No Matches
Data Structures | Macros | Functions
registry_ini.c File Reference
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "astring.h"
#include "bugs.h"
#include "deprecations.h"
#include "fcintl.h"
#include "inputfile.h"
#include "ioz.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "mem.h"
#include "registry.h"
#include "section_file.h"
#include "shared.h"
#include "support.h"
#include "registry_ini.h"
#include "specvec.h"

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  entry


#define MAX_LEN_SECPATH   1024
#define SPECVEC_TAG   astring


static bool entry_used (const struct entry *pentry)
static void entry_use (struct entry *pentry)
static void entry_to_file (const struct entry *pentry, fz_FILE *fs)
static void entry_from_inf_token (struct section *psection, const char *name, const char *tok, struct inputfile *file)
static struct entrysection_entry_filereference_new (struct section *psection, const char *name, const char *value)
static const char * datafilename (const char *filename)
static bool is_secfile_entry_name_valid (const char *name)
static bool secfile_hash_insert (struct section_file *secfile, struct entry *pentry)
static bool secfile_hash_delete (struct section_file *secfile, struct entry *pentry)
static struct section_filesecfile_from_input_file (struct inputfile *inf, const char *filename, const char *section, bool allow_duplicates)
struct section_filesecfile_load_section (const char *filename, const char *section, bool allow_duplicates)
struct section_filesecfile_from_stream (fz_FILE *stream, bool allow_duplicates)
static bool is_legal_table_entry_name (char c, bool num)
bool secfile_save (const struct section_file *secfile, const char *filename, int compression_level, enum fz_method compression_method)
void secfile_check_unused (const struct section_file *secfile)
const char * secfile_name (const struct section_file *secfile)
static struct sectionsecfile_insert_base (struct section_file *secfile, const char *path, const char **pent_name)
struct entrysecfile_insert_bool_full (struct section_file *secfile, bool value, const char *comment, bool allow_replace, const char *path,...)
size_t secfile_insert_bool_vec_full (struct section_file *secfile, const bool *values, size_t dim, const char *comment, bool allow_replace, const char *path,...)
struct entrysecfile_insert_int_full (struct section_file *secfile, int value, const char *comment, bool allow_replace, const char *path,...)
size_t secfile_insert_int_vec_full (struct section_file *secfile, const int *values, size_t dim, const char *comment, bool allow_replace, const char *path,...)
struct entrysecfile_insert_float_full (struct section_file *secfile, float value, const char *comment, bool allow_replace, const char *path,...)
struct sectionsecfile_insert_include (struct section_file *secfile, const char *filename)
struct sectionsecfile_insert_long_comment (struct section_file *secfile, const char *comment)
struct entrysecfile_insert_str_full (struct section_file *secfile, const char *str, const char *comment, bool allow_replace, bool no_escape, enum entry_special_type stype, const char *path,...)
size_t secfile_insert_str_vec_full (struct section_file *secfile, const char *const *strings, size_t dim, const char *comment, bool allow_replace, bool no_escape, const char *path,...)
struct entrysecfile_insert_filereference (struct section_file *secfile, const char *filename, const char *path,...)
struct entrysecfile_insert_plain_enum_full (struct section_file *secfile, int enumerator, secfile_enum_name_fn_t name_fn, const char *comment, bool allow_replace, const char *path,...)
size_t secfile_insert_plain_enum_vec_full (struct section_file *secfile, const int *enumurators, size_t dim, secfile_enum_name_fn_t name_fn, const char *comment, bool allow_replace, const char *path,...)
struct entrysecfile_insert_bitwise_enum_full (struct section_file *secfile, int bitwise_val, secfile_enum_name_fn_t name_fn, secfile_enum_iter_fn_t begin_fn, secfile_enum_iter_fn_t end_fn, secfile_enum_next_fn_t next_fn, const char *comment, bool allow_replace, const char *path,...)
size_t secfile_insert_bitwise_enum_vec_full (struct section_file *secfile, const int *bitwise_vals, size_t dim, secfile_enum_name_fn_t name_fn, secfile_enum_iter_fn_t begin_fn, secfile_enum_iter_fn_t end_fn, secfile_enum_next_fn_t next_fn, const char *comment, bool allow_replace, const char *path,...)
struct entrysecfile_insert_enum_data_full (struct section_file *secfile, int value, bool bitwise, secfile_enum_name_data_fn_t name_fn, secfile_data_t data, const char *comment, bool allow_replace, const char *path,...)
size_t secfile_insert_enum_vec_data_full (struct section_file *secfile, const int *values, size_t dim, bool bitwise, secfile_enum_name_data_fn_t name_fn, secfile_data_t data, const char *comment, bool allow_replace, const char *path,...)
struct entrysecfile_entry_by_path (const struct section_file *secfile, const char *path)
bool secfile_entry_delete (struct section_file *secfile, const char *path,...)
struct entrysecfile_entry_lookup (const struct section_file *secfile, const char *path,...)
bool secfile_lookup_bool (const struct section_file *secfile, bool *bval, const char *path,...)
