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Data Structures | Macros | Functions | Variables
gui_main.c File Reference
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <gtk/gtk.h>
#include <gdk/gdkkeysyms.h>
#include "fc_cmdline.h"
#include "fciconv.h"
#include "fcintl.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "mem.h"
#include "support.h"
#include "dataio.h"
#include "featured_text.h"
#include "game.h"
#include "government.h"
#include "map.h"
#include "unitlist.h"
#include "version.h"
#include "client_main.h"
#include "climisc.h"
#include "clinet.h"
#include "colors.h"
#include "connectdlg_common.h"
#include "control.h"
#include "editor.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "text.h"
#include "tilespec.h"
#include "zoom.h"
#include "chatline.h"
#include "citizensinfo.h"
#include "connectdlg.h"
#include "cma_fe.h"
#include "dialogs.h"
#include "diplodlg.h"
#include "editgui.h"
#include "gotodlg.h"
#include "graphics.h"
#include "gui_stuff.h"
#include "happiness.h"
#include "helpdlg.h"
#include "inteldlg.h"
#include "mapctrl.h"
#include "mapview.h"
#include "menu.h"
#include "messagewin.h"
#include "optiondlg.h"
#include "pages.h"
#include "plrdlg.h"
#include "luaconsole.h"
#include "spaceshipdlg.h"
#include "repodlgs.h"
#include "voteinfo_bar.h"
#include "gui_main.h"

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  callback


#define MIGRATE_OPTION(opt)   gui_options.gui_gtk3_##opt = gui_options.gui_gtk2_##opt;
#define MIGRATE_OPTION(opt)   GUI_GTK_OPTION(opt) = gui_options.gui_gtk3_##opt;
#define option_var_set_callback(var, callback)


static void set_g_log_callbacks (void)
static gboolean show_info_button_release (GtkWidget *w, GdkEventButton *ev, gpointer data)
static gboolean show_info_popup (GtkWidget *w, GdkEventButton *ev, gpointer data)
static void end_turn_callback (GtkWidget *w, gpointer data)
static gboolean get_net_input (GIOChannel *source, GIOCondition condition, gpointer data)
static void set_wait_for_writable_socket (struct connection *pc, bool socket_writable)
static void print_usage (void)
static bool parse_options (int argc, char **argv)
static gboolean toplevel_key_press_handler (GtkWidget *w, GdkEventKey *ev, gpointer data)
static gboolean toplevel_key_release_handler (GtkWidget *w, GdkEventKey *ev, gpointer data)
static gboolean mouse_scroll_mapcanvas (GtkWidget *w, GdkEventScroll *ev)
static void tearoff_callback (GtkWidget *b, gpointer data)
static GtkWidget * detached_widget_new (void)
static GtkWidget * detached_widget_fill (GtkWidget *tearbox)
static gboolean select_unit_image_callback (GtkWidget *w, GdkEvent *ev, gpointer data)
static gboolean select_more_arrow_pixmap_callback (GtkWidget *w, GdkEvent *ev, gpointer data)
static gboolean quit_dialog_callback (void)
static void allied_chat_button_toggled (GtkToggleButton *button, gpointer user_data)
static void free_unit_table (void)
static void adjust_default_options (void)
static void log_callback_utf8 (enum log_level level, const char *message, bool file_too)
static gboolean timer_callback (gpointer data)
static gboolean toplevel_focus (GtkWidget *w, GtkDirectionType arg)
static void main_message_area_size_allocate (GtkWidget *widget, GtkAllocation *allocation, gpointer data)
gboolean map_canvas_focus (void)
static gboolean toplevel_handler (GtkWidget *w, GdkEvent *ev, gpointer data)
static gboolean key_press_map_canvas (GtkWidget *w, GdkEventKey *ev, gpointer data)
static void tearoff_destroy (GtkWidget *w, gpointer data)
static gboolean propagate_keypress (GtkWidget *w, GdkEvent *ev)
static void populate_unit_image_table (void)
void reset_unit_table (void)
void enable_menus (bool enable)
static gboolean right_notebook_button_release (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventButton *event)
void update_turn_done_tooltip (void)
static void setup_widgets (void)
static void g_log_to_freelog_cb (const gchar *log_domain, GLogLevelFlags log_level, const gchar *message, gpointer user_data)
static GLogWriterOutput g_log_writer_to_freelog_cb (GLogLevelFlags log_level, const GLogField *fields, gsize n_fields, gpointer user_data)
static void set_g_log_callback_domain (const char *domain)
void ui_init (void)
int main (int argc, char **argv)
static void migrate_options_from_gtk2 (void)
static void migrate_options_from_gtk3 (void)
int ui_main (int argc, char **argv)
bool is_gui_up (void)
void ui_exit (void)
enum gui_type get_gui_type (void)
void sound_bell (void)
void set_unit_icon (int idx, struct unit *punit)
void set_unit_icons_more_arrow (bool onoff)
void real_focus_units_changed (void)
void add_net_input (int sock)
void remove_net_input (void)
static void quit_dialog_response (GtkWidget *dialog, gint response)
void quit_gtk_main (void)
void popup_quit_dialog (void)
static gboolean idle_callback_wrapper (gpointer data)
void add_idle_callback (void(callback)(void *), void *data)
static void allied_chat_only_callback (struct option *poption)
void fullscreen_opt_refresh (struct option *poption)
static void apply_city_names_font (struct option *poption)
static void apply_city_productions_font (struct option *poption)
static void apply_reqtree_text_font (struct option *poption)
void options_extra_init (void)
void refresh_chat_buttons (void)
void insert_client_build_info (char *outbuf, size_t outlen)
static bool monitor_size (GdkRectangle *rect_p)
int screen_width (void)
int screen_height (void)
struct video_moderesolution_request_get (void)


