

Definition at line 336 of file actions.c.

Referenced by hard_code_oblig_hard_reqs().

◆ oblig_hard_req_register()

static void oblig_hard_req_register ( struct requirement  contradiction,
bool  is_target,
const char *  error_message,

Register an obligatory hard requirement for the action results it applies to.

The vararg parameter is a list of action ids it applies to terminated by ACTION_NONE.

Definition at line 267 of file actions.c.

Referenced by hard_code_oblig_hard_reqs(), and hard_code_oblig_hard_reqs_ruleset().

◆ plr_knows_tile()

static bool plr_knows_tile ( const struct player plr,
const struct tile ttile 

Returns TRUE iff the specified player knows (has seen) the specified tile.

Definition at line 3033 of file actions.c.

Referenced by is_action_possible().

◆ plr_sees_tile()

static bool plr_sees_tile ( const struct player plr,
const struct tile ttile 

Returns TRUE iff the specified player can see the specified tile.

Definition at line 3042 of file actions.c.

Referenced by is_action_possible().

◆ req_contradiction_or()

static struct ae_contra_or * req_contradiction_or ( int  alternatives,

Returns a new array of alternative action enabler contradictions. Only one has to not contradict the enabler for it to be seen as fulfilled.

alternativesthe number of action enabler contradictions followed by the enabler contradictions specified as alternating contradicting requirement and a bool that is TRUE if the requirement contradicts the enabler's target requirement vector and FALSE if it contradicts the enabler's actor vector.
a new array of alternative action enabler contradictions.

Definition at line 160 of file actions.c.

Referenced by hard_code_oblig_hard_reqs(), hard_code_oblig_hard_reqs_ruleset(), and oblig_hard_req_register().

◆ req_vec_first_contradiction_in_vec()

static struct requirement * req_vec_first_contradiction_in_vec ( const struct requirement req,
const struct requirement_vector *  vec 

Returns the first requirement in the specified requirement vector that contradicts the specified requirement or NULL if no contradiction was detected.

reqthe requirement that may contradict the vector
vecthe requirement vector to look in
the first local DiplRel requirement.

Definition at line 2670 of file actions.c.

Referenced by enabler_first_self_contradiction(), and enabler_tile_tgt_local_diplrel_implies_claimed().

◆ req_vec_first_local_diplrel()

static struct requirement * req_vec_first_local_diplrel ( const struct requirement_vector *  vec)

Returns the first local DiplRel requirement in the specified requirement vector or NULL if it doesn't have a local DiplRel requirement.

vecthe requirement vector to look in
the first local DiplRel requirement.

Definition at line 2649 of file actions.c.

Referenced by enabler_first_self_contradiction(), and enabler_tile_tgt_local_diplrel_implies_claimed().

◆ tech_can_be_stolen()

static enum fc_tristate tech_can_be_stolen ( const struct player actor_player,
const struct player target_player 

Does the target has any techs the actor don't?

Definition at line 5239 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_prob().

◆ tgt_city_local_building()

static const struct impr_type * tgt_city_local_building ( const struct city target_city)

Returns the local building type of a city target.

target_city can't be NULL

Definition at line 3054 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_prob_vs_city_full(), and is_action_enabled_unit_on_city_full().

◆ tgt_city_local_utype()

static const struct unit_type * tgt_city_local_utype ( const struct city target_city)

Returns the local unit type of a city target.

target_city can't be NULL

Definition at line 3077 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_prob_vs_city_full(), and is_action_enabled_unit_on_city_full().

◆ unit_action_new()

static struct action * unit_action_new ( action_id  id,
enum action_result  result,
bool  rare_pop_up,
bool  unitwaittime_controlled,
enum moves_actor_kind  moves_actor,
const int  min_distance,
const int  max_distance,
bool  actor_consuming_always 

Create a new action performed by a unit actor.

Definition at line 1672 of file actions.c.

Referenced by hard_code_actions().

◆ voblig_hard_req_reg()

static void voblig_hard_req_reg ( struct ae_contra_or contras,
const char *  error_message,
va_list  args 

Register an obligatory hard requirement for the specified action results.

contrasif one alternative here doesn't contradict the enabler it is accepted.
error_messageerror message if an enabler contradicts all contras.
argslist of action results that should be unable to contradict all specified contradictions.

Definition at line 208 of file actions.c.

Referenced by oblig_hard_req_reg(), and oblig_hard_req_register().

◆ voblig_hard_req_reg_sub_res()

static void voblig_hard_req_reg_sub_res ( struct ae_contra_or contras,
const char *  error_message,
va_list  args 

Register an obligatory hard requirement for the specified action sub results.

contrasif one alternative here doesn't contradict the enabler it is accepted.
error_messageerror message if an enabler contradicts all contras.
argslist of action sub results that should be unable to contradict all specified contradictions.

Definition at line 294 of file actions.c.

Referenced by oblig_hard_req_reg_sub_res().

Variable Documentation

◆ _actions

struct action** _actions = actions

Definition at line 97 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_by_number().

◆ action_enablers_by_action

struct action_enabler_list* action_enablers_by_action[MAX_NUM_ACTIONS]

Definition at line 101 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_enablers_for_action(), actions_free(), and actions_init().

◆ actions

struct action* actions[MAX_NUM_ACTIONS]

◆ actions_initialized

bool actions_initialized = FALSE

Definition at line 99 of file actions.c.

Referenced by actions_are_ready(), actions_free(), and actions_init().

◆ actlist_by_activity

struct action_list* actlist_by_activity[ACTIVITY_LAST]

Definition at line 147 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_list_by_activity(), action_new(), actions_free(), and actions_init().

◆ actlist_by_result

struct action_list* actlist_by_result[ACTRES_LAST]

Definition at line 146 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_list_by_result(), action_new(), actions_free(), and actions_init().

◆ atk_helpnames

const char* atk_helpnames[ATK_COUNT]
Initial value:
N_("individual cities"),
N_("individual units"),
N_("unit stacks"),
N_("tile extras"),
#define N_(String)
Definition fcintl.h:69

Definition at line 9324 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_target_kind_help().

◆ auto_perfs

Definition at line 98 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_auto_perf_slot_number(), actions_free(), and actions_init().

◆ oblig_hard_reqs_r

struct obligatory_req_vector oblig_hard_reqs_r[ACTRES_NONE]

◆ oblig_hard_reqs_sr

struct obligatory_req_vector oblig_hard_reqs_sr[ACT_SUB_RES_COUNT]

◆ ui_name_str

struct astring ui_name_str = ASTRING_INIT

Definition at line 107 of file actions.c.

Referenced by action_prepare_ui_name(), and actions_free().