bool secfile_lookup_bool_default (const struct section_file *secfile, bool def, const char *path,...)
boolsecfile_lookup_bool_vec (const struct section_file *secfile, size_t *dim, const char *path,...)
bool secfile_lookup_int (const struct section_file *secfile, int *ival, const char *path,...)
int secfile_lookup_int_default (const struct section_file *secfile, int def, const char *path,...)
int secfile_lookup_int_def_min_max (const struct section_file *secfile, int defval, int minval, int maxval, const char *path,...)
int * secfile_lookup_int_vec (const struct section_file *secfile, size_t *dim, const char *path,...)
bool secfile_lookup_float (const struct section_file *secfile, float *fval, const char *path,...)
float secfile_lookup_float_default (const struct section_file *secfile, float def, const char *path,...)
const char * secfile_lookup_str (const struct section_file *secfile, const char *path,...)
const char * secfile_lookup_str_default (const struct section_file *secfile, const char *def, const char *path,...)
const char ** secfile_lookup_str_vec (const struct section_file *secfile, size_t *dim, const char *path,...)
bool secfile_lookup_plain_enum_full (const struct section_file *secfile, int *penumerator, secfile_enum_is_valid_fn_t is_valid_fn, secfile_enum_by_name_fn_t by_name_fn, const char *path,...)
int secfile_lookup_plain_enum_default_full (const struct section_file *secfile, int defval, secfile_enum_is_valid_fn_t is_valid_fn, secfile_enum_by_name_fn_t by_name_fn, const char *path,...)
int * secfile_lookup_plain_enum_vec_full (const struct section_file *secfile, size_t *dim, secfile_enum_is_valid_fn_t is_valid_fn, secfile_enum_by_name_fn_t by_name_fn, const char *path,...)
bool secfile_lookup_bitwise_enum_full (const struct section_file *secfile, int *penumerator, secfile_enum_is_valid_fn_t is_valid_fn, secfile_enum_by_name_fn_t by_name_fn, const char *path,...)
int secfile_lookup_bitwise_enum_default_full (const struct section_file *secfile, int defval, secfile_enum_is_valid_fn_t is_valid_fn, secfile_enum_by_name_fn_t by_name_fn, const char *path,...)
int * secfile_lookup_bitwise_enum_vec_full (const struct section_file *secfile, size_t *dim, secfile_enum_is_valid_fn_t is_valid_fn, secfile_enum_by_name_fn_t by_name_fn, const char *path,...)
bool secfile_lookup_enum_data (const struct section_file *secfile, int *pvalue, bool bitwise, secfile_enum_name_data_fn_t name_fn, secfile_data_t data, const char *path,...)
int secfile_lookup_enum_default_data (const struct section_file *secfile, int defval, bool bitwise, secfile_enum_name_data_fn_t name_fn, secfile_data_t data, const char *path,...)
int * secfile_lookup_enum_vec_data (const struct section_file *secfile, size_t *dim, bool bitwise, secfile_enum_name_data_fn_t name_fn, secfile_data_t data, const char *path,...)
struct sectionsecfile_section_by_name (const struct section_file *secfile, const char *name)
struct sectionsecfile_section_lookup (const struct section_file *secfile, const char *path,...)
const struct section_list * secfile_sections (const struct section_file *secfile)
struct section_list * secfile_sections_by_name_prefix (const struct section_file *secfile, const char *prefix)
struct sectionsecfile_section_new (struct section_file *secfile, const char *name)
void section_destroy (struct section *psection)
void section_clear_all (struct section *psection)
bool section_set_name (struct section *psection, const char *name)
const struct entry_list * section_entries (const struct section *psection)
struct entrysection_entry_by_name (const struct section *psection, const char *name)
struct entrysection_entry_lookup (const struct section *psection, const char *path,...)
static struct entryentry_new (struct section *psection, const char *name)
struct entrysection_entry_int_new (struct section *psection, const char *name, int value)
struct entrysection_entry_bool_new (struct section *psection, const char *name, bool value)
struct entrysection_entry_float_new (struct section *psection, const char *name, float value)
struct entrysection_entry_str_new (struct section *psection, const char *name, const char *value, bool escaped)
void entry_destroy (struct entry *pentry)
struct sectionentry_section (const struct entry *pentry)
enum entry_type entry_type_get (const struct entry *pentry)
int entry_path (const struct entry *pentry, char *buf, size_t buf_len)
const char * entry_name (const struct entry *pentry)
bool entry_set_name (struct entry *pentry, const char *name)
const char * entry_comment (const struct entry *pentry)
void entry_set_comment (struct entry *pentry, const char *comment)
bool entry_bool_get (const struct entry *pentry, bool *value)
bool entry_bool_set (struct entry *pentry, bool value)
bool entry_float_get (const struct entry *pentry, float *value)
bool entry_float_set (struct entry *pentry, float value)
bool entry_int_get (const struct entry *pentry, int *value)
bool entry_int_set (struct entry *pentry, int value)
bool entry_str_get (const struct entry *pentry, const char **value)
bool entry_str_set (struct entry *pentry, const char *value)
bool entry_str_escaped (const struct entry *pentry)
bool entry_str_set_escaped (struct entry *pentry, bool escaped)
bool entry_str_set_gt_marking (struct entry *pentry, bool gt_marking)