const char * client_string = GUI_NAME_FULL
GtkWidget * map_canvas
GtkWidget * map_horizontal_scrollbar
GtkWidget * map_vertical_scrollbar
GtkWidget * overview_canvas
GtkWidget * overview_scrolled_window
int overview_canvas_store_width = OVERVIEW_CANVAS_STORE_WIDTH
int overview_canvas_store_height = OVERVIEW_CANVAS_STORE_HEIGHT
GtkWidget * toplevel
GdkWindow * root_window
GtkWidget * toplevel_tabs
GtkWidget * top_vbox
GtkWidget * top_notebook
GtkWidget * bottom_notebook
GtkWidget * right_notebook
GtkWidget * map_widget
static GtkWidget * bottom_hpaned
PangoFontDescription * city_names_style = NULL
PangoFontDescription * city_productions_style = NULL
PangoFontDescription * reqtree_text_style = NULL
GtkWidget * main_frame_civ_name
GtkWidget * main_label_info
GtkWidget * avbox
GtkWidget * ahbox
GtkWidget * conn_box
GtkWidget * scroll_panel
GtkWidget * econ_label [10]
GtkWidget * bulb_label
GtkWidget * sun_label
GtkWidget * flake_label
GtkWidget * government_label
GtkWidget * timeout_label
GtkWidget * turn_done_button
GtkWidget * unit_info_label
GtkWidget * unit_info_box
GtkWidget * unit_info_frame
GtkWidget * econ_ebox
GtkWidget * bulb_ebox
GtkWidget * sun_ebox
GtkWidget * flake_ebox
GtkWidget * government_ebox
const char *const gui_character_encoding = "UTF-8"
const bool gui_use_transliteration = FALSE
static GtkWidget * main_menubar
static GtkWidget * unit_image_table
static GtkWidget * unit_image
static GtkWidget * unit_image_button
static GtkWidget * unit_below_image [MAX_NUM_UNITS_BELOW]
static GtkWidget * unit_below_image_button [MAX_NUM_UNITS_BELOW]
static GtkWidget * more_arrow_pixmap
static GtkWidget * more_arrow_pixmap_button
static GtkWidget * more_arrow_pixmap_container
static int unit_id_top
static int unit_ids [MAX_NUM_UNITS_BELOW]
GtkTextView * main_message_area
GtkTextBuffer * message_buffer = NULL
static GtkWidget * allied_chat_toggle_button
static gint timer_id
static GIOChannel * srv_channel
static guint srv_id
gint cur_x
gint cur_y
static bool gui_up = FALSE
static struct video_mode vmode = { -1, -1 }

