This is a list of main features of current main development version
relative to freeciv-3.2.

Last commit checked:

commit fbf34300c6db3199ce6d6af8726d65d0cb25faa6
Author: Marko Lindqvist <>
Date:   Thu Dec 19 06:32:21 2024 +0200

- Autosettlers have been renamed as Autoworkers
- Granularity ruleset added to the distribution
- New "World Peace" victory type

Non-ruleset rules:
- New MOST CULTURAL historian report type

Included rulesets:

- Most rulesets with disasters enabled have got a new "Robbery" disaster


Sandbox: (CHECK full list)
- In general; rules demonstrating each new ruleset engine feature added




- Storm is a flagless unit

Custom rulesets:
- New internal actions, things that can now be controlled by action enablers:
  - Gain Veterancy
  - Escape
  - Civil War

- New unit actions:
  - Stack Bribe

- Fake Generalized actions:
  - Teleport
  - Build Road
  - Build Base
  - Build Irrigation
  - Built Mine
  - Cultivate
  - Plant
  - Transform Terrain
  - Fortify
  - Clean
  - Pillage

- Added support for "Flagless" unit types
- "Action" requirement can now refer to the action that started unit's current activity

- New requirement types:
  - MinCities
  - MaxDistanceSq
  - MaxRegionTiles
  - TileRel

- Goods have a priority properties
  - One controlling how the trade routes replace each other
  - One controlling which good a newly created trade route should carry
- "Collect Ransom" action requirements unhardcoded
  - Target nation no longer needs to be barbarian
  - Separated "ProvidesRansom" unit type flag from "BarbarianLeader" role
- New disaster effect type "Robbery"
- Clauses can have "either_reqs" that either party need to meet
- New building flag "Indestructible"

- New effect types
  - "Tech_Leakage" enablement
  - "Culture_Pct", multiplicative with History and Performance effects
  - "Veteran_Work"
  - "Civil_War_City_Bonus"

- New ranges supported for some requirements:
  - UnitType:      Tile, CAdjacent, Adjacent
  - UnitTypeFlag:  Tile, CAdjacent, Adjacent
  - UnitClass:     Tile, CAdjacent, Adjacent
  - UnitClassFlag: Tile, CAdjacent, Adjacent
  - Tech:          Local
  - TechFlag:      Local

- New improvement flag "Infra"

- Terrain class specific border claiming rules unhardcoded

- Requirement type "UnitFlag" renamed as "UnitTypeFlag"

- Action "Conquer City" renamed as "Conquer City Shrink"

- New field "ruledit.std_tileset_compat" to control how ruleset gets updated
  in relation to standard tileset changes

- Martial_Law_Each renamed as Martial_Law_By_Unit and now supports unit granularity requirements

- Comment field added for enablers. Unlike .ini -file format comments, these comments survive
  resaving of the loaded rulesets by ruledit or ruleup

- Action ui_names now defined in new action_xxx -sections, replacing old ui_name_xxx -fields

- Vision_site original owner information is properly saved and loaded to/from a savegame

- Pearl Harbour rule renamed as Pearl Harbor

Custom scenarios:

Lua scripting:
- New methods and variables:
  - edit.change_city_size() / City:change_size()
  - City:nationality_citizens()
  - edit.city_create() / Player:city_create(), depraceted edit.create_city() / Player:create_city()
  - edit.change_citizen_nationality() / City:change_nationality()
  - Unit.nationality
  - Player:tag_score()
  - Player:diplstate()
  - Player:love()
  - Player:add_love()

- New signals:
  - unit_transferred

- action_..._unit_units signals renamed as action_..._unit_stack

Server operation:
- Map image is saved also on game end, like on regular turn change


- Reduce want of settlers if "Found City" action is not enabled

- Support for loading options from ancient .civclientrc dropped
- Tilesets now have .modpack files

- Focus unit selection animation frame count unhardcoded
- Animated action_decision_want icon supported, and animated in supplied tilesets
- Animated "Single" sprite extras supported
- Animated "3Layer" extras supported

- Experimental gtk4x-client
  (supported on meson builds only, at the moment)

- Experimental Qt6x build-time mode



Modpack Installers:
- Experimental gtk4x modpack installer

Build & Portability:
- Source directory can no longer be used as build directory in
  autotools builds
- Web-version can no longer be built with autotools. It can be built
  with meson only.
- Support for autotools based installer_cross builds dropped
- supports using separate builddir (but scripts on top if it don't)
- Dropped support for 32bit msys2 installers completely