Macro Definition Documentation


#define MAX_LEN_SECPATH   1024

Definition at line 175 of file registry_ini.c.



Definition at line 178 of file registry_ini.c.


#define SPECVEC_TAG   astring

Definition at line 180 of file registry_ini.c.

Function Documentation

◆ datafilename()

static const char * datafilename ( const char *  filename)

Simplification of fileinfoname().

Definition at line 229 of file registry_ini.c.

Referenced by secfile_from_stream(), and secfile_load_section().

◆ entry_bool_get()

bool entry_bool_get ( const struct entry pentry,
bool value 

Gets an boolean value. Returns TRUE on success. On old saved files, 0 and 1 can also be considered as bool.

Definition at line 3343 of file registry_ini.c.

Referenced by lookup_req_list(), secfile_lookup_bool(), secfile_lookup_bool_default(), and settable_options_load().

◆ entry_bool_set()

bool entry_bool_set ( struct entry pentry,
bool  value 

Sets an boolean value. Returns TRUE on success.

Definition at line 3371 of file registry_ini.c.

Referenced by secfile_insert_bool_full().

◆ entry_comment()

const char * entry_comment ( const struct entry pentry)

Returns the comment associated to this entry.

Definition at line 3302 of file registry_ini.c.

Referenced by secfile_save().

◆ entry_destroy()

void entry_destroy ( struct entry pentry)

◆ entry_float_get()

bool entry_float_get ( const struct entry pentry,
float *  value 

Gets an floating value. Returns TRUE on success.

Definition at line 3384 of file registry_ini.c.

Referenced by secfile_lookup_float(), and secfile_lookup_float_default().

◆ entry_float_set()

bool entry_float_set ( struct entry pentry,
float  value 

Sets an floating value. Returns TRUE on success.

Definition at line 3400 of file registry_ini.c.

Referenced by secfile_insert_float_full().

◆ entry_from_inf_token()

static void entry_from_inf_token ( struct section psection,
const char *  name,
const char *  tok,
struct inputfile inf 

Creates a new entry from the token.

Definition at line 3572 of file registry_ini.c.

Referenced by secfile_from_input_file().

◆ entry_int_get()

bool entry_int_get ( const struct entry pentry,
int *  value 

Gets an integer value. Returns TRUE on success.

Definition at line 3414 of file registry_ini.c.

Referenced by load_action_range_max(), lookup_req_list(), secfile_lookup_int(), secfile_lookup_int_def_min_max(), secfile_lookup_int_default(), and settable_options_load().

◆ entry_int_set()

bool entry_int_set ( struct entry pentry,
int  value 

Sets an integer value. Returns TRUE on success.

Definition at line 3429 of file registry_ini.c.

Referenced by secfile_insert_int_full().

◆ entry_name()

const char * entry_name ( const struct entry pentry)

◆ entry_new()

static struct entry * entry_new ( struct section psection,
const char *  name 

◆ entry_path()

int entry_path ( const struct entry pentry,
char *  buf,
size_t  buf_len 

Build the entry path. Returns like snprintf().

Definition at line 3236 of file registry_ini.c.

Referenced by secfile_hash_delete(), and secfile_hash_insert().

◆ entry_section()

struct section * entry_section ( const struct entry pentry)

◆ entry_set_comment()

void entry_set_comment ( struct entry pentry,
const char *  comment 

◆ entry_set_name()

bool entry_set_name ( struct entry pentry,
const char *  name 

Sets the name of the entry. Returns TRUE on success.

Definition at line 3254 of file registry_ini.c.

Referenced by compat_load_020400().

◆ entry_str_escaped()

bool entry_str_escaped ( const struct entry pentry)

Returns if the string would be escaped.

Definition at line 3478 of file registry_ini.c.

◆ entry_str_get()

bool entry_str_get ( const struct entry pentry,
const char **  value 

◆ entry_str_set()

bool entry_str_set ( struct entry pentry,
const char *  value 

Sets an string value. Returns TRUE on success.

Definition at line 3457 of file registry_ini.c.

Referenced by secfile_insert_bitwise_enum_full(), secfile_insert_enum_data_full(), secfile_insert_plain_enum_full(), and secfile_insert_str_full().

◆ entry_str_set_escaped()

bool entry_str_set_escaped ( struct entry pentry,
bool  escaped 

Sets if the string would be escaped. Returns TRUE on success.

Definition at line 3490 of file registry_ini.c.

◆ entry_str_set_gt_marking()

bool entry_str_set_gt_marking ( struct entry pentry,
bool  gt_marking 

Sets if the string should get gettext marking. Returns TRUE on success.

Definition at line 3503 of file registry_ini.c.

Referenced by save_game_ruleset(), save_name_translation(), and sg_save_scenario().

◆ entry_to_file()

static void entry_to_file ( const struct entry pentry,
fz_FILE fs 

Push an entry into a file stream.

Definition at line 3517 of file registry_ini.c.

Referenced by secfile_save().

◆ entry_type_get()

enum entry_type entry_type_get ( const struct entry pentry)

◆ entry_use()

static void entry_use ( struct entry pentry)

Increase the used count.

Definition at line 3334 of file registry_ini.c.

Referenced by secfile_entry_by_path(), secfile_hash_insert(), and section_entry_by_name().

◆ entry_used()

static bool entry_used ( const struct entry pentry)

Returns TRUE if this entry has been used.

Definition at line 3326 of file registry_ini.c.

Referenced by secfile_check_unused().

◆ is_legal_table_entry_name()

static bool is_legal_table_entry_name ( char  c,
bool  num 

Returns TRUE iff the character is legal in a table entry name.

Definition at line 617 of file registry_ini.c.

Referenced by secfile_save().

◆ is_secfile_entry_name_valid()

static bool is_secfile_entry_name_valid ( const char *  name)

Ensure name is correct to use it as section or entry name.

Definition at line 237 of file registry_ini.c.

Referenced by entry_new(), entry_set_name(), secfile_section_new(), and section_set_name().

◆ secfile_check_unused()

void secfile_check_unused ( const struct section_file secfile)

Print log messages for any entries in the file which have not been looked up – ie, unused or unrecognised entries. To mark an entry as used without actually doing anything with it, you could do something like: section_file_lookup(&file, ""); / * unused * /

Definition at line 880 of file registry_ini.c.