Macro Definition Documentation


#define MIGRATE_OPTION (   opt)    gui_options.gui_gtk3_##opt = gui_options.gui_gtk2_##opt;


#define MIGRATE_OPTION (   opt)    GUI_GTK_OPTION(opt) = gui_options.gui_gtk3_##opt;


#define MIGRATE_STR_OPTION (   opt)
strncpy(gui_options.gui_gtk3_##opt, gui_options.gui_gtk2_##opt, \
struct client_options gui_options
Definition options.c:71


#define MIGRATE_STR_OPTION (   opt)
strncpy(GUI_GTK_OPTION(opt), gui_options.gui_gtk3_##opt, \
#define GUI_GTK_OPTION(optname)
Definition gui_main.h:25

◆ option_var_set_callback

#define option_var_set_callback (   var,
option_set_changed_callback(poption, callback); \
} else { \
log_error("Didn't find option %s!", GUI_GTK_OPTION_STR(var)); \
#define GUI_GTK_OPTION_STR(optname)
Definition gui_main.h:26
const struct option_set * client_optset
Definition options.c:1255
struct option * optset_option_by_name(const struct option_set *poptset, const char *name)
Definition options.c:406



Definition at line 119 of file gui_main.c.



Definition at line 116 of file gui_main.c.



Definition at line 117 of file gui_main.c.



Definition at line 115 of file gui_main.c.

Function Documentation

◆ add_idle_callback()

void add_idle_callback ( void(callback)(void *)  ,
void *  data 

Enqueue a callback to be called during an idle moment. The 'callback' function should be called sometimes soon, and passed the 'data' pointer as its data.

Definition at line 2368 of file gui_main.c.

◆ add_net_input()

void add_net_input ( int  sock)

This function is called after the client has successfully connected to the server

Definition at line 2256 of file gui_main.c.

◆ adjust_default_options()

static void adjust_default_options ( void  )

Make dynamic adjustments to first-launch default options.

Definition at line 2586 of file gui_main.c.

◆ allied_chat_button_toggled()

static void allied_chat_button_toggled ( GtkToggleButton *  button,
gpointer  user_data 

Handle a toggle of the "Allies Only" chat button.

Definition at line 2493 of file gui_main.c.

◆ allied_chat_only_callback()

static void allied_chat_only_callback ( struct option poption)

Option callback for the 'allied_chat_only' gtk-gui option. This updates the state of the associated toggle button.

Definition at line 2381 of file gui_main.c.

◆ apply_city_names_font()

static void apply_city_names_font ( struct option poption)

Change the city names font.

Definition at line 2408 of file gui_main.c.

◆ apply_city_productions_font()

static void apply_city_productions_font ( struct option poption)

Change the city productions font.

Definition at line 2419 of file gui_main.c.

◆ apply_reqtree_text_font()

static void apply_reqtree_text_font ( struct option poption)

Change the city productions font.

Definition at line 2430 of file gui_main.c.

◆ detached_widget_fill()

static GtkWidget * detached_widget_fill ( GtkWidget *  tearbox)

Creates the toggle button necessary to detach and reattach the widget and returns a vbox in which you fill your goodies.

Definition at line 813 of file gui_main.c.

◆ detached_widget_new()

static GtkWidget * detached_widget_new ( void  )

Create the container for the widget that's able to be detached

Definition at line 802 of file gui_main.c.

◆ enable_menus()

void enable_menus ( bool  enable)

Enable/Disable the game page menu bar.

Definition at line 1020 of file gui_main.c.