Referenced by boot_help_texts(), comments_load(), load_command(), load_ruleset_buildings(), load_ruleset_cities(), load_ruleset_effects(), load_ruleset_governments(), load_ruleset_nations(), load_ruleset_techs(), load_ruleset_terrain(), load_ruleset_units(), load_rulesetdir(), scan_specfile(), scan_specfile(), theme_read_toplevel(), and tileset_read_toplevel().

◆ secfile_entry_by_path()

struct entry * secfile_entry_by_path ( const struct section_file secfile,
const char *  path 

◆ secfile_entry_delete()

bool secfile_entry_delete ( struct section_file secfile,
const char *  path,

Delete an entry.

Definition at line 1768 of file registry_ini.c.

Referenced by compat_load_020400(), and compat_load_020600().

◆ secfile_entry_lookup()

struct entry * secfile_entry_lookup ( const struct section_file secfile,
const char *  path,

◆ secfile_from_input_file()

static struct section_file * secfile_from_input_file ( struct inputfile inf,
const char *  filename,
const char *  section,
bool  allow_duplicates 

Base function to load a section file. Note it closes the inputfile.

Definition at line 300 of file registry_ini.c.

Referenced by secfile_from_stream(), and secfile_load_section().

◆ secfile_from_stream()

struct section_file * secfile_from_stream ( fz_FILE stream,
bool  allow_duplicates 

Create a section file from a stream. Returns NULL on error.

Definition at line 607 of file registry_ini.c.

Referenced by netfile_get_section_file().

◆ secfile_hash_delete()

static bool secfile_hash_delete ( struct section_file secfile,
struct entry pentry 

Delete an entry from the hash table. Returns TRUE on success.

Definition at line 282 of file registry_ini.c.

Referenced by entry_destroy(), entry_set_name(), and section_set_name().

◆ secfile_hash_insert()

static bool secfile_hash_insert ( struct section_file secfile,
struct entry pentry 

Insert an entry into the hash table. Returns TRUE on success.

Definition at line 253 of file registry_ini.c.

Referenced by entry_new(), entry_set_name(), secfile_from_input_file(), and section_set_name().

◆ secfile_insert_base()

static struct section * secfile_insert_base ( struct section_file secfile,
const char *  path,
const char **  pent_name 

◆ secfile_insert_bitwise_enum_full()

struct entry * secfile_insert_bitwise_enum_full ( struct section_file secfile,
int  bitwise_val,
secfile_enum_name_fn_t  name_fn,
secfile_enum_iter_fn_t  begin_fn,
secfile_enum_iter_fn_t  end_fn,
secfile_enum_next_fn_t  next_fn,
const char *  comment,
bool  allow_replace,
const char *  path,

Insert a bitwise value entry.

Definition at line 1468 of file registry_ini.c.

Referenced by secfile_insert_bitwise_enum_vec_full().

◆ secfile_insert_bitwise_enum_vec_full()

size_t secfile_insert_bitwise_enum_vec_full ( struct section_file secfile,
const int *  bitwise_vals,
size_t  dim,
secfile_enum_name_fn_t  name_fn,
secfile_enum_iter_fn_t  begin_fn,
secfile_enum_iter_fn_t  end_fn,
secfile_enum_next_fn_t  next_fn,
const char *  comment,
bool  allow_replace,
const char *  path,

Insert 'dim' string entries at 'path,0', 'path,1' etc. Returns the number of entries inserted or replaced.

Definition at line 1547 of file registry_ini.c.

◆ secfile_insert_bool_full()

struct entry * secfile_insert_bool_full ( struct section_file secfile,
bool  value,
const char *  comment,
bool  allow_replace,
const char *  path,

Insert a boolean entry.

Definition at line 961 of file registry_ini.c.

Referenced by secfile_insert_bool_vec_full().

◆ secfile_insert_bool_vec_full()

size_t secfile_insert_bool_vec_full ( struct section_file secfile,
const bool values,
size_t  dim,
const char *  comment,
bool  allow_replace,
const char *  path,

Insert 'dim' boolean entries at 'path,0', 'path,1' etc. Returns the number of entries inserted or replaced.

Definition at line 1012 of file registry_ini.c.

◆ secfile_insert_enum_data_full()

struct entry * secfile_insert_enum_data_full ( struct section_file secfile,
int  value,
bool  bitwise,
secfile_enum_name_data_fn_t  name_fn,
secfile_data_t  data,
const char *  comment,
bool  allow_replace,
const char *  path,

Insert an enumerator value entry that we only have a name accessor function.

Definition at line 1599 of file registry_ini.c.

Referenced by secfile_insert_enum_vec_data_full().

◆ secfile_insert_enum_vec_data_full()

size_t secfile_insert_enum_vec_data_full ( struct section_file secfile,
const int *  values,
size_t  dim,
bool  bitwise,
secfile_enum_name_data_fn_t  name_fn,
secfile_data_t  data,
const char *  comment,
bool  allow_replace,
const char *  path,

Insert 'dim' entries at 'path,0', 'path,1' etc. Returns the number of entries inserted or replaced.

Definition at line 1677 of file registry_ini.c.

◆ secfile_insert_filereference()

struct entry * secfile_insert_filereference ( struct section_file secfile,
const char *  filename,
const char *  path,

Insert a read-from-a-file string entry

Definition at line 1333 of file registry_ini.c.

Referenced by save_game_ruleset().

◆ secfile_insert_float_full()

struct entry * secfile_insert_float_full ( struct section_file secfile,
float  value,
const char *  comment,
bool  allow_replace,
const char *  path,

Insert a floating entry.

Definition at line 1135 of file registry_ini.c.

◆ secfile_insert_include()

struct section * secfile_insert_include ( struct section_file secfile,
const char *  filename 

Insert a include entry.

Definition at line 1185 of file registry_ini.c.

Referenced by save_nations_ruleset().

◆ secfile_insert_int_full()

struct entry * secfile_insert_int_full ( struct section_file secfile,
int  value,
const char *  comment,
bool  allow_replace,
const char *  path,

Insert a integer entry.

Definition at line 1048 of file registry_ini.c.

Referenced by secfile_insert_int_vec_full().

◆ secfile_insert_int_vec_full()

size_t secfile_insert_int_vec_full ( struct section_file secfile,
const int *  values,
size_t  dim,
const char *  comment,
bool  allow_replace,
const char *  path,

Insert 'dim' integer entries at 'path,0', 'path,1' etc. Returns the number of entries inserted or replaced.

Definition at line 1099 of file registry_ini.c.

◆ secfile_insert_long_comment()

struct section * secfile_insert_long_comment ( struct section_file secfile,
const char *  comment 

Insert a long comment entry.

Definition at line 1209 of file registry_ini.c.

Referenced by comment_write().

◆ secfile_insert_plain_enum_full()

struct entry * secfile_insert_plain_enum_full ( struct section_file secfile,
int  enumerator,
secfile_enum_name_fn_t  name_fn,
const char *  comment,
bool  allow_replace,
const char *  path,

Insert a enumerator entry.

Definition at line 1369 of file registry_ini.c.

Referenced by secfile_insert_plain_enum_vec_full().

◆ secfile_insert_plain_enum_vec_full()

size_t secfile_insert_plain_enum_vec_full ( struct section_file secfile,
const int *  enumurators,
size_t  dim,
secfile_enum_name_fn_t  name_fn,
const char *  comment,
bool  allow_replace,
const char *  path,

Insert 'dim' string entries at 'path,0', 'path,1' etc. Returns the number of entries inserted or replaced.

Definition at line 1426 of file registry_ini.c.

◆ secfile_insert_str_full()

struct entry * secfile_insert_str_full ( struct section_file secfile,
const char *  str,
const char *  comment,
bool  allow_replace,
bool  no_escape,
enum entry_special_type  stype,
const char *  path,

Insert a string entry.

Definition at line 1233 of file registry_ini.c.

Referenced by secfile_insert_include(), secfile_insert_long_comment(), and secfile_insert_str_vec_full().

◆ secfile_insert_str_vec_full()

size_t secfile_insert_str_vec_full ( struct section_file secfile,
const char *const *  strings,
size_t  dim,
const char *  comment,
bool  allow_replace,
bool  no_escape,
const char *  path,

Insert 'dim' string entries at 'path,0', 'path,1' etc. Returns the number of entries inserted or replaced.

Definition at line 1296 of file registry_ini.c.

◆ secfile_load_section()

struct section_file * secfile_load_section ( const char *  filename,
const char *  section,
bool  allow_duplicates 

Create a section file from a file, read only one particular section. Returns NULL on error.

Definition at line 593 of file registry_ini.c.

Referenced by secfile_load(), show_scenarios(), fc_client::slot_selection_changed(), update_scenario_page(), and fc_client::update_scenarios_page().

◆ secfile_lookup_bitwise_enum_default_full()

int secfile_lookup_bitwise_enum_default_full ( const struct section_file secfile,
int  defval,
secfile_enum_is_valid_fn_t  is_valid_fn,
secfile_enum_by_name_fn_t  by_name_fn,
const char *  path,

Lookup an enumerator value in the secfile. Returns 'defval' on error.

Definition at line 2427 of file registry_ini.c.

◆ secfile_lookup_bitwise_enum_full()

bool secfile_lookup_bitwise_enum_full ( const struct section_file secfile,
int *  penumerator,
secfile_enum_is_valid_fn_t  is_valid_fn,
secfile_enum_by_name_fn_t  by_name_fn,
const char *  path,

Lookup a bitwise enumerator value in the secfile. Returns FALSE on error.

Definition at line 2362 of file registry_ini.c.

Referenced by secfile_lookup_bitwise_enum_vec_full().

◆ secfile_lookup_bitwise_enum_vec_full()

int * secfile_lookup_bitwise_enum_vec_full ( const struct section_file secfile,
size_t *  dim,
secfile_enum_is_valid_fn_t  is_valid_fn,
secfile_enum_by_name_fn_t  by_name_fn,
const char *  path,

Lookup a enumerator vector in the secfile. Returns NULL on error. This vector is not owned by the registry module, and should be free by the user.

Definition at line 2491 of file registry_ini.c.

◆ secfile_lookup_bool()

bool secfile_lookup_bool ( const struct section_file secfile,
bool bval,
const char *  path,

◆ secfile_lookup_bool_default()

bool secfile_lookup_bool_default ( const struct section_file secfile,
bool  def,
const char *  path,

◆ secfile_lookup_bool_vec()

bool * secfile_lookup_bool_vec ( const struct section_file secfile,
size_t *  dim,
const char *  path,

Lookup a boolean vector in the secfile. Returns NULL on error. This vector is not owned by the registry module, and should be free by the user.

Definition at line 1867 of file registry_ini.c.

◆ secfile_lookup_enum_data()

bool secfile_lookup_enum_data ( const struct section_file secfile,
int *  pvalue,
bool  bitwise,
secfile_enum_name_data_fn_t  name_fn,
secfile_data_t  data,
const char *  path,

Lookup a value saved as string in the secfile. Returns FALSE on error.