◆ end_turn_callback()

static void end_turn_callback ( GtkWidget *  w,
gpointer  data 

User clicked "Turn Done" button

Definition at line 2211 of file gui_main.c.

◆ free_unit_table()

static void free_unit_table ( void  )

Free unit image table.

Definition at line 963 of file gui_main.c.

◆ fullscreen_opt_refresh()

void fullscreen_opt_refresh ( struct option poption)

Option callback for the 'fullscreen' gtk-gui option.

Definition at line 2396 of file gui_main.c.

◆ g_log_to_freelog_cb()

static void g_log_to_freelog_cb ( const gchar *  log_domain,
GLogLevelFlags  log_level,
const gchar *  message,
gpointer  user_data 

g_log callback to log with freelog

Definition at line 1651 of file gui_main.c.

Referenced by g_log_writer_to_freelog_cb(), set_g_log_callback_domain(), and set_g_log_callbacks().

◆ g_log_writer_to_freelog_cb()

static GLogWriterOutput g_log_writer_to_freelog_cb ( GLogLevelFlags  log_level,
const GLogField *  fields,
gsize  n_fields,
gpointer  user_data 

g_log callback to log with freelog

Definition at line 1679 of file gui_main.c.

Referenced by set_g_log_callbacks().

◆ get_gui_type()

enum gui_type get_gui_type ( void  )

Return our GUI type

Definition at line 2040 of file gui_main.c.

◆ get_net_input()

static gboolean get_net_input ( GIOChannel *  source,
GIOCondition  condition,
gpointer  data 

Read input from server socket

Definition at line 2220 of file gui_main.c.

◆ idle_callback_wrapper()

static gboolean idle_callback_wrapper ( gpointer  data)

A wrapper for the callback called through add_idle_callback.

Definition at line 2353 of file gui_main.c.

◆ insert_client_build_info()

void insert_client_build_info ( char *  outbuf,
size_t  outlen 

Insert build information to help

Definition at line 2502 of file gui_main.c.

◆ is_gui_up()

bool is_gui_up ( void  )

Return whether gui is currently running.

Definition at line 2021 of file gui_main.c.

◆ key_press_map_canvas()

static gboolean key_press_map_canvas ( GtkWidget *  w,
GdkEventKey *  ev,
gpointer  data 

Handle keypress events when map canvas is in focus

Definition at line 388 of file gui_main.c.

◆ log_callback_utf8()

static void log_callback_utf8 ( enum log_level  level,
const char *  message,
bool  file_too 

Callback for freelog

Definition at line 226 of file gui_main.c.

◆ main()

int main ( int  argc,
char **  argv 

Entry point for whole freeciv client program.

Definition at line 1733 of file gui_main.c.

◆ main_message_area_size_allocate()

static void main_message_area_size_allocate ( GtkWidget *  widget,
GtkAllocation *  allocation,
gpointer  data 

When the chatline text view is resized, scroll it to the bottom. This prevents users from accidentally missing messages when the chatline gets scrolled up a small amount and stops scrolling down automatically.

Definition at line 330 of file gui_main.c.

◆ map_canvas_focus()

gboolean map_canvas_focus ( void  )

Focus on map canvas

Definition at line 347 of file gui_main.c.

◆ migrate_options_from_gtk2()

static void migrate_options_from_gtk2 ( void  )

Migrate gtk3 client specific options from gtk2 client options.

Definition at line 1741 of file gui_main.c.

◆ migrate_options_from_gtk3()

static void migrate_options_from_gtk3 ( void  )

Migrate gtk3.22 client specific options from gtk3 client options.

Definition at line 1796 of file gui_main.c.

Referenced by activate_gui(), and ui_main().

◆ monitor_size()

static bool monitor_size ( GdkRectangle *  rect_p)

Return dimensions of primary monitor, if any (in 'application pixels')

Definition at line 2516 of file gui_main.c.

Referenced by screen_height(), and screen_width().