Definition at line 2546 of file registry_ini.c.

Referenced by client_option_load(), compat_load_020500(), secfile_lookup_enum_vec_data(), setting_ruleset_one(), and settings_game_load().

◆ secfile_lookup_enum_default_data()

int secfile_lookup_enum_default_data ( const struct section_file secfile,
int  defval,
bool  bitwise,
secfile_enum_name_data_fn_t  name_fn,
secfile_data_t  data,
const char *  path,

Lookup a value saved as string in the secfile. Returns 'defval' on error.

Definition at line 2628 of file registry_ini.c.

Referenced by settings_game_load().

◆ secfile_lookup_enum_vec_data()

int * secfile_lookup_enum_vec_data ( const struct section_file secfile,
size_t *  dim,
bool  bitwise,
secfile_enum_name_data_fn_t  name_fn,
secfile_data_t  data,
const char *  path,

Lookup a vector in the secfile. Returns NULL on error. This vector is not owned by the registry module, and should be free by the user.

Definition at line 2711 of file registry_ini.c.

◆ secfile_lookup_float()

bool secfile_lookup_float ( const struct section_file secfile,
float *  fval,
const char *  path,

Lookup a floating point value in the secfile. Returns TRUE on success.

Definition at line 2059 of file registry_ini.c.

◆ secfile_lookup_float_default()

float secfile_lookup_float_default ( const struct section_file secfile,
float  def,
const char *  path,

Lookup a floating point value in the secfile. On failure, use the default value.

Definition at line 2084 of file registry_ini.c.

◆ secfile_lookup_int()

bool secfile_lookup_int ( const struct section_file secfile,
int *  ival,
const char *  path,

◆ secfile_lookup_int_def_min_max()

int secfile_lookup_int_def_min_max ( const struct section_file secfile,
int  defval,
int  minval,
int  maxval,
const char *  path,

Lookup a integer value in the secfile. The value will be arranged to match the interval [minval, maxval]. On failure, use the default value.

Definition at line 1967 of file registry_ini.c.

Referenced by load_ruleset_game().

◆ secfile_lookup_int_default()

int secfile_lookup_int_default ( const struct section_file secfile,
int  def,
const char *  path,

Lookup a integer value in the secfile. On failure, use the default value.

Definition at line 1937 of file registry_ini.c.

Referenced by compat_load_020400(), compat_load_020600(), compat_load_030000(), compat_load_030100(), dai_city_load(), dai_player_load_relations(), dai_unit_load(), effect_to_enabler(), event_cache_load(), global_worklist_load(), increase_secfile_turn_int(), insert_server_side_agent(), load_action_range(), load_ruleset_cities(), load_ruleset_effects(), load_ruleset_game(), load_ruleset_governments(), load_ruleset_techs(), load_ruleset_terrain(), load_ruleset_units(), message_options_load(), ruleset_load_traits(), scan_specfile(), scan_specfile(), settings_game_load(), sg_load_compat(), sg_load_game(), sg_load_game(), sg_load_history(), sg_load_history(), sg_load_map(), sg_load_map(), sg_load_map_startpos(), sg_load_map_startpos(), sg_load_mapimg(), sg_load_mapimg(), sg_load_player_attributes(), sg_load_player_attributes(), sg_load_player_cities(), sg_load_player_cities(), sg_load_player_city(), sg_load_player_city(), sg_load_player_city_citizens(), sg_load_player_city_citizens(), sg_load_player_main(), sg_load_player_main(), sg_load_player_unit(), sg_load_player_unit(), sg_load_player_units(), sg_load_player_units_transport(), sg_load_player_units_transport(), sg_load_player_vision(), sg_load_player_vision(), sg_load_player_vision_city(), sg_load_player_vision_city(), sg_load_players_basic(), sg_load_players_basic(), sg_load_researches(), sg_load_researches(), sg_load_ruledata(), sg_load_ruledata(), sg_load_ruleset(), sg_load_savefile(), sg_load_savefile(), sg_load_scenario(), sg_load_treaties(), sg_load_treaties(), fc_client::slot_selection_changed(), theme_color_system_read(), theme_read_toplevel(), tileset_read_toplevel(), update_scenario_page(), fc_client::update_scenarios_page(), worklist_load(), and worklist_load().

◆ secfile_lookup_int_vec()

int * secfile_lookup_int_vec ( const struct section_file secfile,
size_t *  dim,
const char *  path,

Lookup a integer vector in the secfile. Returns NULL on error. This vector is not owned by the registry module, and should be free by the user.

Definition at line 2014 of file registry_ini.c.

Referenced by load_ruleset_game(), load_ruleset_veteran(), and sg_load_researches().

◆ secfile_lookup_plain_enum_default_full()

int secfile_lookup_plain_enum_default_full ( const struct section_file secfile,
int  defval,
secfile_enum_is_valid_fn_t  is_valid_fn,
secfile_enum_by_name_fn_t  by_name_fn,
const char *  path,

Lookup an enumerator value in the secfile. Returns 'defval' on error.

Definition at line 2265 of file registry_ini.c.

◆ secfile_lookup_plain_enum_full()

bool secfile_lookup_plain_enum_full ( const struct section_file secfile,
int *  penumerator,
secfile_enum_is_valid_fn_t  is_valid_fn,
secfile_enum_by_name_fn_t  by_name_fn,
const char *  path,

Lookup an enumerator value in the secfile. Returns FALSE on error.