◆ mouse_scroll_mapcanvas()

static gboolean mouse_scroll_mapcanvas ( GtkWidget *  w,
GdkEventScroll *  ev 

Mouse/touchpad scrolling over the mapview

Definition at line 671 of file gui_main.c.

◆ options_extra_init()

void options_extra_init ( void  )

Extra initializers for client options. Here we make set the callback for the specific gui-gtk-3.22 options.

Definition at line 2442 of file gui_main.c.

◆ parse_options()

static bool parse_options ( int  argc,
char **  argv 

Search for gui-specific command-line options.

Definition at line 274 of file gui_main.c.

◆ populate_unit_image_table()

static void populate_unit_image_table ( void  )

Called to build the unit_below pixmap table. This is the table on the left of the screen that shows all of the inactive units in the current tile.

It may be called again if the tileset changes.

Definition at line 858 of file gui_main.c.

◆ popup_quit_dialog()

void popup_quit_dialog ( void  )

Popups the dialog with the message: Are you sure you want to quit?

Definition at line 2312 of file gui_main.c.

◆ print_usage()

static void print_usage ( void  )

Print extra usage information, including one line help on each option, to stderr.

Definition at line 251 of file gui_main.c.

◆ propagate_keypress()

static gboolean propagate_keypress ( GtkWidget *  w,
GdkEvent *  ev 

Propagates a keypress in a tearoff back to the toplevel window.

Definition at line 746 of file gui_main.c.

◆ quit_dialog_callback()

static gboolean quit_dialog_callback ( void  )

Popups the quit dialog.

Definition at line 2338 of file gui_main.c.

◆ quit_dialog_response()

static void quit_dialog_response ( GtkWidget *  dialog,
gint  response 

This is the response callback for the dialog with the message: Are you sure you want to quit?

Definition at line 2285 of file gui_main.c.

◆ quit_gtk_main()

void quit_gtk_main ( void  )

Exit gtk main loop.

Definition at line 2300 of file gui_main.c.

◆ real_focus_units_changed()

void real_focus_units_changed ( void  )

Called when the set of units in focus (get_units_in_focus()) changes. Standard updates like update_unit_info_label() are handled in the platform- independent code; we use this to keep the goto/airlift dialog up to date, if it's visible.

Definition at line 2112 of file gui_main.c.

◆ refresh_chat_buttons()

void refresh_chat_buttons ( void  )

Set the chatline buttons to reflect the state of the game and current client options. This function should be called on game start.

Definition at line 2472 of file gui_main.c.

◆ remove_net_input()

void remove_net_input ( void  )

This function is called if the client disconnects from the server

Definition at line 2274 of file gui_main.c.

◆ reset_unit_table()

void reset_unit_table ( void  )

Called when the tileset is changed to reset the unit pixmap table.

Definition at line 991 of file gui_main.c.

◆ resolution_request_get()

struct video_mode * resolution_request_get ( void  )

Give resolution requested by user, if any.

Definition at line 2574 of file gui_main.c.

◆ right_notebook_button_release()

static gboolean right_notebook_button_release ( GtkWidget *  widget,
GdkEventButton *  event 

Workaround for a crash that occurs when a button release event is emitted for a notebook with no pages. See PR#40743. FIXME: Remove this hack once gtk_notebook_button_release() in gtk/gtknotebook.c checks for NULL notebook->cur_page.

Definition at line 1043 of file gui_main.c.

◆ screen_height()

int screen_height ( void  )

Return height of the primary monitor

Definition at line 2556 of file gui_main.c.

◆ screen_width()

int screen_width ( void  )

Return width of the primary monitor

Definition at line 2538 of file gui_main.c.

◆ select_more_arrow_pixmap_callback()

static gboolean select_more_arrow_pixmap_callback ( GtkWidget *  w,
GdkEvent *  ev,
gpointer  data 

Callback for clicking a unit icon underneath unit info box. these are the units on the same tile as the focus unit.

Definition at line 2152 of file gui_main.c.

◆ select_unit_image_callback()

static gboolean select_unit_image_callback ( GtkWidget *  w,
GdkEvent *  ev,
gpointer  data 

Callback for clicking a unit icon underneath unit info box. these are the units on the same tile as the focus unit.

Definition at line 2121 of file gui_main.c.

◆ set_g_log_callback_domain()

static void set_g_log_callback_domain ( const char *  domain)

Set up g_log callback for a single domain.

Definition at line 1695 of file gui_main.c.

Referenced by set_g_log_callbacks().

◆ set_g_log_callbacks()

static void set_g_log_callbacks ( void  )

Set up g_log callbacks.

Definition at line 1707 of file gui_main.c.

Referenced by ui_init().

◆ set_unit_icon()

void set_unit_icon ( int  idx,
struct unit punit 

Set one of the unit icons in information area based on punit. Use punit == NULL to clear icon. Index 'idx' is -1 for "active unit", or 0 to (num_units_below - 1) for units below. Also updates unit_ids[idx] for idx >= 0.

Definition at line 2059 of file gui_main.c.

◆ set_unit_icons_more_arrow()

void set_unit_icons_more_arrow ( bool  onoff)

Set the "more arrow" for the unit icons to on(1) or off(0). Maintains a static record of current state to avoid unnecessary redraws. Note initial state should match initial gui setup (off).

Definition at line 2089 of file gui_main.c.

◆ set_wait_for_writable_socket()

static void set_wait_for_writable_socket ( struct connection pc,
bool  socket_writable 

Set socket writability state

Definition at line 2231 of file gui_main.c.

◆ setup_widgets()

static void setup_widgets ( void  )

Do the heavy lifting for the widget setup.

Definition at line 1095 of file gui_main.c.

◆ show_info_button_release()

static gboolean show_info_button_release ( GtkWidget *  w,
GdkEventButton *  ev,
gpointer  data 

Button released when showing info popup

Definition at line 2167 of file gui_main.c.

◆ show_info_popup()

static gboolean show_info_popup ( GtkWidget *  w,
GdkEventButton *  ev,
gpointer  data 

Popup info box

Definition at line 2180 of file gui_main.c.

◆ sound_bell()

void sound_bell ( void  )


Definition at line 2048 of file gui_main.c.

◆ tearoff_callback()

static void tearoff_callback ( GtkWidget *  b,
gpointer  data 

Callback for the toggle button in the detachable widget: causes the widget to detach or reattach.

Definition at line 757 of file gui_main.c.

◆ tearoff_destroy()

static void tearoff_destroy ( GtkWidget *  w,
gpointer  data 

Reattaches the detached widget when the user destroys it.

Definition at line 723 of file gui_main.c.

◆ timer_callback()

static gboolean timer_callback ( gpointer  data)

Called while in gtk_main() (which is all of the time) TIMER_INTERVAL is now set by real_timer_callback()

Definition at line 238 of file gui_main.c.

◆ toplevel_focus()

static gboolean toplevel_focus ( GtkWidget *  w,
GtkDirectionType  arg 

Focus on widget. Returns whether focus was really changed.

Definition at line 303 of file gui_main.c.

◆ toplevel_handler()

static gboolean toplevel_handler ( GtkWidget *  w,
GdkEvent *  ev,
gpointer  data 

In GTK+ keyboard events are recursively propagated from the hierarchy parent down to its children. Sometimes this is not what we want. E.g. The inputline is active, the user presses the 's' key, we want it to be sent to the inputline, but because the main menu is further up the hierarchy, it wins and the inputline never gets anything! This function ensures an entry widget (like the inputline) always gets first dibs at handling a keyboard event.

Definition at line 364 of file gui_main.c.

◆ toplevel_key_press_handler()

static gboolean toplevel_key_press_handler ( GtkWidget *  w,
GdkEventKey *  ev,
gpointer  data 

Handle a keyboard key press made in the client's toplevel window.

Definition at line 587 of file gui_main.c.