Definition at line 2222 of file registry_ini.c.

Referenced by secfile_lookup_plain_enum_vec_full().

◆ secfile_lookup_plain_enum_vec_full()

int * secfile_lookup_plain_enum_vec_full ( const struct section_file secfile,
size_t *  dim,
secfile_enum_is_valid_fn_t  is_valid_fn,
secfile_enum_by_name_fn_t  by_name_fn,
const char *  path,

Lookup a enumerator vector in the secfile. Returns NULL on error. This vector is not owned by the registry module, and should be free by the user.

Definition at line 2308 of file registry_ini.c.

◆ secfile_lookup_str()

const char * secfile_lookup_str ( const struct section_file secfile,
const char *  path,

Lookup a string value in the secfile. Returns NULL on error.

Definition at line 2112 of file registry_ini.c.

Referenced by audio_play_tag(), boot_help_texts(), check_audiofile_capstr(), check_themespec_capabilities(), check_tilespec_capabilities(), client_option_load(), compat_load_020400(), compat_load_020500(), compat_load_020600(), compat_load_030000(), compat_load_030100(), download_modpack_list(), download_modpack_recursive(), ensure_big_sprite(), event_cache_load(), handle_single_want_hack_req(), load_install_info_list(), load_nation_names(), load_ruleset_buildings(), load_ruleset_cities(), load_ruleset_effects(), load_ruleset_game(), load_ruleset_governments(), load_ruleset_nations(), load_ruleset_styles(), load_ruleset_terrain(), load_ruleset_units(), load_terrain_names(), lookup_cbonus_list(), lookup_req_list(), lookup_string(), lookup_terrain(), message_options_load(), rscompat_check_capabilities(), ruleset_load_names(), savegame_load(), scan_specfile(), scan_specfile(), secfile_lookup_str_vec(), setting_ruleset_one(), settings_game_load(), sg_load_history(), sg_load_history(), sg_load_map_owner(), sg_load_map_owner(), sg_load_map_startpos(), sg_load_map_startpos(), sg_load_map_tiles(), sg_load_map_tiles(), sg_load_map_worked(), sg_load_map_worked(), sg_load_mapimg(), sg_load_mapimg(), sg_load_player_attributes(), sg_load_player_attributes(), sg_load_player_cities(), sg_load_player_cities(), sg_load_player_city(), sg_load_player_city(), sg_load_player_main(), sg_load_player_main(), sg_load_player_unit(), sg_load_player_units(), sg_load_player_units(), sg_load_player_vision(), sg_load_player_vision(), sg_load_player_vision_city(), sg_load_player_vision_city(), sg_load_players_basic(), sg_load_players_basic(), sg_load_random(), sg_load_random(), sg_load_researches(), sg_load_researches(), sg_load_savefile(), sg_load_savefile(), sg_load_treaties(), sg_load_treaties(), technology_load(), technology_load(), theme_background_system_read(), theme_ensure_big_sprite(), theme_read_toplevel(), tileset_read_toplevel(), worklist_load(), and worklist_load().

◆ secfile_lookup_str_default()

const char * secfile_lookup_str_default ( const struct section_file secfile,
const char *  def,
const char *  path,

Lookup a string value in the secfile. If there's no such key, return def. Currently returns def also on failure.

Definition at line 2142 of file registry_ini.c.

Referenced by api_luadata_get_str(), compat_load_020400(), compat_load_020600(), compat_load_030000(), compat_load_030100(), download_modpack_list(), download_modpack_recursive(), global_worklist_load(), load_action_ui_name(), load_install_info_list(), load_nation_names(), load_ruleset_buildings(), load_ruleset_cities(), load_ruleset_game(), load_ruleset_nations(), load_ruleset_styles(), load_ruleset_techs(), load_ruleset_terrain(), load_ruleset_units(), load_tech_names(), load_terrain_names(), load_unit_names(), lookup_building(), lookup_cbonus_list(), lookup_government(), lookup_req_list(), lookup_tech(), lookup_unit_type(), luascript_vars_load(), script_client_code_load(), script_server_code_load(), settings_game_load(), settings_ruleset(), sg_load_game(), sg_load_game(), sg_load_map_owner(), sg_load_map_tiles(), sg_load_map_tiles(), sg_load_player_city(), sg_load_player_city(), sg_load_player_main(), sg_load_player_main(), sg_load_player_unit(), sg_load_player_unit(), sg_load_player_vision_city(), sg_load_player_vision_city(), sg_load_ruledata(), sg_load_ruledata(), sg_load_ruleset(), sg_load_savefile(), sg_load_savefile(), sg_load_scenario(), sg_load_scenario(), sg_load_treaties(), sg_load_treaties(), fc_client::slot_selection_changed(), tileset_read_toplevel(), update_scenario_page(), fc_client::update_scenarios_page(), worklist_load(), and worklist_load().

◆ secfile_lookup_str_vec()

const char ** secfile_lookup_str_vec ( const struct section_file secfile,
size_t *  dim,
const char *  path,

Lookup a string vector in the secfile. Returns NULL on error. This vector is not owned by the registry module, and should be free by the user, but the string pointers stored inside the vector shouldn't be free.

Definition at line 2176 of file registry_ini.c.

Referenced by boot_help_texts(), compat_load_030100(), load_city_name_list(), load_ruleset_buildings(), load_ruleset_game(), load_ruleset_nations(), load_ruleset_techs(), load_ruleset_terrain(), load_ruleset_units(), load_ruleset_veteran(), lookup_building_list(), lookup_strvec(), lookup_tech_list(), lookup_unit_list(), scan_specfile(), scan_specfile(), sg_load_player_main(), sg_load_player_main(), sg_load_savefile(), sg_load_savefile(), theme_read_toplevel(), and tileset_read_toplevel().