◆ toplevel_key_release_handler()

static gboolean toplevel_key_release_handler ( GtkWidget *  w,
GdkEventKey *  ev,
gpointer  data 

Handler for "key release" for toplevel window

Definition at line 569 of file gui_main.c.

◆ ui_exit()

void ui_exit ( void  )

Do any necessary UI-specific cleanup

Definition at line 2029 of file gui_main.c.

◆ ui_init()

void ui_init ( void  )

Called from main().

Definition at line 1723 of file gui_main.c.

◆ ui_main()

int ui_main ( int  argc,
char **  argv 

Called from client_main(), is what it's named.

Definition at line 1855 of file gui_main.c.

◆ update_turn_done_tooltip()

void update_turn_done_tooltip ( void  )

Override background color for canvases Update tooltip of the Turn Done button

Definition at line 1076 of file gui_main.c.

Variable Documentation

◆ ahbox

GtkWidget * ahbox

Definition at line 139 of file gui_main.c.

◆ allied_chat_toggle_button

GtkWidget* allied_chat_toggle_button

Definition at line 178 of file gui_main.c.

◆ avbox

GtkWidget* avbox

Definition at line 139 of file gui_main.c.

◆ bottom_hpaned

GtkWidget* bottom_hpaned

Definition at line 130 of file gui_main.c.

◆ bottom_notebook

GtkWidget * bottom_notebook

Definition at line 128 of file gui_main.c.

◆ bulb_ebox

GtkWidget* bulb_ebox

Definition at line 155 of file gui_main.c.

◆ bulb_label

GtkWidget* bulb_label

Definition at line 143 of file gui_main.c.

◆ city_names_style

PangoFontDescription* city_names_style = NULL

Definition at line 132 of file gui_main.c.

◆ city_productions_style

PangoFontDescription* city_productions_style = NULL

Definition at line 133 of file gui_main.c.

◆ client_string

const char* client_string = GUI_NAME_FULL

Definition at line 104 of file gui_main.c.

◆ conn_box

GtkWidget * conn_box

Definition at line 139 of file gui_main.c.

◆ cur_x

gint cur_x

Definition at line 183 of file gui_main.c.

◆ cur_y

gint cur_y

Definition at line 183 of file gui_main.c.

◆ econ_ebox

GtkWidget* econ_ebox

Definition at line 154 of file gui_main.c.

◆ econ_label

GtkWidget* econ_label[10]

Definition at line 142 of file gui_main.c.

◆ flake_ebox

GtkWidget* flake_ebox

Definition at line 157 of file gui_main.c.

◆ flake_label

GtkWidget* flake_label

Definition at line 145 of file gui_main.c.

◆ government_ebox

GtkWidget* government_ebox

Definition at line 158 of file gui_main.c.

◆ government_label

GtkWidget* government_label

Definition at line 146 of file gui_main.c.

◆ gui_character_encoding

const char* const gui_character_encoding = "UTF-8"

Definition at line 160 of file gui_main.c.

◆ gui_up

bool gui_up = FALSE

Definition at line 185 of file gui_main.c.

◆ gui_use_transliteration

const bool gui_use_transliteration = FALSE

Definition at line 161 of file gui_main.c.

◆ main_frame_civ_name

GtkWidget* main_frame_civ_name

Definition at line 136 of file gui_main.c.

◆ main_label_info

GtkWidget* main_label_info

Definition at line 137 of file gui_main.c.

◆ main_menubar

GtkWidget* main_menubar

Definition at line 163 of file gui_main.c.

◆ main_message_area

GtkTextView* main_message_area

Definition at line 176 of file gui_main.c.

◆ map_canvas

GtkWidget* map_canvas

Definition at line 106 of file gui_main.c.

◆ map_horizontal_scrollbar

GtkWidget* map_horizontal_scrollbar

Definition at line 107 of file gui_main.c.

◆ map_vertical_scrollbar

GtkWidget* map_vertical_scrollbar

Definition at line 108 of file gui_main.c.

◆ map_widget

GtkWidget* map_widget

Definition at line 129 of file gui_main.c.

◆ message_buffer

GtkTextBuffer* message_buffer = NULL

Definition at line 177 of file gui_main.c.

◆ more_arrow_pixmap

GtkWidget* more_arrow_pixmap

Definition at line 169 of file gui_main.c.

◆ more_arrow_pixmap_button

GtkWidget* more_arrow_pixmap_button

Definition at line 170 of file gui_main.c.

◆ more_arrow_pixmap_container

GtkWidget* more_arrow_pixmap_container

Definition at line 171 of file gui_main.c.

◆ overview_canvas

GtkWidget* overview_canvas

Definition at line 110 of file gui_main.c.

◆ overview_canvas_store_height

int overview_canvas_store_height = OVERVIEW_CANVAS_STORE_HEIGHT

Definition at line 122 of file gui_main.c.

◆ overview_canvas_store_width

int overview_canvas_store_width = OVERVIEW_CANVAS_STORE_WIDTH

Definition at line 121 of file gui_main.c.

◆ overview_scrolled_window

GtkWidget* overview_scrolled_window

Definition at line 111 of file gui_main.c.

◆ reqtree_text_style

PangoFontDescription* reqtree_text_style = NULL

Definition at line 134 of file gui_main.c.

◆ right_notebook

GtkWidget * right_notebook

Definition at line 128 of file gui_main.c.

◆ root_window

GdkWindow* root_window

Definition at line 125 of file gui_main.c.

◆ scroll_panel

GtkWidget* scroll_panel

Definition at line 140 of file gui_main.c.

◆ srv_channel

GIOChannel* srv_channel

Definition at line 181 of file gui_main.c.

◆ srv_id

guint srv_id

Definition at line 182 of file gui_main.c.

◆ sun_ebox

GtkWidget* sun_ebox

Definition at line 156 of file gui_main.c.

◆ sun_label

GtkWidget* sun_label

Definition at line 144 of file gui_main.c.

◆ timeout_label

GtkWidget* timeout_label

Definition at line 147 of file gui_main.c.

◆ timer_id

gint timer_id

Definition at line 180 of file gui_main.c.

◆ top_notebook

GtkWidget* top_notebook

Definition at line 128 of file gui_main.c.

◆ top_vbox

GtkWidget* top_vbox

Definition at line 127 of file gui_main.c.

◆ toplevel

GtkWidget* toplevel

Definition at line 124 of file gui_main.c.

◆ toplevel_tabs

GtkWidget* toplevel_tabs

Definition at line 126 of file gui_main.c.

◆ turn_done_button

GtkWidget* turn_done_button

Definition at line 148 of file gui_main.c.

◆ unit_below_image

GtkWidget* unit_below_image[MAX_NUM_UNITS_BELOW]

Definition at line 167 of file gui_main.c.

◆ unit_below_image_button

GtkWidget* unit_below_image_button[MAX_NUM_UNITS_BELOW]

Definition at line 168 of file gui_main.c.

◆ unit_id_top

int unit_id_top

Definition at line 173 of file gui_main.c.

◆ unit_ids

int unit_ids[MAX_NUM_UNITS_BELOW]

Definition at line 174 of file gui_main.c.

◆ unit_image

GtkWidget* unit_image

Definition at line 165 of file gui_main.c.

◆ unit_image_button

GtkWidget* unit_image_button

Definition at line 166 of file gui_main.c.

◆ unit_image_table

GtkWidget* unit_image_table

Definition at line 164 of file gui_main.c.

◆ unit_info_box

GtkWidget* unit_info_box

Definition at line 151 of file gui_main.c.

◆ unit_info_frame

GtkWidget* unit_info_frame

Definition at line 152 of file gui_main.c.

◆ unit_info_label

GtkWidget* unit_info_label

Definition at line 150 of file gui_main.c.

◆ vmode

struct video_mode vmode = { -1, -1 }

Definition at line 187 of file gui_main.c.