◆ secfile_name()

const char * secfile_name ( const struct section_file secfile)

◆ secfile_save()

bool secfile_save ( const struct section_file secfile,
const char *  filename,
int  compression_level,
enum fz_method  compression_method 

Save the previously filled in section_file to disk.

There is now limited ability to save in the new tabular format (to give smaller savefiles). The start of a table is detected by an entry with name of the form: (alphabetical_component)(zero)(period)(alphanumeric_component) Eg:, or, in the freeciv savefile. The alphabetical component is taken as the "name" of the table, and the component after the period as the first column name. This should be followed by the other column values for u0, and then subsequent u1, u2, etc, in strict order with no omissions, and with all of the columns for all uN in the same order as for u0.

If compression_level is non-zero, then compress using zlib. (Should only supply non-zero compression_level if already know that FREECIV_HAVE_LIBZ.) Below simply specifies FZ_ZLIB method, since fz_fromFile() automatically changes to FZ_PLAIN method when level == 0.

Definition at line 641 of file registry_ini.c.

Referenced by save_luadata(), save_ruleset_file(), save_thread_run(), and send_client_wants_hack().

◆ secfile_section_by_name()

struct section * secfile_section_by_name ( const struct section_file secfile,
const char *  name 

◆ secfile_section_lookup()

struct section * secfile_section_lookup ( const struct section_file secfile,
const char *  path,

◆ secfile_section_new()

struct section * secfile_section_new ( struct section_file secfile,
const char *  name 

Create a new section in the secfile.

Definition at line 2837 of file registry_ini.c.

Referenced by secfile_from_input_file(), secfile_insert_base(), secfile_insert_include(), and secfile_insert_long_comment().

◆ secfile_sections()

const struct section_list * secfile_sections ( const struct section_file secfile)

Returns the list of sections. This list is owned by the registry module and shouldn't be modified and destroyed.

Definition at line 2797 of file registry_ini.c.

Referenced by secfile_check_unused().

◆ secfile_sections_by_name_prefix()

struct section_list * secfile_sections_by_name_prefix ( const struct section_file secfile,
const char *  prefix 

Returns the list of sections which match the name prefix. Returns NULL if no section was found. This list is not owned by the registry module and the user must destroy it when they finished working with it.

Definition at line 2808 of file registry_ini.c.

Referenced by boot_help_texts(), load_building_names(), load_game_names(), load_government_names(), load_nation_names(), load_ruleset_buildings(), load_ruleset_cities(), load_ruleset_effects(), load_ruleset_game(), load_ruleset_governments(), load_ruleset_nations(), load_ruleset_styles(), load_ruleset_techs(), load_ruleset_units(), load_style_names(), load_tech_names(), load_terrain_names(), load_unit_names(), scan_specfile(), scan_specfile(), and tileset_read_toplevel().

◆ section_clear_all()

void section_clear_all ( struct section psection)

Remove all entries.

Definition at line 2908 of file registry_ini.c.

Referenced by section_destroy().

◆ section_destroy()

void section_destroy ( struct section psection)

Remove this section from the secfile.

Definition at line 2881 of file registry_ini.c.

Referenced by secfile_new().

◆ section_entries()

const struct entry_list * section_entries ( const struct section psection)

Returns a list containing all the entries. This list is owned by the secfile, so don't modify or destroy it.

Definition at line 2985 of file registry_ini.c.

Referenced by compat_load_020400(), options_dialogs_load(), secfile_check_unused(), secfile_from_input_file(), secfile_save(), and settable_options_load().

◆ section_entry_bool_new()

struct entry * section_entry_bool_new ( struct section psection,
const char *  name,
bool  value 

Returns a new entry of type ENTRY_BOOL.

Definition at line 3102 of file registry_ini.c.

Referenced by entry_from_token(), and secfile_insert_bool_full().

◆ section_entry_by_name()

struct entry * section_entry_by_name ( const struct section psection,
const char *  name 

◆ section_entry_filereference_new()

static struct entry * section_entry_filereference_new ( struct section psection,
const char *  name,
const char *  value 

Returns a new entry of type ENTRY_FILEREFERENCE.

Definition at line 3154 of file registry_ini.c.

Referenced by secfile_insert_filereference().

◆ section_entry_float_new()

struct entry * section_entry_float_new ( struct section psection,
const char *  name,
float  value 

Returns a new entry of type ENTRY_FLOAT.

Definition at line 3118 of file registry_ini.c.

Referenced by entry_from_token(), and secfile_insert_float_full().

◆ section_entry_int_new()

struct entry * section_entry_int_new ( struct section psection,
const char *  name,
int  value 

Returns a new entry of type ENTRY_INT.

Definition at line 3086 of file registry_ini.c.

Referenced by entry_from_token(), and secfile_insert_int_full().

◆ section_entry_lookup()

struct entry * section_entry_lookup ( const struct section psection,
const char *  path,

Returns the entry matching the path.

Definition at line 3011 of file registry_ini.c.

◆ section_entry_str_new()

struct entry * section_entry_str_new ( struct section psection,
const char *  name,
const char *  value,
bool  escaped 

◆ section_set_name()

bool section_set_name ( struct section psection,
const char *  name 

Change the section name. Returns TRUE on success.

Definition at line 2925 of file registry_ini.c.